Japan Re-Opens Mass Tourism

Japan has relaxed strict border controls related to the pandemic in past two months, allowing for mass tourism for the first time in 2.5 years. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida had announced that individual travel and visa-free entrance would returned on October 11 as the country works to rebuild its relationship with the rest of the world. Kishida, who is in the United States for the UNGA, said that “we are a nation that has flourished on the free flow of people, goods, and capital.” Naturally, COVID-19 has prevented the use of all these advantages, but starting on October 11, Japan will ease border controls to a level with those in the US and restore visa-free travel and individual travel.

Only China has yet to declare plans to relax strict border controls, making Japan one of the last economies to restore widespread travel and tourism. Japan is only permitting tourists on tours, and the country now has a daily arrival limit of 50,000 as part of a partial easing of restrictions that have been in place since June. Visitors to the nation also need to apply for a visa. Only 8,000 foreign visitors arrived in July, compared to approximately 3 million in July of 2019. Tight limitations have caused foreign tourists to generally avoid the country.

The government has been asked to reopen borders by tourism industry representatives and trade associations, who also expressed concern that Japan would fall behind as the rest of the globe adapts to the virus. Japan experienced some of the highest COVID cases anywhere in the world last month, with the daily infection rate topping 250,000, despite the fact that the country’s overall death toll continues to be among the lowest globally. The reopening of Japan, according to Gary Bowerman, director of travel and tourism research at Check-in Asia, will be a “key barometer” of the recovery of travel in the Asia-Pacific region, which has lagged behind the other regions of the world.

Floods And Climate Induced Migration

The geological record clearly demonstrates the fact that the climate has undergone great variation throughout the planet’s history. The process of climate change, however, has been more a result of human activity than of natural factors ever since the Industrialization, when fossil energy consumption expanded dramatically and, consequently, the production of greenhouse gases. Currently, there is big scientific opinion that the unprecedented global climatic change in human history is caused by our present system of production and energy use. Even though it is already having an adverse effect on the environment and the global economy,

Human migration is fueled by extreme water events that alter the availability of water for drinking, cooking, washing, and agriculture. Floods also are one example of the catastrophic water disasters that will occur more frequently and negatively as rainfall intensify due to climate change. By 2050, more than a billion people will have migrated due to water extremes and climate change. According to the International Organization of Migration, people who migrate due to any environmental problem or climate disaster are called environmental migratnts and they perform climate induced migration. It has defined as: ‘’The term “environmental migrants” refers to individuals or groups of individuals who are compelled to relocate either domestically or internationally because of an abrupt or gradual change in their environment that negatively impacts their lives.’’ Climate induced migration can be both temporary and permanent.


As one third of Pakistan is drowned in flood and because of this disaster people in affected areas have to move for the survival. Floods have already caused enough of the life loss and economic loss as well. Whenever the migration occurs locally, government is responsible to take care of the needs of the migrants but government itself is facing economic issues. It is not possible for Pakistan to look after the needs of the migrants without the assistance of the NGO’S and international assistance. If the migrants are not taken care of while they have already been gone through the trauma caused by the floods, their frustration can lead towards the conflict as well. Their foremost need is survival and for that they can go to any extent. The government has to take care of all their needs or else they will have grievances. People are moving towards the urban areas and especially towards the main cities. If there needs will not be fulfilled then there is a high chance of high crime rates as well.


To date, this mobility has been largely internal and increasingly an urban phenomenon, with many of those displaced and migrating moving to urban areas. Although the majority of people displaced or migrating as a result of climate impacts remain in their countries of origin, the accelerating trend in climate-related global displacement is also increasing cross-border movement, particularly where climate change is linked to conflict and violence. Understanding the underlying causes of migration and developing proactive, humane management strategies are crucial as the effects of climate change worsen. These strategies should also take into account any geographic or environmental factors that would disproportionately contribute to the destabilization of economically or politically significant regions. Climate migration or climate displacement are terms that describe a large number of migration scenarios related to climate change. However, each has a more specific meaning and both are different from planned relocation. Migration might be driven by increasingly severe conditions or it can happen proactively in response to climate impacts on livelihoods and well-being. It can be temporary, seasonal, cyclical, or permanent. An entire community is typically shifted as part of a planned relocation, which is carried out by the relevant governments, ideally in collaboration with the affected communities.

The Current U.S Stance On Terrorism

After 20 years, President Joe Biden announced the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, claiming that no further progress could be made and that the country could battle extremists without ground forces. Now, again the concern is shifting towards the Taliban. Ayman al-Zawahiri, the commander of Al-Qaeda, was assassinated by two missiles fired by the United States on July 31 when he was inside Kabul. After the September 11, 2001 attacks, the United States accused the Taliban of breaking promises that it would not provide refuge to Al-Qaeda. However, the Taliban has also had its own disputes with the far more radical Islamic State organization. The warning came in response to news reports that Al Qaeda, the Islamic State militant organization known as ISIS in the United States and other terrorist groups had been revived in Afghanistan following the Taliban takeover and were gradually becoming a big threat to the United States and its allies.

The militants who were targeted included Osama Mahmoud, the self-styled “emir,” and four other leaders of Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent, a regional affiliate of the terrorist network. In addition, the United States named Mufti Hazrat Deroji, also known as Qari Amjad, as the second-ranking member of the Pakistani Taliban and said that his 15-year campaign of terror has intensified since the Taliban gained power in neighboring Afghanistan last year. One of the two border regions that has been the target of violent attacks, according to US sources, Deroji has been in charge of operations in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated in a statement that ‘’the designations are part of our relentless efforts to ensure that terrorists do not utilize Afghanistan as a foundation for global terrorism.”

When asked what Washington was doing to address these dangers, State Department spokesman Ned Price responded, “We’ve been very clear that the United States and our allies around the world will not let Afghanistan to become a safe haven for international terrorists who constitute a threat to the United States, to our friends around the world.” The Taliban took control of Kabul on August 15, 2021, after the United States abruptly left Afghanistan. President Joe Biden supported the decision to withdraw all American soldiers by claiming that Al Qaeda had left Afghanistan.
On the other hand, Ned Price, a spokesman for the US State Department stated ‘’Washington expects Islamabad to take “sustained action” against all terrorist organizations and that a newly proposed $450 million military sale package for the maintenance of Pakistan’s F-16 fleet would assist achieve this goal.’’ However, this shows the kind of coercive diplomacy U.S is trying to do.

Role of E-commerce in the country ‘s economy

E-commerce continues to grow, the economic and environmental benefits are also growing. Ecommerce is growing at a striking pace, on track to surpass $1 trillion in sales by 2022. The increase in online shopping generates new economy growth and spurs innovation among sellers. According to a global study by Generation IM, ecommerce is 17% more carbon-efficient than traditional retail stores. This sustained growth and activity leads to more online experiences for all customers. An increased focus on customer experience also led to demands and regulations around greater accessibility online, as well as an online community of shoppers who to keep coming back to their website online store. The increase in online shopping generates new economy growth and spurs innovation among sellers, getting them to pinpoint what makes their product unique and create a compelling experience that keeps customers coming back. The rise of this technology has also led to a greater interest in shopping among younger demographics like millennials and Gen Z.

Millennial consumers, in particular, are changing the game in B2B ecommerce and impacting the way online shopping is done. Ecommerce boosts the economy by increasing productivity, encouraging innovation, and driving better shopping experiences. Ecommerce boosts the economy by increasing productivity, encouraging innovation, and driving better shopping experiences. Ecommerce has made it easy for buyers to shop anytime, anywhere, and on any device without being limited by store hours or geographic location. This creates greater incentive for customers to shop online and drives growth for the economy overall. Ecommerce boosts the economy by increasing productivity, encouraging innovation, and driving better shopping experiences. As ecommerce continues to grow, the economic and environmental benefits are sure to follow. E-commerce also assists helps governments to deliver public services such as healthcare, education, social services at comparatively low cost and in an improved manner. This shows that it has more of the advantages.

Pakistan is still generally a money based, casual economy. Most of exchanges are led in real money, with the exception of enormous ones requiring a bank draft or pay request. A few investigations propose that up to 60 percent of the economy is casual, with most of neighborhood organizations, especially SMEs, undocumented and outside the duty net. Various government divisions have begun to offer administrations through the Web. In the confidential area, four Pakistani carriers currently offer e-tagging and practically all nearby banks offer web based financial administrations. This portion of the economy is supposed to develop consistently as there are roughly 100 million Web supporters in Pakistan, a figure that is supposed to development fundamentally over the course of the following five years.

According to neighborhood exchange assets, Pakistan is the 46th biggest market for Internet business with an income of US$4. 2 billion of every 2021. There are a lot of benefits of E-commerce and Pakistan’s economy can grow through that as well. E- commerce provides job opportunities, Promotes cordial relationship, Provides a wealth of information,Provides Entertainment, less education and reduce regional imbalances and promotes economic development. It is the fact that E-commerce do require some budget but coparitivly less. We can see the shift towards online businesses after this pandemic COVID 19 but this happened for good some say. If we talk about Pakistan, the scope of E-commerce is increasing as there are a lot of students who are the graduates of digital marketing and in this field which makes the trend of E-commerce possible. Entire shift to e-commerce is not recommended though but as the world is moving towards this trend, Pakistan shall go by it as well.

Re-Opening Of Pak-Afghan Border

After being closed for a week, Pakistan on Monday allowed commercial and human movement to resume at a crucial border crossing with the neighboring country of Afghanistan, according to officials. One of the two major border crossings between the two nations, the southwest Chaman border, was blocked on November 13 as a result of the murder of a Pakistani border troop by an armed Afghan. The Friendship Gate border crossing was reopened as a result of many “flag meetings” between the leaders of the two border forces. Aside from trade, thousands of individuals, mostly Afghans, enter the two neighboring countries every day for work and medical reasons. Even after the Taliban retook Afghanistan in August of last year, there have been ongoing clashes between the two border soldiers, mostly near the Chaman border.

Border tensions between the neighbors have increased since the Taliban retook control last year, with Pakistan charging that terrorist organizations were plotting strikes from Afghan territory. The Durand Line, a 2,700-kilometer (1,600-mile) boundary that was drawn up during colonial times and is currently being built by Islamabad, has angered the Taliban, who deny harboring Pakistani fighters. After an armed Afghan apparently infiltrated into Pakistan and fired on the security forces on Sunday, killing one soldier and injured two more, the southern Afghan province of Kandahar was shut down. Following the assault, border guards from Pakistan and Afghanistan exchanged fire for many hours, forcing the important commercial crossing between the two nations to be closed. The closure of the border highly affects the trade activities,

A request for response from the Pakistani military was not answered, but a Pakistani security official said that routine border management communication with Afghan authorities had taken place. The official also indicated that Pakistan will be informed in due course of the results of the Afghan investigations into last week’s hostilities. The Taliban administration in Afghanistan issued a statement last week condemning the incident and directing the issuance of a fact-finding body to look into it. Conflicts involving the extensive border have been a source of tension between the neighbors for many years.

Economic Issues The Country Is Going Through

Political unrest undermines economic growth and leads to poor governance, which eventually controls all governmental institutions and brings on recurrent financial crises. Pakistan is the latest victim of this political instability, which could unfortunately spread to other countries. Although this political drama was nothing less than a movie plot, the economic consequences of these events can be dire for the common man and the government as well. The current fiscal year, which ends in June 2023, is forecast to see barely a 2% growth in Pakistan’s GDP. The slower development would be driven by damages and disruptions brought on by catastrophic floods, a tight monetary policy, rising inflation, and an adverse global environment. Not only has this, the political clashes the country is facing also effected its economy. The extent to which political instability permeates the country and the time is quite surprising given its negative impact on economic performance. If Prime Minister takes populist steps like reducing energy prices, Pakistan could go down the same path as Sri Lanka. Economic Impact of Pakistan’s Political Crisis political instability, economic uncertainty and social unrest are developing in Asia and Latin America, Africa and even Europe. Recent significant regional and global shocks, including as growing inflation, the effects of the worldwide food, fertilizer, and fuel shortages, the economic crisis in Sri Lanka, and the devastation caused by the floods in Pakistan, have slowed growth in South Asia. Additionally, it examines how COVID-19 could further affect migration and how free movement of labor and migration might aid in economic growth.

Food prices recorded a year-on-year increase of 14.5 to 15.5 percent this year, and experts have already warned of a looming threat to food security. The country’s reserves fell by an incredible $5 billion. With alarmingly low reserves, Pakistan is expected to service $2.5 billion in liabilities in the current quarter alone. In this scenario, the new government led by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif faces a dilemma. Should it use populist measures, such as further cuts in energy prices, to win votes in next year’s general election, or take drastic and necessary steps that would immediately make it unpopular. There is a sudden need to increase the prices, especially of petrol and oil levies, which will provide much needed funds to the government. The existence of panic in commodity and financial markets, the global inflationary spiral, rising food prices and the surge in protests especially in emerging markets show that this process is not limited to Pakistan or Sri Lanka.

According to how the Pakistani government has handled the flood situation so far, it is clear that our policymakers and the appropriate state institutions did not adequately reflect on the super-floods of 2010. Pakistan requires a lot of assistance from the international community, especially the biggest climate change contributors, but there is also much that has to be done domestically to make the nation more resilient to various climate-related disasters. The colonial administration actually increased the probability of moderate frequency-high intensity flood occurrences by constructing a complex water management system. Pakistan must enhance water drainage, but it cannot deconstruct its irrigation infrastructure. To reduce the intensity of flooding, obstructions that prevent natural drainage of waterways should be eliminated. Flood risk due to heavy rainfall will last for shorter periods of time because to improved drainage. This will thus minimise the severity of evictions, water-borne illnesses, and the loss of human and cattle life. In order to ease drainage and reduce flood damage, it is crucial that important infrastructure, such as highways and railway lines, have functional drainage ditches or other relevant architectural features.

Given Pakistan’s economic issues, only sound data analysis would allow for effective and long-lasting policy creation and reform. Policymakers need to identify the reasons why the economy of Pakistan is not expanding at the appropriate rate and create a comprehensive development strategy to execute sustainable growth free from political influence. On the administrative front, a number of challenges need to be resolved; for example, even the finest policies won’t work if they aren’t properly enforced, which is one of Pakistan’s largest concerns. Pakistan requires stability at the same time. Though the concept is sound, it is currently politically impossible. What is more crucial is for Pakistan’s current federal and provincial governments to move beyond putting out fires and advance crucial reforms that are crucial to ensuring the country’s political and economic stability and long-term growth prospects, including in local governance, agriculture, energy, and other areas. In fact, doing so serves their political interests. Many mass protests and rallies on different matters are taking place throughout Pakistan’s regions. In some ways, the protests reflect the state’s unsatisfactory and divisive policies. Pakistan is already dealing with a strange mix of political events. The ruling class in Pakistan needs to understand that this is a unique time in the nation’s history and a political and economic turning point. A significant proportion of Pakistan’s political history is composed of choices that were taken without putting the economic effects into effect. Furthermore, a lot of prior administrations struggled economically because they lacked a competent group of economists who could create long-term economic plans. The need for raising health and education standards as well as streamlining the police and legal systems must be prioritized.

Another Natural Disaster In Indonesia

Indonesia is one of the nations with the highest global catastrophe risk, and dealing with these catastrophic disasters is becoming costly for Indonesia. Being situated on the Ring of Fire, the nation of more than 270 million people is constantly affected by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis. At least 162 people have died and 100 have been wounded as a result of an earthquake on Java, the largest island in Indonesia. Rescuers are looking for survivors buried under the wreckage as a series of aftershocks continue to shake Indonesia’s largest island, Java, which has been the scene of a severe earthquake that has killed 162 people and injured hundreds more. The earthquake’s epicenter is a heavily populated, landslide-prone area with many poorly constructed. The capital city of Jakarta also felt the effects of the earthquake.

The archipelagic nation of Indonesia has one of the highest rates of natural disasters globally, with at least 1.5 thousand disasters happening there each year. In Indonesia, there is typically one earthquake per year that has a magnitude of six or higher that results in both human casualties and environmental or infrastructural damage. Due to the disasters Indonesia faces, the government relies solely on the state budget to cover the cost of disasters. It puts at risk the funding set aside for other high-priority areas including education, health, and sub-national government initiatives.

In order to strengthen institutional capacity for both national disaster management planning and international and regional collaboration, Indonesia has implemented a set of policies and initiatives. For many years, spatial awareness has been ingrained culturally but not structurally. To enable more systematic planning, implementation, and evaluation of DRR activities, the HFA prioritizes disaster risk reduction (DRR) at the regional, national, and subnational levels. Increasing resilience and ability to adapt to climate-related hazards, which fundamentally involves reducing catastrophic risks, is one of the goals of Goal 13 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. Natural catastrophes are becoming more deadly, expensive, and destructive, raising widespread worries. Indonesia needs to strengthen preparedness to such disasters

Women Deprived In Afghanistan: The Same Situation After A Year

The city, surrounded by grape garden beds and fruit orchards, has long been regarded by Afghans as a centre of culture. It was supposed to be developed over the previous two decades into a hub of free speech with a vibrant literary scene where single young people of both sexes might gather for tea in public places and be overheard reading their own poems to one another, but it just seems like a dream now. Apart from the other big issues, women in Afghanistan continue to suffer. Human rights violations against women and girls have increased substantially over the past year. The Taliban have consistently kept their commitment to keep women and girls out of public life, despite initial assurances that they would be let to enjoy their rights under Sharia law, including the ability to work and study. The de facto government has abolished the Ministry of Women’s Affairs and does not have any female cabinet members, essentially ending women’s political involvement. In addition, the Taliban forbade females from continuing their education above the sixth grade and prohibited women from pursuing the majority of occupations outside the house.

(Photo by WAKIL KOHSAR / AFP) (Photo by WAKIL KOHSAR/AFP via Getty Images)

When the Taliban took over, they gave hope that they will not deprive women and girls from the rights but the majority of women and girls hid in their houses out of fear and a number of the city’s most courageous women risked to demonstrate against the Taliban’s ban on girls’ education and limitations on their movement. Women who were protesting in the street stated that they wanted to continue going to their work. This is not the case now. Since, the world’s attention has been diverted from Afghanistan now, the situation is becoming worse there again. Recently a lot of cases have been repoted of the girls not going or allowed to go to school and being forced marry. Early child marriage is again rising there.

Women are subject to strict limitations imposed by the Taliban. Since the withdrawal of international powers, Afghanistan’s aid-dependent economy has crumbled, leaving hundreds of thousands without work and half of its 38 million population hungry.

Sports Diplomacy

New types of diplomacy, including digital, health, cultural, and, most significantly, sports diplomacy, have evolved as a result of increased globalization brought about by commerce, travel, and media. Sports diplomacy is unrestricted, in contrast to other types of diplomacy, since they are an international phenomena that cuts beyond language, national, and cultural barriers. True sportsmanship encourages camaraderie, respect, and tolerance among other universal qualities, much like the goals of conventional diplomacy. As a result, utilizing sports as a diplomatic instrument is natural and effective in fostering international understanding.

A new name for an ancient tradition, sports diplomacy refers to the special ability of sport to unite people, communities, and nations through a common love of physical activity. Due to the lack of a solid theoretical foundation, this power to bring disparate people together, further foreign policy objectives, or support sport for developmental activities elusive. However, there are different theoretical frameworks like traditional sports diplomacy, modern sports diplomacy, sport-as-diplomacy, and sports diplomacy which are starting to take shape. These new frameworks help to clarify the complicated terrain where sport, politics, and diplomacy collide as well as the drawbacks of utilizing sport as a tool to bridge and mediate gaps between individuals, no state actors, and governments. There has never been a more crucial time for sport. The 21st century has so far been characterized by fragmentation, reflection, and the nation-withdrawal states from the globalization agenda. In such a setting, international relations academics, students, and practitioners are starting to reevaluate how sport may be utilized to address issues like gender inequality, climate change, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, among others. Focusing on the diplomacy, diverse networks, and processes associated with the role sport may play in addressing the enormous conventional and human security concerns of our day will help to strengthen these integrative, beneficial activities.

Although a country’s government often engages in sports diplomacy on a bigger scale, a variety of actors, including individual athletes and professional or amateur teams, can advance the idea. Additionally, think tanks, NGOs, and other private ventures within the private sector can help a government’s efforts and adopt sports diplomacy within their fields of specialization. To engage in this form of diplomacy, you don’t need to be a diplomat. Sports are borderless and transcends cultural barriers. Sports diplomacy may therefore take place whenever and whenever. Along with major sporting events, sports diplomacy may also take place in educational institutions as part of exchange programmers for athletes or through seminars that focus on sports and can be offered by both public and private sector projects. Sports may not cause significant changes in geopolitics, but they do promote interpersonal communication, which can change attitudes and perspectives. Meeting, or competing against, individuals from nations that have been unfairly stereotyped by the media or the government humanizes the opponents, creates chances for understanding, fosters connection through shared interests, and makes friendships easier. A more recent instance of sports diplomacy happened when the national soccer teams of Turkey and Armenia were scheduled to compete against one another in a 2008 World Cup qualifying game. Armenians have sought formal, worldwide acknowledgement of the 1915 ethnic purge and deportation of more than one million ethnic Armenians by Turkish Ottoman forces as a genocide for more than a century. Other than that Pakistan and India play many games together like cricket is also a gesture of sports diplomacy. His Olympic Games are the earliest and maybe finest example of sport diplomacy. The Olympic Truce has been a part of the Olympic Games since they first began in Ancient Greece. The purpose of the Olympic Truce is to guarantee the security of athletes’ and fans’ transit to the Games in conflict zones. People are able to set aside their differences and join together during the Olympic Games in the spirit of global collaboration. People come together via sports at international contests such as the Olympic Games.

Recent Bomb Blast In Turkey

At least eight people were killed in a bomb assault on a busy pedestrian route in the heart of Istanbul on Sunday. Authorities believe the incident may have been carried out by terrorists, shattering the quiet as Turkey’s tourism sector struggles to recover from the epidemic. The authorities provided little information in the hours that followed the incident, which was the bloodiest in Turkey in more than five years, other than to indicate they were looking into the possibility that a woman may have set off the device. Without naming a particular group, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan pledged to punish anyone responsible for the explosion. A popular area of Istanbul was shaken by the explosion, and by Sunday evening, Turkish officials had estimated that 81 people had been hurt, with two of them in serious condition. Due to a neighboring soccer match that attracted spectators in the evening, one of Turkey’s top soccer teams was even more packed than normal on Sunday.

The region, like many others in Turkey where tourism is important to the local economy, has suffered recently as a result of travel restrictions and concerns about coronavirus infection. However, the region recovered this summer as the epidemic subsided and Turkey became a more appealing travel destination because to the weak Turkish lira. Turkey has accused Kurdish militants of carrying out the blast that left six people dead and scores more injured on Sunday in central Istanbul. Turkey has also compared the US to a “murderer” for its support of Kurdish fighters in Syria. The bomber has been identified as a Syrian lady by the name of Ahlam Albashir, according to a statement from Istanbul police posted on their official Twitter account. The statement claims that during questioning, the lady acknowledged receiving orders from the PYD, the Syrian Democratic Union Party, which Turkey perceives as the PKK’s Syrian wing. Turkey has been at war with the PKK for many years.

The tourist sector, which contributes billions of dollars in foreign currency to Turkey’s struggling economy, may potentially be in danger as a result of the attack. Turkey, a member of NATO, has long demanded that the US stop supporting the SDF, which collaborated with the US in the fight against Isis. This is because the militia has ties to the PKK, which both Washington and Ankara have designated as a terrorist organization due to its four-decade-long insurgency in Turkey.