Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Economic Effects of Isolating Russia

Russia and Ukraine conflict drew unanimity from the international community, who used trade and financial sanctions to isolate Russia economically. Russia’s combat operations reshaped international ties in unanticipated ways with the majority of nations. Russia is the most negatively impacted nation, with production declining by 14.8 percent when sanctions are also imposed by Australia, Canada, Japan, the United States, and the EU. Kingdom. Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, and Poland are among the European nations whose economies are most closely allied with Russia in terms of proximity and economic flow. The two economic sectors in Russia that have been most impacted are mining and excavation and export/import. The effects of financial sanctions, exchange rates, commodities prices, and more are not taken into account.

This conflict has caused a number of direct economic effects on the price of key Russian exports, including oil, gas, coal, wheat, and aluminum, among other commodities. At the same time, there was a collapse in global stock markets, a weakening of the ruble, and a rise in the price of gold, a haven for investors during periods of extreme unpredictability. European and other Western nations responded to this military action with immediate, planned, progressive, and more severe than anticipated economic and financial consequences. Since Germany is so heavily dependent on energy, despite the fact that economic sanctions have targeted certain Russian economic sectors, gas imports are nonetheless unrestricted in that country. The purpose of the financial sanctions was to block Russian banks from using the SWIFT system and to freeze Russian assets. Although the conflict has not been ended by these sanctions, they are attempting to make it more challenging to fund this conflict. Despite this, Russia has insisted that it has enough financial assets to sustain financial stability in the face of external threats and sanctions. At this point, it is impossible to tell how long this conflict will last. The numerous negative repercussions, however, will persist for years and have an impact on both Russia and the nations that apply them. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has stated that this conflict will seriously affect the world economy due to increased energy and raw material prices, inflationary pressures and supply chain disruptions. In addition, the IMF states that countries close to the countries in the conflict will face serious problems due to the disruption of trade flows and the growing influx of refugees. Economic effects of displaced populations, monetary sanctions, the length of the conflict and the sanctions, the destruction of production capacity, changes in global trade patterns, new geopolitical and trade alliances, and several other factors are not simulated.

Therefore, it is only possible to interpret that for any economic effects that this conflict may have. The effects of these sanctions are also felt in close-proximity European nations with significant commerce with Russia. The effects of these sanctions are also felt in close-proximity European nations with significant commerce with Russia, including Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Slovakia, and Sweden, among others. However, despite its huge reliance on Russian gas, Germany’s economic impact is very minor. Re-exports and re-imports, mining and quarrying, hotels and restaurants, public administration, metal goods, petroleum, and chemical and non-metallic mineral products are the sectors of the Russian economy that have seen the worst decreases. In other European nations, the reexport and re-import, electrical and machinery, metal products, and food and beverage sectors are also severely impacted. Financial sanctions, the length of the conflict and the sanctions, the destruction of manufacturing capacity, and changes to international trade all have an effect on the economy in a negative way. Economic effects of displaced populations, monetary sanctions, the length of the conflict and the sanctions, the destruction of production capacity, changes in global trade patterns, new geopolitical and trade alliances.

Pakistan, China Seeking For Stability In Afghanistan

Recent discussions between Pakistan and China have concentrated on the idea of expanding the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) to also include Afghanistan. According to a formal statement, the two parties held discussions of mutual concern, including the political and security situation in Afghanistan, Pakistan’s and China’s humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan, and other topics. It is obvious that peaceful and stable Afghanistan would lead to regional development so both, Islamabad and China, noted that connected Afghanistan will also enhance regional trade. Geopolitical and economic concerns in Afghanistan are shared by Pakistan and China. Both had been released when the Taliban took control of the war-torn nation in August of last year. Both could be fine with the Taliban’s reign in Afghanistan, but their security considerations may prove challenging.

China and Pakistan have increased up their contacts with the Afghan interim Taliban government in previous months to look for opportunities to expand economic and humanitarian relations with the turmoil nation. China and Pakistan are two neighboring states which believe that if the unrest is not handled, it could lead to a large-scale migration of Afghan refugees and enable international terrorists to conduct cross-border operations on Afghan territory. CPEC is a component of China’s largest project, the “Belt and Road Initiative,” which aims to revive the nation’s ancient trading routes in the south-east Asian coastline nations.

Both parties underlined their strong support for one another’s policy objectives and top issues, as well as their commitment to deepen strategic communication, such as at the highest political level and through pragmatic cooperation. Fostering intercultural exchange, offering humanitarian aid, and boosting commerce and transportation capacity is also equally important. Now, India may have security concerns as a result of Pakistan and China’s consideration of expanding the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) to include Afghanistan. Taliban needs to cooperate as well to make things better and assure their engagement and security while China and Pakistan seek to bring stability in Afghanistan.

Global Recession And Sustainable Development

It is reasonable to assume that the global financial crisis and the ensuing economic downturn would have had at least the advantage of slowing down environmental degradation in the different nations. The slowdown in economic growth has some immediate advantages for the environment. These benefits include a decrease in the rate of air and water pollution due to less energy use, which directly affects the health of the urban underprivileged. The costs associated with several environment protection measures, like those linked to energy savings, the protection of natural resources, and water environment, are likely to be much greater than the limited gains to global and regional environments that result from the economic slowdown. Energy and environmental investments are impacted on both the supply and demand sides.

On the other hand, businesses and households pay less for energy efficiency measures. Decreasing credit and lowering prices have made investments in energy saving and environmental protection less economically attractive, and the economic crisis has caused end users to limit their spending in general. In addition, solution providers are expected to reduce their investment in research, development and commercialization of more efficient energy models unless they can obtain government financial support. It is a livelihood opportunity for the poor in rural areas. In addition, the development of wastewater treatment plans to limit the release of pollutants into rivers could be further delayed in many countries and is expected to harm the aquatic environment. Thus, in sum, the small benefits to the global and local environment from economic recession can be far less than the cost of many environmental protection measures to improve the living conditions of the poor.

The natural resources and ecosystem services provided by the environment are essential to support economic growth and better living conditions for the poor. Inaction on important environmental issues such as climate change can have serious economic consequences in the future. These concerns justify government actions to support investment in green growth measures and promote direct investment or financial incentives for low-carbon, energy-efficient and environmentally clean technologies. The investment required to put the national economy on a low-carbon green growth path is much higher than expected.

Rise In Fuel Prices And Food Security

There is a critical relationship between fuel prices and food security. Higher oil prices raise costs in using energy for agricultural supply and production, which increases the cost of basic food. This is a very well global phenomenon that whenever fuel oil costs rise, GDP growth rates drop and inflation rises. It also has an impact on consumer goods, transportation, agriculture, industry, and the purchase of raw materials for factories. Food distribution also gets affected because of the rise in fuel prices.

Fossil fuels are extensively used in machinery and equipment used in agricultural areas, the production of fertilizers, irrigation, fishing, livestock, and forestry, among other industries, in Pakistan under the present circumstances. This is why it is evident that the rise in fuel prices are affecting the food security. Two-thirds of the world’s agricultural industry is made up of costly Asia. Pakistan is also dependent on agricultural production, which makes for as much as a quarter of the total GDP. In this aspect, the agricultural sector has been attacked hard by the current energy and fuel crisis, crop disease, and ongoing climatic and topographical changes. There is a big example of a country which has recently been badly affected by the rise in fuel prices and that is Sri-Lanka. The shortage of fuel deprived the whole nation from basic human rights which also includes food security.

Over 90 million people in Pakistan are already suffering hunger at the time this is happening. However, authorities should also be very vigilant about nutritional insecurity in addition to food insecurity. Malnutrition is frequently caused mostly by poverty in developing countries like Pakistan. There is a need of minimizing the dependence of the agricultural sector on fossil fuels and carbon footprint. The nation’s energy policies also need to be updated in order to implement resource strategies. In order to increase financial support and improve manufacturing capabilities for renewable energy, inter-sectorial strategic analysis is also necessary.

How To Tackle Climate Crisis In Pakistan?

Climate change is something which is inevitable now. Every year, we witness climate events which clearly shows that that climate change is here. The risk of droughts are no less, acid rains causing and water pollution causing oceans to get acidified and melting of the glaciers, this all resulting in the millions of climate refugees in the making.

Pakistan being one of the most vulnerable nations to climate change, made very minimal efforts to mainstream the narrative of climate change, with the nation’s economic and political turmoil primarily stealing the show since the country’s political and economic issues are much more dominant. Climate change is one nontraditional threat to security that cannot be neglected for longer. The lives of human beings and other living things is associated with climate change. The oxygen we breathe and the food we eat, is all effected by climate change. Small steps at the individual level do matter and makes a lot of difference. We mostly hear about the bottom-up approach when it comes to climate change but the top down approach can also be helpful to tackle this climate change.

To tackle the climate crisis, adopting progressive legislation and establishing a sound framework for even provincial ministerial portfolios, the role of federal ministries is crucial. Without meaningful structural changes, Pakistan cannot merely grow its way out of the climate challenge. Even the federal climate change ministry itself requires a significant revamp. While nations around the world are doubling, tripling, and even quadruplicating their resources for combating climate change, the government must be open in how it distributes its funds and avoid making programs political. Despite the government, NGO’s, and other social workers efforts of planting trees, there is much deforestation in Pakistan which needs to be decreased. By the end of this decade, the federal government must establish medium-term plans to phase out coal. Renewable energy helps the environment as well as our unstable economy by generating income. Pakistan must simultaneously develop the necessary infrastructure for a smoother switch to electric vehicles (EV). To ensure a strong response to climate change across the nation, the ministry must establish an interprovincial unit as well.

Tourism And its Importance For a Country like Pakistan

Tourism is vital to the success of many economies around the world, especially in the country like Pakistan. There are several advantages of tourism in host destinations. Tourism increases the income of the economy, creates thousands of jobs, develops the country’s infrastructure and creates a sense of cultural exchange between foreigners and citizens. The number of jobs created by tourism in many different areas is significant. These jobs are not only part of the tourism sector, but can also include the agriculture sector, the transport sector, the health sector and the education sector. Tourism is a great opportunity for foreigners to learn about a new culture, but it also creates many opportunities for local citizens. It enables young entrepreneurs to introduce new products and services that would not be sustainable for local residents alone. In addition, residents feel the benefits of tourism in their own country.Along with tourist spending, businesses and people frequently contribute to the local economy by investing their travel earnings. Therefore, the tourism sector helps the local economy by generating additional revenue that is then spent there. Because a significant chunk of every cent made from tourism is continually reintroduced into the economy, it is for this reason that tourist income is frequently referred to as the multiplier impact. The multiplier effect is evident here.

Assuming there is understanding and policy on the part of stakeholders to develop the tourism culture, tourism can be a multibillion dollar sector in Pakistan. A nation’s image and reputation are assessed based on its ability to offer tourists, particularly foreign travelers, basic amenities.Why can’t Pakistan, a nation endowed with stunning natural beauty, earn more from tourism than India and China, which both generate more than $20 billion year, and numerous European nations like Switzerland, France, the UK, Italy, and Greece, which generate several hundred billions annually. Country is endowed with attractive tourists as well as historical and religious monuments that draw big numbers of foreign visitors. Peaks, glaciers, lakes, and forests in the north of Pakistan are well-known for attracting both domestic and foreign tourists in their millions. The historical buildings of Texila and Mohenjo Daro can also be very popular with visitors from abroad. The deserts of Sindh’s Tharparkar and Punjab’s Cholistan, as well as Pakistan’s seashore, particularly in Balochistan, have the potential to draw both domestic and international visitors in considerable numbers. Apart from the natural beauty of Pakistan, there are a lot of architectural sites and jewels in Pakistan, which, if maintained, will attract and leave many tourists amazed.

The governing bodies must ensure that sufficient facilities are provided if they are interested in promoting the tourism industry and domestic tourism. As tourism helps in growing economy of the host state it also does promote cultural diplomacy. Tourism also helps is promoting the positive image of any host country if it’s being taken seriously. The government should take all appropriate steps to strengthen the law and order situation. The government should then offer a variety of facilities in hotels and rental properties. It should be comfortable and simple to travel. There will be a boom in tourism as a result of all of this. The country’s tourism industry ought to meet the highest standards internationally. With this, Pakistan would become a highly hospitable nation for tourists.Many tourists travel to experience the host destination’s culture, various traditions and gastronomy. It is very convenient for local restaurants, shopping centers and shops. Governments that rely on tourism for a large percentage of their income invest heavily in the country’s infrastructure.They want more and more tourists to visit their country, which means safe and modern facilities are essential. This leads to new roads and highways, built parks, improved public spaces, new airports, and perhaps even better schools and hospitals. Secure and innovative infrastructures enable the smooth flow of goods and services. In addition, local people experience the opportunity for economic and educational growth. Tourism creates a cultural exchange between tourists and local citizens. Exhibitions, conferences and events usually attract foreigners. Organizers typically earn profits from registration fees, gift sales, exhibit space, and media copyright sales. In addition, foreign tourists bring diversity and cultural enrichment to the host country

The Quad Lateral Ties Between India, Israel, US and UAE: “i2u2”

India, Israel, the US, and the UAE come together to strengthen their political and business connections while the whole world faces instability. The West Asia Quad is an aspect of the “diversification” strategy as nations search for renewed alliances in a world in transition. This partnership provides facilities for renewable energy and another of food corridor may be announced during the first summit of the chiefs of state and government of India, Israel, the United States, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), known as the West Asian “Quad”, which is also known as ” I2U2″.

This strategic sustainability seems to take place because of rising political and economic concerns, high inflation, increasing food and fuel prices, and a pandemic that turned upside down long-standing business practices. The I2U2 is expected to promote cooperative investments in six collectively agreed categories, comprising water, energy, transportation, space, health, and food security. In order to help modernise the infrastructure, develop clean energy for industries, strengthen public health, and promote the development of essential emerging and green technologies, it plans to mobilise private sector investments. The Abraham Accords, which brought Israel and a group of Arab Gulf states led by the UAE into official partnership and recognition in 2020, certainly set the stage for the I2U2. The grouping’s goal is obviously to foster more effective collaboration in areas where both regions can support one another’s economic security. Israel now has the chance to market its technology-driven products, something the nation is known for, using the financial might of hubs like Gulf states. However, by designating food security as a top summit goal, I2U2 has expressed a desire to address the conflict’s negative global effects Since the Russia Ukraine conflict, which caused an increase in food prices worldwide, food security has become highly significant.

Gulf states too were the first to benefit from it, owing to Israeli defence advances. Although the corridor was first proposed three years ago with the intention of providing food security for the UAE, its importance has increased in light of contemporary global food crisis, which is in part being caused by grains that are being held at ports as a result of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. With a boost from the 2020 Abraham Accords, which led to normalisation agreements between Israel and numerous Arab neighbours, including the UAE, I2U2’s rise can be linked to the fast expanding cooperation among its member countries. I2U2 is being advanced by Washington for several reasons, including broadening the geographic scope of its most important partnerships, reviving alliances and partnerships that suffered under the administration of Donald Trump, and trying to redefine its relationship with the Middle East in a time when it wants a smaller existence there.Biden must strike a balance between maintaining to be a significant player in the region while also avoiding becoming involved in a conflict.

The recent, chaotic American pullout from Afghanistan has only increased Gulf concerns about what future American support without mutually agreed-upon guarantees might entail. Furthermore, they are ready to let countries like Russia and China space in the Middle East in order to broaden their strategic moves and protect their interests. India uses its positive relationships with Israel, the Gulf, and the US to the foundation for economic growth and business relationships. Geopolitics and geoeconomics cannot be separated, and the geopolitics of the Middle East remains unstable despite the Abraham Accords. This partnership is going to effect the Iran crisis and will have an equal effect on the Palestine issue. Not only this, but countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan would also have an equal impact. The I2U2 grouping offers a platform for all the member states to identify new areas of collaboration, which could be a game-changer in the region. I2U2 can also be taken as the I2U2 countries strategy to contain the economic giant China since it is already investing a lot in the projects like BRI. I2U2 lacks a compelling, cohesive cause. The Indo-Pacific Quad, in contrast, is motivated by a shared ambition to challenge Beijing. Given China’s expanding trade ties with both Israel and the UAE

Sri Lanka: The Island Nation In Turmoil

Sri Lanka has been devastated by a lack of foreign currency, making it difficult for it to pay for imports of food, energy, and medication. For months, its residents have been suffering from recurring power outages, record-high inflation, and currency devaluation. The president has been blamed for this condition of Sri Lanka. The government blames the pandemic for this since according to them, COVID has affected the economy of Sri Lanka generated by tourism. It’s the government’s failure as well that it was not able to tackle this issue. People are dying while waiting in fuel lines and are struggling to eat three meals a day. It has led to large-scale protests.

The Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) increased borrowing prices in an effort to combat the country’s record-high inflation and restrain any growth in underlying demand. Insufficient foreign money is available in Sri Lanka to cover imports. Therefore, it has stopped selling petrol to regular people. As per estimates, it is the first nation for it since the 1970s. Officials estimated that there was only a week’s worth of fuel left for vital services like buses, trains, and medical vehicles over the last week. There is a shortage of food as well. Sri Lanka decided to concentrate more on supplying goods to the domestic market after its civil war ended in 2009 rather than attempting to enter other markets. Therefore, export revenue remained low while import costs continued to rise. Sri Lanka currently imports $3 billion more yearly than it exports, which is why it has run out of foreign exchange.

It is quite natural that when the population gets deprived of basic human rights, the frustration leads towards the protest against the government. Population is demanding the removal of the president and prime-minister. People and Sri-Lanka started protesting and the protests are now turning into the violent circumstances in Sri Lanka. Police is there to resist the protestors. As the violence worsens, Sri Lankan police impose a curfew and use tear gas. Violence is not the solution. The current state of Sri Lanka’s economy and lack of political stability cannot be fixed by chaos and force.

Karachi: The City Being Affected By Floods Once Again

Karachi is a city that has always been affected by floods in every monsoon reason. There is no such crisis management in Karachi for this crisis. This issue needs to be taken into consideration since Karachi, the economic hub is deprived of basic disaster management leaving a city in a chaotic situation every monsoon season.

Since many of the roadways in Karachi’s residential and commercial sectors are now higher than the buildings’ grounds, water pours off them into the settlements, many of which lack drainage systems. Karachi has been continually warned that none until now is enough to prevent another disaster in Karachi, and that some recent road improvements will actually make the city more prone to flooding. Now there has been light rain again. However, the roads have been transformed into raging rivers, and low-lying regions next to the recently built roadways have turned into lakes without any means of disposal. Some of these low-lying places have water that cannot drain into the ocean. Karachi residents spend hours in rickshaws and vehicles waiting for the congestion to clear. Individuals and motorcycle riders must wade across the water to get where they are going. This water is frequently combined with the sewage that is building up in the sewer trunks.

Monitory and management institutions need to be effective. They should take steps prior to the monsoon season to prevent floods. Building storm-water drains on either side of highways is important to prevent them from flooding. Currently, storm water drainage relies on the sewerage system (where it exists). This is not enough to handle even a moderately heavy rainfall. The construction of the roads should be done accordingly to prevent the risk of flood. For example, the roads should not be constructed higher than the settlements. , Karachi needs to have collection points for low-lying areas from where water can be pumped into the sea. It is a very important matter since Karachi is the main economic hub of Pakistan and disasters like floods not only affects the living population there but, the whole economy gets disturbed by this.

Saudi Arab, Iraq And Iran: A Growing Relationship

All of the three states have a very complex relationship with each-other and it is evolving now. Iraqi president has recently visited Saudi Arab and Iran to discuss the regional stability. Iraq and Iran have recently agreed upon joining forces to promote peace and stability in the region. On the other hand, Iran and Saudi Arab, and Iraq and Saudi Arab, are restoring their relations too.

Saudi Arabia and Iran frequently highlight their political and religious conflicts rather than addressing their common regional interests. However, the example of Iraq, with which Iran fought a devastating war in the 1980s shows that differences, even a history of hostilities, can be transformed and set aside when it comes to shared geopolitical and economic interests between states. Iran and Iraq presently have some of the strongest political, social, and economic ties of any two Middle Eastern nations. Same is the case with Saudi Arab and Iran. Many analysts claim that religious differences between the two countries are the cause of the current “cold war.” They think Saudi Arabia and Iran are in competition for control of the Islamic world. These religious differences between the Sunnis ( Wahabism) and Shias ( Shiaism) become minor, when it comes to economic differences and competition for regional influence. Five rounds of negotiations between Riyadh and Tehran have taken place, which have been hosted by Iraq during the past year. According to the Iraqi president, “reconciliation is near between the rivals’’ and this is a sign of shifting political alignments across the region.

Improved ties between the three would benefit not only the Middle East but also North and East Africa, allowing Muslim nations to refocus on poverty eradication, intolerance of other religions, and terrorism as well as advancing democratic changes. Also, their evolving relationship can influence and help preventing the Israel’s control over Muslim holy sites, its expansion into the West Bank, as well as Israel’s covert nuclear weapons program. Normalization of relationship between Iran and Saudi Arab will also enhance closer ties with European Union. This triangle of Saudi Arab, Iraq and Iran will also facilitate economic stability in the region. It will also help them to seek stable oil prices knowing how important this market is to their economies.