Maritime Security And Its Importance

One of the biggest industries on the globe is maritime, and maintaining activities at sea while keeping everyone safe calls for a concerted effort. In order to increase security enforcement without impeding timely international trade, marine security must be implemented. This demands expertise and alertness. Security officers must employ best practices to protect their boats from both internal and external threats since maritime security is a specialized field in the marine industry. These dangers take many various forms, and each calls for a unique defensive approach. Even though security concerns aren’t always bad, keeping ships secure is always a top priority. A greater emphasis has been placed on safeguarding the marine industry against terrorism and other similar assaults after 9/11. The unrestricted seas would resemble the Wild West more if there was no maritime security. The maritime sector would be chronically unable to operate at full capacity, global economies would be hindered, and employees would be unable to perform their tasks. Furthermore, marine commerce accounted for around 70% of trade value and 80% of trade volume between 1994 and 2019. In other words, marine transport has been a crucial facilitator of commerce, a growth engine, and a driver of economic progress. It has also been connecting global economies.

One of the newest buzzwords in international relations is maritime security. The major players have begun to incorporate marine security into their mandates or have adjusted how they are going about their operations. The phrase “maritime security” draws attention to fresh problems and builds support for solutions. However, there isn’t a global agreement on what maritime security means. When there is no unanimity, buzzwords allow for worldwide coordination of activities. However, they also constantly run the risk of having their disagreements and political issues hidden. There is limited chance of definitively defining marine security, hence frameworks are required to pinpoint areas of agreement and dispute. The first step in understanding marine security is to look at how it relates to other ideas like blue economy, resilience, maritime power, and security. In order to uncover political interests and diverse ideologies, it is also possible to investigate how maritime dangers are produced and what various political claims result from them according to the securitization framework. Third, the examination of what actors really do when they assert to improve maritime security is made possible by security practice theory. These frameworks work together to map maritime security.

Shipments and ships represent great monetary and symbolic value and can therefore become the target of security threats such as robbery, piracy or terrorist attacks. For merchant ships and civilian vessels, a risk analysis is required which will ultimately lead to the development of a security plan. A security plan outlines strategies to mitigate risk and reduce the likelihood and consequences of an attack. Marine industry Maritime security is a specialist area in the maritime sector and ship security officers must use best practices to defend their vessels against both internal and external threats. Maritime Safety and Security relates to the regulation of shipping, port security, seafarer safety, the provision of search and rescue and the protection of the marine environment. Maritime security is a broad and sometimes not fully understood concept for many observers. Safety is the responsibility of the crew as a whole and not just the work of the ship’s safety officers, which is why it is so essential for ship operators to educate and train their staff in accordance with mandated regulations. Therefore, there is a need for merchant, civilian and naval ships to analyze the threat and reduce the possible harmful effects of an attack. The purpose of naval ships is to protect (both offensively and defensively) national interests from threats during war or other types of crises. There is therefore a need for commercial, civilian and naval vessels to analyze the threat and reduce the possible harmful effects of an attack. The public sector is also urged to develop laws that may promote joint ventures between private and international investors in the marine sector. It would entail ongoing maintenance and upgrading of marine infrastructure to be able to capitalize on the advantages and possibilities offered by the current maritime transport system and grow the amount of commerce. The country’s economic growth and trade volume may benefit from this.

Food Insecurity And The Idea Of Food Cold Chains

Malnutrition and food insecurity are connected, and several UN sustainable development objectives include these issues as key worldwide concerns. All types of malnutrition, such as stunting, wasting, micronutrient deficiencies, and overweight and obesity, are predicted by food insecurity. One of the main signs of food insecurity is hunger, which is determined by the frequency of under-nutrition. The incidence of undernourishment and severe food insecurity therefore represent the burden of severe food deprivation in the population, notwithstanding the differences in assessment techniques and data sources. In order to eliminate malnutrition, the UN agencies are now urging new ways of thinking that take hunger, food insecurity, and their effects on nutrition into account. Modern global perishable industries place high importance on cold chain (CC) management. It may be defined as the process of planning, executing and regulating the flow and storage of perishable commodities, related services, and information to enhance customer value and assure low costs, but several definitions have been presented in the literature.

A new UN research recommends Islamabad that as food insecurity and climate change worsen, governments, international development partners, and business engage in sustainable living storage and distribution to combat hunger, support community livelihoods, and prepare for climate change. According to a report on sustainable food chains released on Saturday at the 27th Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Sharm El Sheikh by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), cold food chains are essential to meeting the challenge of feeding an additional two billion people by 2050 and utilizing the resilience of rural areas while avoiding increased carbon dioxide emissions.

828 million people throughout the world experienced hunger in 2021, up 46 million from the previous year. A nutritious diet was out of reach for about 3.1 billion people in 2020, 112 million more than in 2019, as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic’s adverse economic effects and rising prices. Meanwhile, this year’s Ukrainian war has increased the cost of key cereals, endangering food security.” At a time when the international community must act to address the climate and food crises, sustainable food cold chains can make a huge difference,” said UNEP Executive Director Inger Anderson. “They enable us to reduce food loss, improve food security, slow greenhouse gas emissions, create jobs, reduce poverty and build resilience – all in one go.” While all of this is happening, it is estimated that 14% of all food grown for human use is lost before it is consumed. One of the primary causes of total losses (12%) is the absence of a functioning cold chain to maintain the nutritional content, safety, and quality of food.

Democracy’s Struggles: Modern Conflicts within Democracy

In crisis is democracy. The principles it upholds, notably the freedom of the press, the rule of law, and the right to select one’s government through free and fair elections, are being attacked and are deteriorating on a worldwide scale. At the end of the Cold War a quarter of a century ago, authoritarianism seemed to have finally lost the great ideological conflict of the 20th century to liberal democracy. Today, democracy is the structure that is damaged and weakened. According to Freedom in the World, nations that saw democratic setbacks outpaced those that recorded improvements for the 12th year in a row.

The most powerful democracies in the world are afflicted by issues at home that appear unsolvable, such as social and economic inequality, party division, terrorist attacks, and a wave of migrants that has fractured bonds and increased mistrust of the “other.” Democratic regimes provide citizens the opportunity to shape the laws that everyone must follow and to have a role in how their lives and jobs are conducted. This encourages a greater regard for harmony, justice, and tolerance. If this is not the case then the conflicts start igniting. As, the relationship of the state with its people is a that of a parental relation in which people obey and follow the rules of the state and government and perform their duties expecting state to fulfill their rights in return. The conflict over democracy’s place and influence in the international system is at the centre of the new age of geopolitical rivalry. Since the global financial crisis of 2008, this dynamic has quickly evolved. China and Russia have been engaged in regional and international power struggles. Although they are larger, their foreign initiatives are often meant to be moves to develop spheres of influence. Nothing less than the future democratic nature of the international system is at stake when large nations compete. Three objectives are pursued by both Russia and China, albeit via various methods and to varying degrees of strength. They face internal legitimacy challenges as a result of the emergence of military and economic spheres of influence in their territories that erode democratic institutions and standards. The West has not yet responded to this issue in a suitable manner. The year 2019 marks the third decade in which there has been little chance of a direct superpower clash. Thirty years ago, the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the establishment of democracy in Central and Eastern Europe not only signalled the end of the Soviet Union, but also represented the broad public demand for a democratic form of government. The subsequent 25 years were unprecedented in world history. For the first time, democracies ruled the global power structure without having to cope with an equivalent military rival or a rival form of government. Particularly, the United States held an unmatched position on the international scene and wielded a worldwide unipolar reach. Today, it is customary to emphasize America’s Middle East conflicts almost entirely and to look back on the era of American hyper power as one of over-extension and overreach. This time had larger and more nuanced dynamics. It was a time when terrorism persisted despite the fact that multilateralism grew and conflicts of all kinds decreased. The fraction of the world’s population living in absolute poverty decreased while the global GDP increased. There was cautious optimism on developments away from proxy warfare and toward great power cooperation, optimism that was disrupted but not overturned by 9/11 and the Iraq War.

Democracies seem to be among the wealthiest, most tolerant, least transparent, and most protective of individual liberty civilizations in the world. People all throughout the world support democracy’s values, including fair elections, freedom of expression, transparent administration, and effective legal restraints on the police, military, and other institutions of authority. But in this century, it gets harder and harder to maintain these characteristics in one nation while disregarding them in another. Democracies’ citizens and leaders must also acknowledge the converse is also true: in order to preserve their own liberties, they must battle for the rights of their counterparts worldwide. The interconnectedness of our fortunes is a truth of globalization.

In regard to Putin’s statements, South Korea denies supplying arms to Ukraine

South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol has denied that Seoul has provided Ukraine with any lethal weapons after Russian President Vladimir Putin said such a decision would destroy their bilateral ties. Putin made the remarks at a conference in Moscow on Thursday, where he accused the West of fueling the war in Ukraine and stressed that South Korea’s decision to supply weapons to Ukraine would destroy relations, which he likened to Moscow sending weapons to North Korea. “We have provided humanitarian and peace aid to Ukraine in solidarity with the international community, but we have never provided lethal weapons or anything like that,” Yoon told reporters on Friday, according to South Korea’s Yonhap news agency.

“But in any case, it is a matter of our sovereignty and I would like you to know that we are trying to maintain peaceful and good relations with all countries around the world, including Russia,” he said. Seoul has sent body armor, helmets and other non-lethal military and medical supplies to Ukraine, rejecting Kiev’s requests for weapons, Yonhap reported. South Korea, an ally of the United States, has said it will not provide lethal aid to Ukraine and has sought to avoid hostilities with Russia, both for economic reasons and because of the leverage Moscow can exert over North Korea.

Putin had earlier threatened that such measures will sever their ties and that Russia is aware of Seoul’s decision to give Ukraine deadly weapons and ammunition. Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the president of Ukraine, asked South Korea for weapons systems in April of this year though. South Korea, a U.S. ally, has been steadfast in its refusal to offer the Ukraine lethal assistance and has made efforts to avoid enraging Russia, both for pragmatic reasons and due to the influence Moscow may have over North Korea. This shows that how Seoul is trying to remain friendly with both, Washington and Moscow.

Pakistan China’s Joint Development Ventures

Pakistan on Thursday proposed the inclusion of new areas of cooperation in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, including disaster recovery, global development initiatives and boosting digital investment in the economy. Pakistan also proposed a 1+5 arrangement for special economic zones agreements between the geological survey institutes of the two countries, an agreement between the Geological Survey Intuitions of the two countries, and cooperation in developing Pakistan’s export potential. The minister highlighted three basic objectives in the 11th Joint Advisory Committee, which include the revival of CPEC, which has been revived since the government assumed office in April this year. The inclusion of new projects that will expand the CPEC portfolio and the third was business-to-business collaboration, which was previously government-to-government.

The Joint Advisory Committee also emphasized the importance of key projects for the development of energy and infrastructure; which are now operational and provide innumerable opportunities for socio-economic development in Pakistan. Similarly, another priority project, the Karachi Circular Railway, which will benefit a large section of the population of our largest city of Pakistan, Karachi, was discussed in detail. The two sides also agreed to start the ML-1 project, which was considered the backbone of CPEC and remained neglected in the past. It was agreed to include a new area of “Water Resources Management and Climate Change” which will be of great importance especially after the recent flood which badly affected Pakistan. The Government of Pakistan has also launched an initiative to include 10,000 MW of solar power in our system. The Pakistani government has asked China to create a financial window or line of credit for Chinese companies participating in the project. It was the 11th meeting of the Joint Cooperation Committee, a key decision-making forum on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, Pakistan’s part of the $50 billion Belt and Road Initiative. It is the largest CPEC project in terms of cost and has been awaiting a final decision for the last five years. Pakistan has agreed to increase the cost of ML-1 from $6. 85 billion at the request of Chinese negotiators who called the earlier cost figure unrealistic,” an official insider of CPEC planning told Nikkei Asia on condition of anonymity. He was not authorized to speak to the media. The official further added that approval of the ML-1 JCC project would be a big boost for CPEC. A press release issued by the government after the JCC meeting stated that both parties agreed to start the ML-1 project. However, the final announcement on the ML-1 and other projects approved by the JCC will be made during Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s visit to Beijing in the first week of November.

Moreover, the JCC meeting could decide the fate of the 300-megawatt power plant at Gwadar – a port that is supposed to be a key Belt and Road hub. But the Pakistani government has an incentive to stay in China’s good books, given Sharif’s plan to visit China. According to media reports, Sharif is likely to seek $10 billion in financial assistance from China through balance of payments support and the rollover of Chinese loans, which account for 30% of Pakistan’s total foreign debt. But he said Beijing has already taken this into account while deciding on CPEC projects. “Beijing knows that the ML-1 project is also in Pakistan’s interest, and even if Khan reconstitutes a government, it cannot reverse that,” Dorsey said. It will not be wrong to say that it is a right time for this proposal. Pakistan is already facing an economic turmoil due to the floods and the recovery is all what needed. Its high time that Pakistan and China shall revive their development projects.


Pakistan And China Plans To Sign A Memorandum To Overcome Poverty

Pakistan’s Prime Minister will visit China in November and it is expected that both the countries will sign an MOU Global Development Initiatives (GDI) in order to overcome the poverty and explore specific development cooperation projects by using Chinese grants and interest-free and concessional loans. According to the MoU, the China International Development Cooperation Agency and the Economic Affairs Division have committed to enhance the execution of the Global Development Initiative and strengthen development cooperation following friendly talks (GDI). Both parties acknowledge that China and Pakistan are inseparable allies as well as all strategic partners, and that their long-standing relationship has become stronger over time. Both parties agree that the world’s developments have reached a turning point and that fulfilling the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals would be extremely difficult for developing nations.

Both parties have come to a mutual consensus on the following areas: poverty reduction, health, education, infrastructure, agribusiness, management and consulting, culture and sports, collaboration in law enforcement, development of human resources, research institute exchanges, and other GDI initiatives. The exchanges in the think-tanks research would Provide a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities. Both parties plans to set up for consultation and hold frequent in-person or virtual meetings. Each year, directors will go to the each other’s countries to further share and explore ideas, resolve issues, and advance the effective execution of development cooperation.

These are the steps which do play a huge role in sustainable development. These are doable and are going to be quite affective. This involves the collective steps and collective efforts that will further drive towards the collective action for the SDG’s. It will also help in building a resilient and sustainable recovery. These steps will indirectly create a sustainable environment and sustainability would automatically help in reducing poverty. It will also create more job opportunities along with economic development.

Role Of Artificial Intelligence In National Security

The branch of technology known as artificial intelligence (AI) is expanding quickly and has the potential to have substantial effects on national security. All facets of society are anticipated to change as a result of artificial intelligence (AI). National security may suffer if AI technology is not used and efficiently integrated. Since at least the Second World War, military technology has employed partially autonomous and intelligent systems, but latest events in machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) mark a turning point in the application of automation in warfare. AI and national security maintains technical leadership, promotes positive commercial and non-military uses, and reduces catastrophic risks. Over the past five years, professionals working in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) have made notable technical advancements, far more quickly than was initially predicted. Machine learning advancements in the AI subfield are mainly responsible for this progress. The majority of specialists predict that this rapid improvement will continue and even accelerate. The majority of developments in AI research take place in business and academia. National security could benefit significantly from current AI capabilities.

High-end technological states are increasingly utilizing AI-based decision-making systems and AI-based military systems. The shift in the balance of power in this dynamic international environment would be influenced by the development of new technologies by states. The fourth industrial revolution is going to speed up the technological revolution, where AI and machine learning (ML) are now being incorporated into military systems. New ideas are required, as well as a precise definition of the threats and methods for addressing them. There is a need to create regulations that prevent the weaponization of human-dependent technology like cyber and AI, even though that may be difficult to do. Both benefits and drawbacks of AI exist for humanity. Artificial intelligence has changed dramatically over the past ten years, leading to its adoption by organizations, businesses and people for a range of purposes, from financial planning mass surveillance. While countries compete to use the most advanced technology military, police and intelligence applications, their potential implications when used in counterterrorism strategy has also been explored. Attention is also paid many moral and ethical issues that need to be resolved before the technology can be effective employed in the fight against terrorism and extremism. Special attention is paid to artificial intelligence as one of the most adaptable development technologies that has the ability to drastically increase production and efficiency of various aspects in various industries such as medicine, agriculture, policing and counter-terrorism. These organizations and movements often use strategies such as attacking civilian targets in an attempt to draw attention to weak security the government they are trying to overthrow. Use Technology using artificial intelligence to identify individuals at risk of radicalization online another example of how this is possible is communities to facilitate reporting and intervention can be used to fight terrorism online. Correct use artificial intelligence in the fight against terrorism can help prevent domestic terrorism also. There are many uses for artificial intelligence the potential to help prevent online terrorism. By classifying new records, extracting patterns, marking relevant information, developments or relationships and displaying results, Artificial intelligence can benefit law enforcement agencies when dealing with the vast amount of data collected. He can assist in finding, identifying patterns and relationships that might otherwise remain undetected significantly assist law enforcement and change the direction of the fight against the Internet terrorism, anti-terrorist organizations.

It seems obvious that unchecked AI research and development would have disastrous impacts on every aspect of human life. Similar to the introduction of AI-based weapon systems, new arms race in the states with advanced technology is expected to result. Additionally, the states would be developing their AI-based weaponry as a form of defense. This would result in the militarization of AI, which would limit the potential future benefits of AI. Likewise, AI will not revolutionize the battlefield, but it will not change the way we live either. Robots are currently replacing humans in industry, creating job insecurity. Likewise, killer robots would be a potential threat to humans. There is no legal instrument or treaty that can limit the development of killer robots by developed nations. Furthermore, AI applications are widely used for civilian purposes and it should be noted that AI should not be tainted with negativity. Artificial intelligence has a dual use, and its civilian use is immensely beneficial to humanity in general. However, its defensive applications are extremely dangerous. It is up to states to decide on the use of AI.


U.S Saudi Arabia Relations And Saudi Support For Oil Production Cuts

There is a turbulence in US.Saudi relations as president Joe Biden does not plan to meet Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on the sidelines of the G20 summit. According to the US national security adviser Jake Sullivan, President Joe Biden has not indicated to have a meeting with Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman at the upcoming G20 summit in Indonesia. The move last week by OPEC made up of the Riyadh-led OPEC+ cartel and another group exporters led by Russia would cut global output by up to two million barrels a day from November. That could send energy prices soaring amid an energy crisis sparked by the war in Ukraine and inflation-weary American voters gearing up to cast ballots in midterm elections.

The move was widely seen as a diplomatic step, as Biden traveled to Saudi Arabia in July and have met the crown prince despite vowing to make the kingdom an international outcast after the 2018 murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The Biden administration has expressed openness in Congress to retaliation from outraged fellow Democrats. But Sullivan said Sunday that the president would not “act hastily” but he will act methodically, and strategically, and will fix a time for consultation with the members of both parties, and he will also have the opportunity to return to Congress to sit down with them personally and discuss options. The US-Saudi dispute initiated after meetings of G20 finance ministers and central bankers in Washington, which ended without communication. The group was already split due to the conflict in Ukraine. G20 heads of state and government are due to meet in Bali.

The largest oil producers, led by Saudi Arabia, have resolved to reduce production of oil by 2 million barrels per day, though the real reduction will likely be less as many of them were already falling short of their output goals. U.S. President Joe Biden had earlier supported increasing production to drive down prices and undermine Russia’s economy, which are dependent on the proceeds from oil exports. This indicates that the both parties are taking steps motivated by economics more than politics. There is a shift being observed in the Saudi Arabia’s foreign policy that it is purely focusing on the economy and on strengthening relations with Russia. This has indeed alarmed the allies.

Artificial Intelligence And Counter Terrorism

Artificial intelligence has changed dramatically over the last ten years, which has led to its adoption by organizations, businesses, and people for a range of purposes, from financial planning to mass monitoring. While countries compete to employ cutting-edge technology in military, law enforcement, and intelligence applications, its potential implications when used in counterterrorism strategy have only recently been investigated. Attention is also drawn to the many moral and ethical issues that need to be resolved before technology can be effectively employed to counteract terrorism and extremism.

New technologies may have been able to control the riots since they can improve the performance of tools used in many different fields. Artificial intelligence is specifically regarded as one of the most adaptable developing technologies having the ability to drastically boost the production and efficiency of various aspects in a variety of industries, such as medical, agriculture, policing, and counterterrorism. Domestic terrorist organizations constantly seek to undermine the governments of democracies. These organizations and movements frequently employ strategies like assaulting civilian targets in an effort to highlight the weak security of the government they are trying to overthrow.

Technology is not just used by the officials but the terrorists so acquire modern ways. The use of AI-powered technology to identify individuals who are at risk of radicalization in online communities in order to facilitate well reporting and intervention is another example of how it can be used to fight terrorism online. As has already been mentioned, radicalization is becoming an increasingly relevant phenomenon online. Additionally, it is one that cannot be found using normal law enforcement tactics. So indeed, artificial intelligence plays a very important role in countering terrorism by helping the officials gain accurate information. The proper use of artificial intelligence in countering terrorism can help in the prevention of home grown terrorism as well. It is important for keeping check and balance. The use of artificial intelligence has a lot of potential to help with online terrorism prevention. By classifying new entries, extracting patterns, flagging relevant information, developments, or relationships, and displaying outcomes, AI can benefit law enforcement in dealing with the massive amounts of collected data. It can assist in locating, identifying patterns and relationships that might otherwise go undetected can significantly assist law enforcement and to alter the direction of the fight against internet terrorism, counterterrorism organizations.

TTP (Tehrik-E-Taliban Pakistan) In Swat: Analysis on A Current Situation

Swat Valley has supposedly prevented of the evil of terrorism. In the recent Swat’s incident, a day after an anonymous gunmen opened fire on a school van, causing the driver’s death and injuring two children, thousands of people gathered in Swat to call for protection from terrorists. Along with the body of the deceased driver, Hussain Ahmad, the protesters and the body spent the entire night outside in a square in the middle of the city. Only after the authorities made a pledge to arrest the criminals and provide the driver’s family with compensation did they disperse more than 40 hours after the accident. It is not the first time that local population stood up against the presence of militants in the area. They have been issuing messages and warnings to all parties for the past few months ever since Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan members first appeared in the mountainous area. Earlier this year, as law enforcement officials initiated an operation to apprehend the TTP militants, the militants detained a police officer and an army officer. The occurrences of terrorism and its aftereffects are nothing new to the people of Swat. Pakistan Army already launched one Operation Rah-e-Rast back in 2009 to counter terrorism. It was not an easy one and on the other hand it left two million residents displaced.

Looking at the recent incidents and current circumstances in Swat, it can be assessed that once gain there is a tendency of spread of terrorism in Swat. Although, it will be challenging for Tehrik-eTaliban Pakistan to resurface as the local population is well aware of their extremist ideology. In the previous wave of terrorism, local population provided safe homes to the terrorists and there was a religious factor involved but now people are well aware of what damaged they have caused them. People fear that not only there will be life loss but once again they will get displaced and homeless. The recent protest clearly shows that the people somehow are demanding the bottom up approach. Things shall be done on the grass root level and conflict prevention approach needs to be used. The concept “conflict prevention” refers to a range of peace building-related actions and tactics that are used to predict and then neutralize possible causes of protracted, violent conflict. Several moral, political, and economic imperatives have pushed this shift toward preventing violent conflict. It is obvious that the main moral evidence in favor of a prevention measure are the massive human suffering, social devastation, and deaths that frequently result from violent conflicts.

A wide range of peace building related initiatives and strategies are referred to together as “conflict prevention” with the goal of avoiding and then neutralizing possible catalysts for protracted, violent conflict. This is what Pakistan’s officials need to foresee and through this they can reach to the winning hearts and minds of the people approach. The locals have identified an early warning of terrorism and it is high time that the government should also start taking measures. Without a doubt, the TTP has already set up some kind of system in Swat. The TTP and members of Pakistan’s government and security forces have held multiple rounds of negotiations with the Afghan Taliban government in Kabul over the past few months. The Afghan Taliban presently have more essential internal issues to deal with than spending time acting as a mediator, despite the fact that these talks have little to offer for the desired outcome of a peace settlement. Pakistan’s rising concern over the Taliban leadership’ incapacity to relieve Islamabad’s fears about using Afghan soil against Pakistan. It looks like Pakistan is now putting strain on the Taliban regime, although it would be inappropriate to make any assessments until their actions are detected on this other side of the border. The worst part of the problem is that politics is being played even over the Swat issue between the PTI-led Khyber Pakhtunkhwa administration and the federal government led by the PML-N. TTP strongholds were located in Swat until 2009, when the militants were driven out and the local government was reinstated as a result of a significant military-led counterterrorism operation. The impoverished region has experienced development, the building of new schools, and educational improvements over the years. Institutions, athletic fields, and an increase in local tourism which has already affected by the unconventional security threat, floods but now it has to be kept safe from another unconventional threat of terrorism.