The UN’s Reckless And Inefficient Record In Case Of Israel Palestine Conflict

United Nations, in general, and its Security Council, in particular, lack the motivation and legitimacy to counter the Israeli- Palestinian crisis. Israel-Palestinian conflict is a prolonged conflict and the international organization like U.N has also failed to de-escalate the situation in Palestine. It is important to know that all sides can benefit from a multinational peacekeeping force. It can provide Palestinians with security from Israel’s coercive and oppressive military rule. It will provide stability for Israelis without the domestic corruption that draconian militarism brings. It can provide both sides the room to breathe they need to restore bridges that have been destroyed in recent decades but The United States, Israel’s supporter and ally, has an important veto on the UN. As one of the five permanent members of the Security Council, Washington has used its veto power to protect Israel multiple times, not to mention the possibility, of a veto on several other occasions to stifle resolutions from its start. The super power like U.S supports the violence done by Israel and U.N is obviously under the influence of U.S. Even today the genocide is being done by the Israeli’s on the people of Palestine and UNSC, UNHRC, the whole U.N still decides to remain silent. Their infrastructure needs to be reformed in order for it to be a more powerful tool for global peace and security.

Today, what is happening in Palestine like Crimes against humanity, genocide of Muslims by Israeli’s, ethnic cleansing, Human rights violations, which are not even categorized as crimes and has been declared just, clearly shows that how biased U.N is. The U.N has left a big question mark in the face of the whole world that aren’t the Palestinian humans? Are these Human rights for selective people? U.N is still capable to send the peacekeeping forces in order to de-escalate the conflict but still does nothing. This can be considered as one of the biggest failure of U.N. This needs to have a permanent solution. Whenever any other event is going on in the world, the attention gets diverted from Israel and Palestine conflict and the violence continues.

SCO: Strengths For Pakistan

The SCO Charter strengthens regional peace and stability and regional ties in the economic, infrastructural, trade and cultural arenas, aligning neatly with Islamabad’s aspiration to enhance economic connectivity and regional peace. The Samarkand Declaration of the 22nd Summit of the SCO Council of Heads of State significantly called for further cooperation among SCO member countries with a focus on countering terrorism, extremism and separatism, which is particularly important for Pakistan given the renewed threats of the TTP as the Afghan Taliban turn a blind eye. In terms of regional security, the SCO is an emerging security bloc where Pakistan has a historic opportunity to enlist the support of all SCO members in its counter-terrorism initiatives. The SCO states are well aware of Pakistan’s contributions and sacrifices in countering regional radicalization. Therefore, the Samarkand Declaration emphasized the importance of consistent implementation of the Program of Cooperation of SCO Member States in the Fight against Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism for the period 2022-24, signed in 2021. Pakistan’s delegation to the SCO emphasized convergence that removes conflicts and promotes peace at the regional and global levels.

Instead of devastating floods, Pakistan can seek economic assistance from major powers through the SCO and continue to prosper through trade and investment. With both Pakistan and India as members of the SCO, it can act as a leading forum in trying to resolve the Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan, which has kept South Asia on the edge of war. To push out CPEC, India is promoting separatism, extremism and terrorism in various parts of Pakistan, which is anathema to the basic spirit of SCO. Islamabad must persuade regional countries to pressure India to work together in a partnership for peace and regional stability in South Asia in accordance with the scope and mandate of the SCO. The SCO will offer Pakistan the chance to contribute significantly to peace, stability, security, and rehabilitation on the SCO platform while concentrating on communication infrastructure, the social sector (health & education), and staff training for public sector organisations. This is an opportunity for Pakistan and India to engage together to advance the regional anti-terrorist campaign. SCO is currently a promising platform if Pakistan and India want to resolve their disputes, which they should do for the greater benefit.

Intelligence And International Security

Since, it is known that International Security is in one of the grand strategies of foreign policy of every state. The role of intelligence in the policy making of the state has been defined. By role of intelligence in policy making, it means the importance of intelligence agencies or the spies in shaping up the country’s foreign policies. Along with strategic intelligence which is needed to enhance the decision making process, states’ intelligence institutes and spies are equally important for shaping up the long term plan of the states. Policy making is the process of developing and identifying the ideas, options and long term policies in order to achieve the objectives and national interests of the state. State’s individuals like leaders, policy makers and state’s institutions like political, military,economic plays role in foreign policy. So, similarly intelligence also has its role also. So it has been analyzed that if the intelligence of the states work effectively this will help the policy makers to shape up the state’s strategies which will support the security and survival. The data and information which is collected by the intelligence is very important because the country’s strategy is based on that and even sometimes decision/policy makers or strategists blame their wrong decisions on the intelligence that correct information was not given to them due to which the there was an error in the strategy. One of the examples of this which is also given in the article says, that when United-States waged ‘’War on Terror’’ in Iraq and justified it by telling the whole world that there are weapons of mass destruction, which later on were not found. Intelligence was blamed for not giving the correct information. There are some more examples related to it given in this article such as, the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, intelligence services were questioned.

Three parts of intelligence operations are used: strategic (sometimes called as national), tactical, and counterintelligence. Strategic intelligence, which covers knowledge of the capabilities and intentions of other nations, is the widest of these categories. Military field commanders need tactical intelligence, often known as operational intelligence or battle intelligence. Political leaders frequently must consider data from tactical and strategic intelligence when making decisions due to the great destructive force of contemporary weapons; significant field commanders frequently require many levels of intelligence. The difference between these two degrees of intelligence may therefore be fading. The appropriate determination of what needs to be known is the first step in effective intelligence management. Without assessment, data will be gathered haphazardly and the decision maker will be eventually left without relevant information regarding which to act. The collected data must be analysed and formatted for usage (and sometimes stored for future use). Since a large number of many sources have questionable credibility, evaluation is crucial. The accuracy of the information they offer is predicted using a defined system that rates the sources’ dependability (e.g., information may be classified as confirmed, probably true, possibly true, or unlikely to be true).

Intelligence does not only play role in shaping up the country’s policies but also helps to implement those policies as well. Intelligence can play a role in building narratives in people’s mind to accept the policy of the state and make people accept the long term plans of their country. Ordinary people and their interests must also be treated as citizens rather than subjects, so this can cause complexity to formulate and implement strategies so for this, intelligence is also required. Intelligence cannot make real world easy, but it can give awareness and intuition with respect to the objectives or strategies, resources, leadership and priorities. Intelligence can keep an eye on that who can ruin the policy of the states. Covert actions can be used to influence political, military, or economic conditions or situations abroad, here the role of intelligence is equally important. Policy makers should not only solely rely on the intelligence because sometimes there can be the false information or sometimes the information could not be found for example intelligence of U.S failed to detect the 9/11. Though, intelligence-free strategy is surly less possible in this century. Strategies can become more successful if they incorporate information from intelligence. This is even more vital for the process of implementation.

Disaster Management And Mitigation: A Case Of Pakistan’s Floods

To avoid disasters is not completely in our control, but their preparedness and addressing is. Disasters can be prevented and their effects on communities are minimized by coordinated responses. Disaster management experts are vital in reducing suffering, maintaining people’s means of subsistence, and enhancing social recovery. Disaster management: What is it?

Disasters can come in different forms. Industrial explosions or structural failures are examples of human-made disasters that are caused by errors made by humans. Earthquakes and floods are examples of physical events that result in natural disasters. Epidemics and armed conflicts are examples of complicated disasters. Whatever their shape, disasters cause community disruption and can have a significant negative impact on people, property, businesses, and the environment. They frequently exceed a community’s capacity for adjustment. The practice of efficiently anticipating and reacting to calamities is known as disaster management. In order to reduce the damage caused by disasters, resources should be strategically organized. The management of the duties associated with catastrophe prevention, readiness, response, and recovery also entails a systematic approach. It is now common knowledge that all hazards are natural and all disasters are the result of unfair anthropogenic interactions with nature. Although the latest flood has a different character compared to the one in 2010 the latter was a flash flood, while the current one is a river flood in both cases it can be argued that the damage caused by both disasters is a result of demography and also ill-advised development policies throughout Pakistan. Some of the more immediate consequences of the latest disaster will be in the form of displacement, increase in illiteracy, unemployment, health crises, water and food shortages, infrastructure damage, loss of life, crop destruction, loss of livestock, water-borne diseases, urban migration and loss of social capital. Faced with these multifaceted challenges in such a short period of time, aid and humanitarian agencies must act and adapt quickly to alleviate the problems facing the millions of people who have been affected in recent weeks. Pakistan is vulnerable to most natural hazards. It is prone to floods, earthquakes, droughts and cyclonic storms. It is prone to famines and heavy monsoons. And let’s not forget the other kinds of disasters its residents inflict on each other the scourge of terrorism. With its second major flood in less than ten years, Pakistan is still having difficulty with the relief phase. It will be time to consider about disaster mitigation after this initial phase of assistance is finished.

According to how the Pakistani government has handled the flood situation so far, it is clear that our policymakers and the appropriate state institutions did not adequately reflect on the super-floods of 2010. Pakistan requires a lot of assistance from the international community, especially the biggest climate change contributors, but there is also much that has to be done domestically to make the nation more resilient to various climate-related disasters. The colonial administration actually increased the probability of moderate frequency-high intensity flood occurrences by constructing a complex water management system. Pakistan must enhance water drainage, but it cannot deconstruct its irrigation infrastructure. To reduce the intensity of flooding, obstructions that prevent natural drainage of waterways should be eliminated. Flood risk due to heavy rainfall will last for shorter periods of time because to improved drainage. This will thus minimise the severity of evictions, water-borne illnesses, and the loss of human and cattle life. In order to ease drainage and reduce flood damage, it is crucial that important infrastructure, such as highways and railway lines, have functional drainage ditches or other relevant architectural features.

Clearly, Pakistan has given very less attention to disaster-resistant infrastructure development. Smaller dams in Balochistan, for example, and other towns and cities’ already sparse infrastructure and community resources have apparently been destroyed or severely damaged. In its place, the nation is having uneven development with housing societies, hotels, and other infrastructure that encroaches on the floodplains. It is past time for our administrators and officials to stand up to pressure or enticement from influential vested interests and steadfastly reject any real estate developments on floodplains, like the profitable but problematic Ravi River project. Rather than playing a blame game, more attention should be given to preventive measures, risk analysis disaster management and mitigation. Despite the creation of national and provincial disaster management bodies, the nation’s institutional capacity to deal with climatic disasters remains poor. In order to enhance disaster management and preparedness efforts and make them more reactive, local areas must be involved, according to academics and development practitioners. To enable more effective early warning and vulnerability analysis, civil society and other local institutions can play a crucial role in data collection and information sharing.

Sanctions On Iran Once Again; The Consequences Of Violation Of Women Rights

In a statement Monday night, Biden said he was “deeply concerned by reports of escalating violent repression against peaceful protesters in Iran, including students and women, demanding their equal rights and basic human dignity. In a statement He was was “deeply concerned by reports of escalating violent repression against peaceful protesters in Iran, including students and women, demanding their equal rights and basic human dignity.”

Washington imposed sanctions on Iran’s “morality police” as well as seven leaders of Iranian security organizations, saying they “routinely use violence to suppress peaceful protesters and members of Iranian civil society, political dissidents, women’s rights activists and members of the Iranian movement. Canada also imposed sanctions on top Iranian security officials for what it called “gross human rights violations.” This included “the systematic persecution of women, and in particular the outrageous acts committed by Iran’s so-called ‘Morality Police,’ which led to the death of Mahsa Amini while in their custody.” Said the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government said in a statement.

FILE PHOTO: Iran’s and U.S.’ flags are seen printed on paper in this illustration taken January 27, 2022. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/Illustration/File Photo

The US president said that he was also concerned by reports of a crackdown on protests in Iran over the death of Mahsa Amini. Joe Biden said his administration would impose “further costs” on those responsible for violence against Iranian protesters who have taken to the streets for more than two weeks in anger over the recent death of a 22-year-old woman in Tehran. He was concerned by reports of the escalating violent crackdown on peaceful protesters in Iran, including students and women, demanding their equal rights and basic human dignity. Amini’s death sparked an outpouring of anger against the Iranian government, with protesters demanding more civil liberties, including an end to the dress code imposed on women. Amini’s death sparked an outpouring of anger against the Iranian government, with protesters demanding more civil liberties, including an end to the dress code imposed on women. US has increasingly been dependant on economic pressure against Iran, despite persistent challenges in generating broad multilateral support. Iran’s economy was significantly impacted by the cumulative impact of the sanctions. Formal costs are difficult to estimate, in part because the instability caused by the sanctions had already taken a significant impact on the Iranian economy.

Social Contract Theories: An Analysis

These three philosophers Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau were the main thinkers of philosophy. They helped men evolve this social contract theory to what it is now, in this modern day. Socrates believed that if you live in the society you agree to follow the rules. Then the idea of social contract theory was given by Hobbes. Their ideas depends on the social issues of their time and are influenced by the era in which they used to live. A main similarity in their work is that all three of them believed that there should be a sort of social contract, a constitution of a supreme power, such as government in order to govern the rights of man, but they have different views on how social contract should be established and how the government should be formed.

Social contract is an agreement between the members of the community or between the legal sovereign authority and its people. In order to understand the Social Contract Theories Expounded by these philosophers, we have to understand their state of nature. According to Hobbes human nature is selfish and must be controlled while according to Locke humans are rational and Rousseau thinks humans are good and compassionate but have a tendency of corruption in them. Hobbes first imagined that if there is a state of nature where is no law, there would be chaos as war in in the nature of man. A state of nature is a dangerous place according to him. So this thought gave him an idea of social contract theory. Hobbes felt that the man’s power hungry nature and the state of war is controlled by social contract. As when there is one visible power, it keeps the men in awe and tie them by fear of punishment to the performance of their promises and observations of these laws of nature. Locke feels the same that the purpose of law is not the restriction of man’s freedom but is rather to grant man liberty. If there is no law there is no freedom because liberty has to be free from violence from others and laws help up with this. Laws promote the idea of popular sovereignty. He (Locke) also believed that laws are made to establish man’s natural rights. Rousseau also thought the same that the creation of social contract secures man’s rights. He thinks that it’s the people who are sovereign. For Hobbes if there is a social contract people are going to live in peace, without rights under the control of monarch. According to John Locke natural rights would be enforced by government created with consent. For Rousseau life is going to fare for everyone. As as we look to the benefits of everyone .Rousseau begins on social contract with his famous quote “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chain” Also he said that social contract is essential if a man has an intention to survive.

Hobbes perception was that man is evil and government is needed to protect public. Government should be powerful and cannot be overthrow. Power should not be shared and executive is absolute. While Locke had this idea that government desires the benefit of public and can be overthrown on some conditions. Power should be shared on legislative and executive. And Rousseau has this point that man nature is good but society screws it up. Government is needed to enforce social contract and power is shared and direct and there is no need of representatives. Hobbes placed moral obligations on the sovereign who shall be bound by natural law. Hence, it can be concluded that, Hobbes was the supporter of absolutism. According to Locke man lived in the State of Nature. It was reasonably good and enjoyable, but the property was not secure. He considered State of Nature as a “Golden Age”. It was a state of peace, goodwill, mutual assistance, and preservation. In that state of nature, men had all the rights which nature could give them. Jean Jacques Rousseau gave a new interpretation to the theory of Social Contract in his work “The Social Contract” and “ Emile”. According to him, social contract is not a historical fact but a hypothetical construction of reason and before the Social Contract, the life in the State of Nature was happy and there was equality among men. As time passed, however, humanity faced certain changes. As the population increased, the means by which people could satisfy their needs had to change. People slowly began to live together in small families, and then in small communities. Divisions of labour started, both within and between families, and discoveries and inventions made life modern and much easier giving rise to leisure time. This all lead people to make comparisons between themselves and others, resulting in public values, leading to shame and envy, pride and contempt. The most important thing he invented was the private property.
Hobbes believed that without subjection to a common power of their rights and freedoms, men are necessarily at war. Locke and Rousseau disagrees to this and set forth the view that the state is to preserve and protect the natural rights of its citizens. When government fails in that task, citizens have the right to withdraw their support and even The social contract that has been evolved today is because of these political philosophers.

Afghanistan and Ethnic Conflict

Afghanistan has different ethnic groups resulting in the major struggles between them, which lead towards violence, and hatred. Even to this day, Afghanistan faces ethnic and religious diversity’s that put a risk of religious and ethnical conflicts due to its geographical position, There are so many ethnic groups in Afghanistan and the most prominent ones are Pashtuns, Tajiks, Hazara’s, and Uzbek’s (Greens). Pashtun and Tajik’s are the Sunni group while Hazara’s are the Shias. Hazara’s are in minority. After the Afghan- Anglo wars and Soviet invasion, Ethnic rivalries increased. Now if we talk about the Taliban there, they are also the followers of Sunni ideology and are against Shias. When Taliban rose to power in the mid-1990s, they started committing atrocities against their opponents, the Shias Hazaras, Tajiks and Uzbeks. Afghanistan is already a fragmented state and is in a warzone, what more worse it can face. For most of this decade, US, NATO and other allied troops, have been indulged in counterinsurgency campaigns in Afghanistan. The Islamic concept of jihad seems to be the motivating factor and the main ideology behind the insurgency. However, Afghanistan is a diverse society with multiple ethnic and sectarian cleavages, and parallel with the insurgency and the predominantly Pashtun character of the insurgency suggests ethnic grievances behind the ideological veil as well. Once it happened in Afghanistan that the Pashtuns established a movement of Pashtunistan, which means greater Afghanistan and wanted its neighbouring countries such as Pakistan to be in Afghanistan, but failed.

Theory of constructivism will give a better understanding as Constructivism has proved to be a more effective approach to viewing international relations. Constructivists say that neither identity nor interests can be detached from a world of social meaning. The necessity to devise the right policy options when dealing with such complicated situations often prompts decision makers to base their solution on what they perceive as the “dominant” side of the conflict, i.e., either the ideological or the ethnic character. Furthermore, Afghanistan is a war affected and under developed country. The country relies on foreign aid for its development, infrastructure, and human welfare. If it gets disintegrated, a lot of resources will be needed for that which the people of Afghanistan does not have. However many Hazara accuse the Government of not distributing this fairly to the provinces where they form a majority. If we look at the current situation of Afghanistan, it is facing an intra Afghan conflict as well.

All the elites have their own parochial self-interests, their interests are not state centric. Also, whenever the political parties are formed, the leader social identity affects the decision on how much on how much resources he has to contribute, for what and where.
Afghanistan is already a fragile state with lack of sovereignty and democratic values and culture as well. Afghanistan and Hazaras the minorities will be mis-treated. Well Taliban’s and its government is of Pashtuns and are in majority, while the other ethnic groups are in minority. The largest ethnic group in Afghanistan, estimated at around 45% of the population and mostly concentrated in the south and east of the country, are the Sunni Muslim Pashtuns. The Pashtun population is split in half by the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, the Durand Line, and has a long history of challenging state power and the legitimacy of official borders in both countries. Until recently, when Pakistan built a fence on the border, Pashtun tribesmen and fighters crossed the border as if it did not exist. Pashtuns are often characterized as fiercely independent and protective of their country, honor, traditions and faith. The Taliban pose a threat to the civil and political rights of Afghans, which are enshrined in the constitution drafted by the government with U.S. support. The Taliban have acted in a manner reminiscent of their ruthless rule in the late 1990s since regaining power. Numerous abuses of human rights have been recorded by the UN mission in Afghanistan. unequal rights for every ethnic group residing in Afghanistan is also the violation of human right and when there violation of human rights, there is a high chance of conflict or civil war.

International Body United Nations Emphasis On International Aid For Pakistanis Flood Victims

A number of UN human rights experts have encouraged nations to aid Pakistan after the country was struck by floods, referring to it as an “international obligation.” These dreadful floods and the immense human suffering they have wreaked in Pakistan are both a result of the global climate disaster. All nations that have contributed to the international climate disaster have a duty to help Pakistan recover, according to a group of UN experts who released a joint statement on Wednesday in Geneva. Nearly 33 million of the country’s 220 million citizens have been impacted by the devastating floods, which have ruined an already vulnerable infrastructure to the tune of over $30 billion.

Islamabad: Eight senior UN human rights experts urge countries around the world to step up aid to victims of Pakistan’s monsoon floods and ensure international recovery efforts are guided by human rights laws and norms called. “We join those seeking international solidarity with the flood victims in Pakistan,” said the expert. Cecilia Jimenez-Damary, Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons. Ian Fry, Special Rapporteur on promoting and protecting human rights in the context of climate change. As it houses people displaced by climate change-induced monsoon floods, Pakistan needs to pay renewed attention to land rights and land tenure security,” the expert said.

Almost 45% of the country’s arable land has already been destroyed by floods, posing a serious threat to food security and further contributing to already skyrocketing inflation. The death toll from the floods has risen to 1,569 since mid-June, according to the latest figures from the country’s National Disaster Management Authority. In addition, the total number of damaged houses across the country has exceeded two million, official estimates suggest. UN experts have said that Pakistan and its people have contributed only marginally to global warming, which results in extreme weather events and climate change. “It is important that international humanitarian efforts are guided by human rights and prioritize humanitarian aid and assistance to the most vulnerable. In re-housing those displaced by climate change-induced monsoon floods, Pakistan must renew attention to land rights and security of tenure,” they said. These experts said practices such as forced evictions and uncontrolled deforestation could exacerbate the effects of climate change. “Many people who have been affected by the floods are not entitled to land and homes, so they choose to stay closer to where they live, putting themselves and their families at risk,” they added. They suggested that Pakistan legalize informal housing as a bulwark of building a society equipped to withstand the impacts of climate-induced events.

In order to make nations more resistant to such shocks, the experts also highlighted the importance of measures to boost international support for the creation of welfare support floors, such as through the global fund for social protection recommended by the International Labor Conference. The international community shall continue to provide help, not only for the urgent recovery and relief efforts but also for the following phase of reconstruction and rehabilitation, as Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif stressed. It is not possible for Pakistan to get out of this situation withut the international help. Islamabad estimates that even though the UN and other countries have contributed hundreds of millions of dollars in relief for Pakistan, it will still cost at least $10 billion to restore everything that has been lost. The process of rehabilitation is going to be a long one as many remote areas in the provinces are still under water and authorities have not rescued the residents there.

Japan Intends To Re-Open Mass Tourism

In October, Japan will relax strict border controls related to the pandemic, allowing for mass tourism for the first time in 2.5 years. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced that individual travel and visa-free entrance would return on October 11 as the country works to rebuild its relationship with the rest of the world. Kishida, who is in the United States for the UNGA, said on Thursday that “we are a nation that has flourished on the free flow of people, goods, and capital.” Naturally, COVID-19 has prevented the use of all these advantages, but starting on October 11, Japan will ease border controls to a level with those in the US and restore visa-free travel and individual travel.

Only China has yet to declare plans to relax strict border controls, making Japan one of the last economies to restore widespread travel and tourism. Japan is only permitting tourists on tours, and the country now has a daily arrival limit of 50,000 as part of a partial easing of restrictions that have been in place since June. Visitors to the nation also need to apply for a visa. Only 8,000 foreign visitors arrived in July, compared to approximately 3 million in July of 2019. Tight limitations have caused foreign tourists to generally avoid the country.

The government has been asked to reopen borders by tourism industry representatives and trade associations, who also expressed concern that Japan would fall behind as the rest of the globe adapts to the virus. Japan experienced some of the highest COVID cases anywhere in the world last month, with the daily infection rate topping 250,000, despite the fact that the country’s overall death toll continues to be among the lowest globally. The reopening of Japan, according to Gary Bowerman, director of travel and tourism research at Check-in Asia, will be a “key barometer” of the recovery of travel in the Asia-Pacific region, which has lagged behind the other regions of the world.

Floods And Climate Induced Migration

The geological record clearly demonstrates the fact that the climate has undergone great variation throughout the planet’s history. The process of climate change, however, has been more a result of human activity than of natural factors ever since the Industrialization, when fossil energy consumption expanded dramatically and, consequently, the production of greenhouse gases. Currently, there is big scientific opinion that the unprecedented global climatic change in human history is caused by our present system of production and energy use. Even though it is already having an adverse effect on the environment and the global economy,
Human migration is fueled by extreme water events that alter the availability of water for drinking, cooking, washing, and agriculture. Floods also are one example of the catastrophic water disasters that will occur more frequently and negatively as rainfall intensify due to climate change. By 2050, more than a billion people will have migrated due to water extremes and climate change. According to the International Organization of Migration, people who migrate due to any environmental problem or climate disaster are called environmental migratnts and they perform climate induced migration. It has defined as: ‘’The term “environmental migrants” refers to individuals or groups of individuals who are compelled to relocate either domestically or internationally because of an abrupt or gradual change in their environment that negatively impacts their lives.’’ Climate induced migration can be both temporary and permanent.

Climate Induced Migration Due To Floods In Pakistan And Its Affects:

As one third of Pakistan is drowned in flood and because of this disaster people in affected areas have to move for the survival. Floods have already caused enough of the life loss and economic loss as well. Whenever the migration occurs locally, government is responsible to take care of the needs of the migrants but government itself is facing economic issues. It is not possible for Pakistan to look after the needs of the migrants without the assistance of the NGO’S and international assistance. If the migrants are not taken care of while they have already been gone through the trauma caused by the floods, their frustration can lead towards the conflict as well. Their foremost need is survival and for that they can go to any extent. The government has to take care of all their needs or else they will have grievances. People are moving towards the urban areas and especially towards the main cities. If there needs will not be fulfilled then there is a high chance of high crime rates as well.


To date, this mobility has been largely internal and increasingly an urban phenomenon, with many of those displaced and migrating moving to urban areas. Although the majority of people displaced or migrating as a result of climate impacts remain in their countries of origin, the accelerating trend in climate-related global displacement is also increasing cross-border movement, particularly where climate change is linked to conflict and violence. Understanding the underlying causes of migration and developing proactive, humane management strategies are crucial as the effects of climate change worsen. These strategies should also take into account any geographic or environmental factors that would disproportionately contribute to the destabilization of economically or politically significant regions. Climate migration or climate displacement are terms that describe a large number of migration scenarios related to climate change. However, each has a more specific meaning and both are different from planned relocation. Migration might be driven by increasingly severe conditions or it can happen proactively in response to climate impacts on livelihoods and well-being. It can be temporary, seasonal, cyclical, or permanent. An entire community is typically shifted as part of a planned relocation, which is carried out by the relevant governments, ideally in collaboration with the affected communities.