Outbreak Of Another Disease

After the COVID, followed by the dieseases caused by flood Pakistan is again facing an outbreak of a disease diphtheria. The dangerous bacterial strains known as Corynebacterium diphtheriae that cause diphtheria produce a toxin. It may result in breathing difficulties, irregular heartbeat, and even death. To prevent diphtheria, the CDC advises vaccinations for newborns, kids, teenagers, and adults. Reasons and Methods of Spread. The National Institute of Health Islamabad has advised the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan to ensure that Diphtheria Antitoxin, which is used to treat infected patients along with antibiotics, is available in the nation following the deaths of dozens of children throughout the nation as a result of diphtheria. The bacterium “Corynebacterium diphtheria” produces toxins, and some strains of this bacterium cause the vaccine-preventable illness diphtheria. Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, and Haemophilus influenza type b vaccinations are administered to Pakistani children as a combination of five immunizations. In the Jamshoro area of Sindh province, a Pakistani paramedic checks a young patient at a medical camp.

ISLAMABAD: The National Institute of Health in Islamabad has “recommended” the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan to ensure the availability of diphtheria antitoxin in the nation, which is used to treat infected patients together with antibiotics. This recommendation comes in response to the deaths of scores of children throughout the nation as a result of diphtheria. ‘Corynebacterium diphtheria’ bacterium strains that produce toxins are what cause the vaccine-preventable illness diphtheria. Children in Pakistan receive a vaccination against five serious illnesses: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, and Haemophilus influenza type b. Diphtheria is a potentially fatal bacterial infection brought on by infection with toxin-producing strains of Corynebacterium diphtheria, according to an NIH advisory titled “Advisory for Prevention and Treatment of Corynebacterium diphtheria. Diphtheria is still sometimes recorded in Pakistan and is often common from November to February. According to the statement, anyone who has laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, and a visible adherent membrane on the tonsils, throat, and/or nose may be infected with Corynebacterium diphtheria. Diphtheria is an infectious, possibly fatal bacterial disease brought on by infection with Corynebacterium diphtheria toxin-producing strains, according to an NIH advisory. To stop the spread of the disease, diphtheria patients are isolated from the general population. After taking antibiotics for around 48 hours, an infected individual is no longer infectious. Tests will be repeated to confirm that the germs are eliminated when therapy is finished. You will receive a vaccination to guard against subsequent illnesses after the germs are eliminated.

Israel Palestine Conflict Or The Israel’s ‘’Illegal Occupation And Violence Against Palestinians’’?

International law is crystal clear: annexation and territorial conquest are prohibited by the Charter of the United Nations. Since 1967, Israeli forces have ruled over the occupied Palestinian territory. Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem are among the territories that have been divided. Gaza Strip is a little coastal region that shares a border with Egypt to the south. The kidney-shaped region to the east is known as the West Bank. It is named after the Jordan River since it is located west of its banks. On the Palestinian side of the 1949 Green Line is East Jerusalem. In the West Bank and East Jerusalem, there are three million Palestinians living. Israeli settlements are Jewish neighbourhoods erected on Palestinian territory. In the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, there are between 600,000 and 750,00 Israeli settlers residing in at least 250 settlements. According to international law, Israeli settlements are unlawful because they infringe on the Fourth Geneva Convention, which forbids an occupying force from relocating its people within the territory it occupies. Under Donald Trump’s administration, the US announced in 2019 that Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian territory were “not necessarily unlawful,” reversing decades of US policy. Compared to Israel’s population, the number of Israeli settlers in the West Bank and East Jerusalem is increasing more quickly. In the West Bank there were 463,535 registered settlers as of 2020, while in East Jerusalem there were 220,200. More over five million Palestinian refugees are officially registered, the majority of whom live outside of these camps. The world’s oldest unsolved refugee issue is the predicament of Palestinian refugees.

In the past, Israel has annexed two areas by itself. Israel refers to the territory it has annexed as ‘’applying Israeli sovereignty’’. The annexation of the Golan Heights by Israel was recognized by the US in 2019. Israel has been enforcing a maritime and air embargo on the Gaza Strip since 2007. Israel has attacked the Palestinian territories three times since 2008, killing thousands of people—mostly civilians. According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, Israeli soldiers murdered at least 170 Palestinians in the West Bank and the occupied East Jerusalem in 2022, including more than 30 children. There have also been at least 9,000 injuries. Observers, diplomats, and rights organisations have expressed alarm over Israel’s excessive use of lethal force in the West Bank in 2022, which has resulted in the high death toll. Israeli soldiers frequently “use guns against Palestinians on mere suspicion or as a precaution, in contravention of international standards,” according to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Shireen Abu Akleh, an experienced journalist for Al Jazeera, was killed by gunfire on May 11 when she was documenting a military attack on the Jenin refugee camp. Abu Akleh, a 51-year-old Palestinian-American TV reporter for Al Jazeera Arabic, has spent more than 25 years covering Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian lands. Her murder sparked a global uproar and caused shockwaves throughout the globe. Israeli legislative elections were conducted for the seventh time in less than four years in 2022. The results have led to the formation of the most far-right administration in the nation’s 74-year history, even if they appear to have momentarily put a stop to Israel’s protracted political instability. 2022 marks the sixth year in a row that the number of Israeli settler assaults in the occupied West Bank has increased.
It is 2023 and very much clear that this cannot be called as the Israel-Palestine ‘’conflict anymore’’. It is the unlawful act by the Israel and illegal annexation accompanied with the human rights viltions. The world should no more remail silent.

Tougher Year Ahead?

According to the chief of IMF, 2023 is going to be a tough one. He says 2023 to be tougher for global economy than 2022. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) chief has warned that this year would be more difficult than 2022 for the majority of the global economy because of the sluggish growth in the United States, the European Union, and China. IMF’s October drop of its global GDP outlook from 2.9 percent to 2.7 percent due to factors such as the conflict in Ukraine and significantly rising interest rates, keeping this in view these remarks were passed. Although there are concerns about China’s longer-term trajectory, Georgieva stated that she predicted China’s growth to improve before the end of the year. According to Georgieva, the conflict in Ukraine has deeply upset the EU, with half of the bloc anticipating a recession this year. However, the head of the IMF noted that the US economy has distinguished itself for its durability and may completely avoid contraction this year. 2023 will be a challenging year for most of the global economy as the primary drivers of global growth, the United States, Europe, and China, all see diminishing activity. Many analysts and investors are concerned that a U.S. recession is inevitable in 2023 due to geopolitical concerns, energy market imbalances, consistently high inflation numbers, and rising interest rates. The chance of a recession has increased throughout 2022 as a result of the Federal Reserve raising interest rates in an effort to combat inflation.

Considering reducing exposure to volatile stocks and increasing cash holdings may help. Cash may not be the most exciting play, but it reduces market risk and provides financial flexibility if a recession creates potential buying opportunities in 2023. Countries face a high risk of instability if there is political instability. The important factors in determining the countries’ instability are undergoing political transitions constraints on ruling elites and the degree of public participation in polity. So, in order to overcome inflation, states should also take diplomatic steps also help. The whole world is together in this phase of recession and can altogether stop it from the economic depression through various diplomatic efforts.


Global Warming Prevention As A New Year Resolution

Global warming prevention should be a New Year resolution for every country around the world. Global warming is one of the most pressing issues of our time. It is a phenomenon caused by the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, trapping heat and leading to an increase in the Earth’s average temperature. This has a wide range of impacts, from rising sea levels to more extreme weather events. The main cause of global warming is human activity. Burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat, leading to an increase in the Earth’s average temperature. This is known as the ‘greenhouse effect’. The effects of global warming are already being felt around the world. Sea levels are rising as the oceans warm and glaciers melt. This is leading to increased flooding in coastal areas and the displacement of people living in low-lying areas. Warmer temperatures are also leading to more extreme weather events, such as heat waves, droughts and hurricanes. The good news is that global warming is a problem that can be solved. The most effective way to reduce emissions is to switch to renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. Governments around the world are also introducing policies to reduce emissions, such as carbon taxes and emissions trading schemes. Individuals can also make a difference. Simple steps such as reducing energy consumption, eating less meat and using public transport can all help to reduce emissions. By taking action now, we can help to slow the effects of global warming and create a more sustainable future.

As the world continues to grapple with the effects of global warming, the situation is expected to worsen in 2023. The Earth’s average temperature is projected to increase by 1.5°C by the end of the decade, leading to a number of alarming consequences. One of the most immediate effects of global warming is an increase in extreme weather events. In 2023, this could mean more frequent and intense hurricanes, floods, and droughts. These events can cause significant damage to infrastructure, homes, and businesses, as well as disrupt food supplies and cause displacement of people. The rising temperatures will also cause sea levels to rise, threatening coastal cities and small island nations. This could lead to flooding, erosion, and the destruction of habitats. In addition, the warming ocean temperatures will cause coral bleaching, leading to the death of coral reefs and the loss of biodiversity. The warming climate will also have a major impact on agriculture. Higher temperatures will cause crops to fail and lead to food shortages. This could lead to an increase in malnutrition and poverty, as well as conflict over resources. Finally, global warming will also have a major impact on human health. Warmer temperatures will lead to an increase in air pollution, which can cause respiratory illnesses. In addition, the spread of diseases such as malaria and dengue fever will be exacerbated by the warmer climate. The effects of global warming in 2023 will be far-reaching and devastating. It is essential that we take action now to reduce emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change.

It is a global phenomenon that has been caused by human activities, and if left unchecked, it could have devastating consequences for the planet. Fortunately, there are a number of actions that can be taken globally to prevent global warming. The first step is to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are the primary source of greenhouse gas emissions, which are the main driver of global warming. By transitioning to renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and geothermal, we can reduce our emissions and help to slow down the process of global warming. Governments around the world should invest in renewable energy sources and incentivize businesses to switch to renewable energy sources. Another important step is to reduce deforestation. Deforestation is one of the leading causes of global warming, as it reduces the amount of carbon dioxide that is absorbed by trees and plants. Governments should invest in reforestation initiatives and create policies that encourage sustainable forestry practices. In addition, we must reduce our consumption of animal products. Animal agriculture is one of the leading causes of global warming, as it produces large amounts of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. Governments should incentivize people to reduce their consumption of animal products and switch to more sustainable plant-based diets. Finally, we must reduce our waste. Waste production is a major contributor to global warming, as it releases large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Governments should invest in waste management systems that reduce the amount of waste that is produced and encourage people to reduce their consumption and recycle more. By taking these actions, we can make a real difference in the fight against global warming. It is up to us to take action and ensure that our planet is protected for future generations.

Global Economic Instability

Global economic instability refers to a situation where there are significant fluctuations or disruptions in the global economy, which can have negative impacts on countries, businesses, and individuals. Some common causes of global economic instability include:
Financial crises: A financial crisis is a sudden and severe disruption in the financial system, which can be caused by a variety of factors such as asset bubbles, high levels of debt, or financial fraud. Financial crises can lead to economic downturns, high unemployment rates, and other negative impacts.
Trade disputes: Trade disputes between countries can lead to economic instability, especially if they involve major trading partners. For example, a trade dispute between the United States and China could have significant impacts on the global economy.

Geopolitical tensions: Political tensions or conflicts between countries can also lead to economic instability. For example, if there is a threat of military conflict between two countries, businesses may be reluctant to invest in those countries, leading to economic downturns.
Natural disasters: Natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods can disrupt economic activity in affected regions, leading to economic instability.
Pandemics: Pandemics such as COVID-19 has lead to economic instability as they disrupt global trade and supply chains, and also lead to reduced demand for goods and services due to lockdowns and other measures.

The world is going through these all situations right now at the same time which eventually has caused global recession. The current global recession is a result of the economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has had a devastating impact on the global economy, resulting in a sharp decline in economic activity, rising unemployment, and a sharp rise in poverty. The global recession has been particularly hard on developing countries, where the economic impact of the pandemic has been compounded by the lack of access to healthcare and other essential services. In many countries, the pandemic has caused a rapid increase in poverty, with millions of people unable to access basic necessities such as food and shelter. The economic impact of the pandemic has been felt across the world, with the United States, Europe, and China all experiencing a sharp decline in economic activity.

In the US, the unemployment rate has risen to 14.7%, the highest level since the Great Depression. In Europe, the Eurozone economy has contracted by 12.1% in the second quarter of 2020, the largest decline since records began in 1995. In China, the economy has contracted by 6.8% in the first quarter of 2020, the first contraction since 1976. The global recession has had a significant impact on global trade, with many countries experiencing a sharp decline in exports. This has resulted in a decrease in global demand for goods and services, leading to a decrease in global economic growth. The global recession has also had a significant impact on global financial markets. Stock markets around the world have experienced a sharp decline in prices, with many investors losing significant amounts of money. In addition, the value of the US dollar has declined significantly, resulting in a decrease in the purchasing power of many countries. The global recession has had a devastating impact on the global economy, and it is likely to take some time for the economy to recover. Geo-political tensions among the countries are going side by side and this has the great impact on the economies. One of the biggest example is of Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Governments around the world are taking measures to mitigate the economic impact of the pandemic, such as providing financial support to businesses and individuals, and implementing measures to stimulate economic activity. However, it is likely that it will take some time before the global economy returns to pre-pandemic levels. To mitigate the impacts of global economic instability, governments and international organizations may implement measures such as fiscal and monetary policy interventions, trade agreements, and emergency aid. It is important for countries to have strong economic policies and institutions to help them weather economic downturns and recover from them. Also, In addition, governments and businesses need to focus on creating jobs. This can be achieved through investment in infrastructure and education, as well as providing incentives for businesses to hire more workers. This will help to increase consumer spending and business investment, which will help to stimulate economic growth.

Energy Crisis In Europe: Impact Of Russia-Ukraine Conflict

The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has had a significant impact on the energy crisis in Europe. The crisis has been caused by a combination of factors, including the disruption of natural gas supplies from Russia, the closure of nuclear power plants in Ukraine, and the increasing demand for energy in Europe. Economic sanctions imposed by the European Union and the United States, which have had a significant impact on the energy sector in both countries. In particular, the sanctions have led to a disruption of natural gas supplies from Russia to Ukraine and Europe. Russia is the largest supplier of natural gas to Europe, providing around 30% of the continent’s total gas supply. This has resulted in a significant disruption to the energy supply in Europe, with some countries having to resort to alternative sources of energy. The crisis has also been exacerbated by the closure of several nuclear power plants in Ukraine. The closure of these plants has resulted in a significant reduction in the country’s energy production, which has had a knock-on effect on the energy supply in Europe.

The increasing demand for energy in Europe has also contributed to the energy crisis. As the population of Europe continues to grow, so does the demand for energy. This has led to a shortage of energy in some parts of Europe, with some countries having to resort to alternative sources of energy. The energy crisis in Europe has had a significant impact on the economy of the region. Many countries have had to increase their energy prices in order to make up for the shortfall in energy supply. This has had a negative impact on businesses and consumers, as well as on the environment. The energy crisis in Europe has been caused by a combination of factors, including the disruption of natural gas supplies from Russia, the closure of nuclear power plants in Ukraine, and the increasing demand for energy in Europe. It is essential that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is resolved in order to prevent further disruption to the energy supply in Europe.


Uk, Italy And Japan’s Joint Venture On Fighter Jets: Global Combat Air Programme (GCAP)

Japan, Britain, and Italy said that they will work together to create a next-generation fighter jet, opening the door for potential future collaboration with allies like the United States. By 2035, the new jet, which is expected to be completed, is anticipated to combine international research into cutting-edge air warfare technologies, from stealth capability to cutting-edge sensors. During a time when “threats and hostility are rising” globally, the three nations said in a joint statement that the ambitious endeavor will accelerate our advanced military capabilities and technology edge.

Their declaration was joined by a bunch of pictures showing a craftsman’s impression of the smooth new planes going by Mount Fuji and over London and Rome. However the three nations are as of now emptying billions of dollars into innovative warrior stream improvement, endeavors that will meet up under the joint task, called the Worldwide Battle Air Programme.”We share desire for this airplane to be the focal point of a more extensive battle air framework that will work across numerous spaces,” the assertion said. That incorporates “future interoperability with the US, with NATO and with our accomplices” in Europe, Asia and around the world, it made sense of. The US Division of Safeguard said it upheld the undertaking in a different joint proclamation with Japan’s protection ministry.”We have started significant cooperation through a progression of conversations on independent frameworks capacities, which could supplement Japan’s next warrior program among different stages,” the US-Japan explanation said. The declaration accompanies Japan ready to make the biggest update to its security system in many years. The public authority intends to increase guard spending – a disputable move in a country whose constitution limits military ability to apparently self-defensive measures. Be that as it may, the conflict in Ukraine, rehashed rocket dispatches from North Korea and developing tension from China have assisted form with supporting for a greater financial plan. A Japanese guard service official said the new warrior stream meant to surpass the capacities of existing models like the US’s F-35.

While the all out cost has not been finished, it won’t be borne exactly similarly between the three nations, the authority added. Japan’s Nikkei business day to day said that organizations Mitsubishi Weighty Enterprises, BAE Frameworks and Leonardo would administer the new undertaking, which is Tokyo’s second joint improvement after its SM-3 rocket made with Washington. The undertaking is the most recent high-profile illustration of partnered nations teaming up on an impromptu premise to foster protection hardware. Such moves demonstrated disputable last year, notwithstanding, when the US grabbed a worthwhile agreement to supply Australia with submarines from under French noses and sent off another US-UK-Australia collusion in the Pacific, named AUKUS.

2023: Will The Inflation End

As we all know that 2022 has been a period of instability and insecurity, It is an unfavorable combination that perfectly captures the state of the globe as 2023 begins. The Ukraine Russia Conflict has triggered the worst land conflict in Europe since 1945, the greatest nuclear threat ever since Cuban missile crisis, and the broadest set of sanctions since the 1930s. Rising food and energy prices are to blame for many nations’ greatest inflation rates since the 1980s and the largest macroeconomic problem of the contemporary age of central banking. Long-held convictions in the sovereignty and territorial integrity of borders, the non-use of nuclear weapons, low inflation, and the continuity of electricity in developed nations have all been challenged at once. This chaos is a result of the events combining together such as, geopolitical is the largest. The American-led post-war international order is under threat, most clearly from Mr. Putin and most significantly from the steadily deteriorating relationship between the US and China under President Xi Jinping. The steadfastness with which the United States and other European nations reacted to Russia’s assault may have given the West, and especially the transatlantic alliance, new life. The gulf between the West and the rest, however, has become wider. Most people on Earth reside in nations that oppose Western sanctions against Russia. The universal principles that underpin the Western system are explicitly rejected by Mr. Xi. The two largest economies in the world are beginning to economically decouple from one another. The impact of this will be globally.

In near future, it is possible to prevent a recession, but it’s extremely improbable. The only policy measures that could prevent a recession would raise inflation, creating the conditions for a future downturn that would be considerably worse. Today, it is even more crucial to seek value from planning rather than just making plans since the economic climate is still quite atypical and appears to be more susceptible to shocks. After the pandemic shock and the following policy reaction, the economy is still struggling. It seems doubtful that we will soon experience calm waters due to new problems brought on by a collision of setbacks and challenges such as strong labour markets, geopolitical energy shocks, and aggressive policy tightening. As the cost of necessities rises, people throughout the world are experiencing inflation at levels not seen in decades. The consequences could still worsen. Global inflation has been caused by a pandemic and conflict. According to the World Food Programme, an additional 70 million people globally have been pushed toward hunger. The consensus estimate for core inflation in 2023 increased from 3.1% to 3.5%. Officials predict that unemployment will increase higher than it did in September of this year.

One of 2022’s most significant headlines was the rise of inflation. A new global recession has been brought about by a number of interconnected problems, including rising oil and food costs, fiscal instability following the epidemic, and consumer uncertainty. It is predicted that worldwide inflation will reach 7.4 percent in 2022. Since 1996, the inflation rate has increased annually at its greatest rate. In many nations, the increase in energy costs was the primary cause of inflation. Household spending on goods and services is being constrained by rising costs. This may make it difficult for those who are less wealthy to pay for necessities like food and housing. In the world economy and international finance, the US dollar has a significant influence. And at this moment, it is stronger than it has been in the past 20 years. The dollar is viewed as a secure investment in any economic environment. During a turbulent time, a worldwide pandemic.

Hungary’s Rising Play On Russian Nuclear Energy

Regardless of the Hungarian government’s unswerving obligation to the Paks 2 venture, in spite of the Russian obligation to supply the money and innovation, the Russian conflict in Ukraine is making the new influence station more uncertain continuously. The public authority claims it will make the country less subject to Russia, from which Hungary gets a large portion of its oil and gas. Paks 1 thermal energy plant, on the shore of the Danube and an hour’s drive south of Budapest, was worked by the Soviet Association during the 1980s, its four reactors actually supply around 40% of Hungary’s power needs. Russia will fund the plant with a 10bn credit, which Hungarian buyers ought to repay in their power bills, beginning in 2026, when the plant was because of come on line. While Hungary has squeezed ahead with Paks 2, last May Finland dropped a comparative, Russian-fabricated plant on the Hanhikivi promontory in mid-development, in view of the Russian intrusion of Ukraine. The Fidesz government has likewise made breeze power for all intents and purposes inconceivable, by prohibiting the development of turbines inside 10km of a settlement. “We could show up where Paks 2 can’t be built however there is no other option,” says Mr Javor.”Then Hungary will generally disapprove of the security of supply”.

The rundown of difficulties from the conflict in Ukraine is long. Many significant parts of the plant should be underlying Russia, and shipped overland. What’s more, the plant isn’t just a Russian one. Under EU tension, it is currently a half breed, utilizing Russian equipment and a control framework to be worked by the Siemens-drove, French-German consortium Framatome. The turbines should be worked by GE Hungary, an auxiliary of US firm Broad Electric. It is difficult to envision US, German and French designers working side by side with their Russian friends, 400 km from the boundary of a country the Russians shell constantly. Also, will the EU at last stretch out authorizations to atomic innovation and workers of Russian state atomic firm. Brilliant new blocks of pads are almost completed for the Russian designers to be utilized here. While he is hopeful Russia will follow through on its commitments, the hesitance of Hungary’s EU accomplices to chip away at any Russian energy project in view of the conflict is probably going to cause Budapest future migraines.


Disaster Management And Mitigation: Pakistan’s Floods As A Case Study

To avoid disasters is not completely in our control, but their preparedness and addressing is. Disasters can be prevented and their effects on communities are minimized by coordinated responses. Disaster management experts are vital in reducing suffering, maintaining people’s means of subsistence, and enhancing social recovery. Disaster management: What is it?

Disasters can come in different forms. Industrial explosions or structural failures are examples of human-made disasters that are caused by errors made by humans. Earthquakes and floods are examples of physical events that result in natural disasters. Epidemics and armed conflicts are examples of complicated disasters. Whatever their shape, disasters cause community disruption and can have a significant negative impact on people, property, businesses, and the environment. They frequently exceed a community’s capacity for adjustment. The practice of efficiently anticipating and reacting to calamities is known as disaster management. In order to reduce the damage caused by disasters, resources should be strategically organized. The management of the duties associated with catastrophe prevention, readiness, response, and recovery also entails a systematic approach. It is now common knowledge that all hazards are natural and all disasters are the result of unfair anthropogenic interactions with nature. Although the latest flood has a different character compared to the one in 2010 the latter was a flash flood, while the current one is a river flood in both cases it can be argued that the damage caused by both disasters is a result of change.in demography and also ill-advised development policies throughout Pakistan. Some of the more immediate consequences of the latest disaster will be in the form of displacement, increase in illiteracy, unemployment, health crises, water and food shortages, infrastructure damage, loss of life, crop destruction, loss of livestock, water-borne diseases, urban migration and loss of social capital. Faced with these multifaceted challenges in such a short period of time, aid and humanitarian agencies must act and adapt quickly to alleviate the problems facing the millions of people who have been affected in recent weeks. Pakistan is vulnerable to most natural hazards. It is prone to floods, earthquakes, droughts and cyclonic storms. It is prone to famines and heavy monsoons. And let’s not forget the other kinds of disasters its residents inflict on each other the scourge of terrorism. With its second major flood in less than ten years, Pakistan is still having difficulty with the relief phase. It will be time to consider about disaster mitigation after this initial phase of assistance is finished.

According to how the Pakistani government has handled the flood situation so far, it is clear that our policymakers and the appropriate state institutions did not adequately reflect on the super-floods of 2010. Pakistan requires a lot of assistance from the international community, especially the biggest climate change contributors, but there is also much that has to be done domestically to make the nation more resilient to various climate-related disasters. The colonial administration actually increased the probability of moderate frequency-high intensity flood occurrences by constructing a complex water management system. Pakistan must enhance water drainage, but it cannot deconstruct its irrigation infrastructure. To reduce the intensity of flooding, obstructions that prevent natural drainage of waterways should be eliminated. Flood risk due to heavy rainfall will last for shorter periods of time because to improved drainage. This will thus minimise the severity of evictions, water-borne illnesses, and the loss of human and cattle life. In order to ease drainage and reduce flood damage, it is crucial that important infrastructure, such as highways and railway lines, have functional drainage ditches or other relevant architectural features.

Clearly, Pakistan has given very less attention to disaster-resistant infrastructure development. Smaller dams in Balochistan, for example, and other towns and cities’ already sparse infrastructure and community resources have apparently been destroyed or severely damaged. In its place, the nation is having uneven development with housing societies, hotels, and other infrastructure that encroaches on the floodplains. It is past time for our administrators and officials to stand up to pressure or enticement from influential vested interests and steadfastly reject any real estate developments on floodplains, like the profitable but problematic Ravi River project. Rather than playing a blame game, more attention should be given to preventive measures, risk analysis disaster management and mitigation. Despite the creation of national and provincial disaster management bodies, the nation’s institutional capacity to deal with climatic disasters remains poor. In order to enhance disaster management and preparedness efforts and make them more reactive, local areas must be involved, according to academics and development practitioners. To enable more effective early warning and vulnerability analysis, civil society and other local institutions can play a crucial role in data collection and information sharing.