Pakistan’s Justification and International Implications to the Deportation of Afghan Refugees

The people of Afghanistan have suffered greatly because of the US-Afghan war. Although many people would believe that the goal of war was to bring about stability in the area, there have been more negative effects than positive ones. Many Afghanis have migrated to Pakistan out of fear for the Taliban administrations ever after the United States formally declared the war to be finished. The Taliban are well-known for their extreme ideologies and stern adherence to Shariah law. The Taliban have now established their authority because of the withdrawal. Due to its proximity, most Afghan refugees are in Pakistan in quest of a better life. The international community has fully boycotted the Taliban administration during their control, which has left a financial gap. The current methods of running the Afghan economy include trafficking, smuggling, and the cultivation of opium.

The Afghani currency has decreased by 25% over the last two years, however it is evident that this has caused a significant increase in youth unemployment. According to reports, the joblessness rate reached 20% in 2023 and the disparity continued to worsen.

Afghani refugees have long considered Pakistan to be a safe shelter. To sustain their family, many refugees have already created businesses and residences registered under local Pakistani companies. However, these migrants are not given an identity. Afghans are experiencing an identity crisis as a result of being denied access to necessities like driver’s licenses and medical facilities, among other things. Although Pakistan does receive funding from other countries for the purpose of rehabilitating refugees, the living conditions in these camps are subpar and precarious. They lack proper access to medical care, lavatories, education, and leisure activities. A majority of the children in these camps for refugees are malnourished and at risk of contracting fatal illnesses.

A legislation pertaining to the deportation of 1.7 million refugees who were not officially registered with the Pakistani government was recently passed. Considering this, legislation is currently being implemented, and a nationwide crackdown has been launched after the time for voluntary returns collapsed. The most recent influx of refugees was of 600,000 consequently after the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan. The question that arises is that, is it a viable solution for countries to forcibly deport refugees into countries where they have previously faced persecution?

It’s a question of security for the host country but how does that reflect upon the international community. According to the refugee and human rights legislation, the principle of non-refoulement is recognized by international law. The principle of non-refoulement forbids sending a refugee back to a place where they risk persecution, torture, or cruel or inhumane treatment. This means that Pakistan must uphold the principle of non-refoulement and refrain from sending refugees against their will back to a nation where they risk persecution.

The Pakistani government found it rational to house refugees in transportation containers and leave them stranded at the Border of Afghanistan. This inhumane treatment led to a severe accident where the driver of the container collided on a bridge resulting in 2 deaths and 14 refugees severely injured. Some Afghan refugees in their primary schools said goodbye to their peers not knowing what waits for them beyond the border. While many refugees are being deported back, the Taliban government has requested Pakistan to be tolerant towards their people and to let them have their time to move back efficiently. Pakistan has rejected the call and claimed that,

“This action is a testament to Pakistan’s determination to repatriate any individuals residing in the country without proper documentation,” Pakistani Interior Minister Sarfaraz Bugti said on social media platform X.

Islamabad uses concerns about Afghans who have carried out suicide bombings in Pakistan to justify its policy towards undocumented foreign nationals. This is especially relevant given the recent spike in fatal attacks carried out by Taliban-affiliated militants operating out of Afghanistan. Protests to remove the country’s refugee population and anti-Afghan sentiments have been sparked by these violent episodes. Pakistan is currently experiencing a protracted economic crisis that has led to record-high rates of inflation and skyrocketing energy prices.

Amidst the deportations, there has been an increase in tension in the Parachinar region that borders Afghanistan. Sectarian violence is allegedly being created by rebel groups with deep ties to the Afghan Taliban Regime, although this is being done to push the Pakistani security forces to refocus their efforts within. The two main Muslim sects in Pakistan are now divided because of the 14 deaths caused by sectarian violence. Although some may view this as a diversion, if the Pakistani government does not address the issue effectively, it might cause even more chaos.

Pakistan must keep in mind that they are treading carefully in the event of guerilla warfare, even though security is still the government’s priority in the areas of the country that border Afghanistan. Since the Afghan refugees have lived in Pakistan for more than 30 years, their sudden departure will undoubtedly have negative effects on the country.

Role of UN and Conflict Resolution Options in Israel-Palestine conflict

Role of Non-State Actors:

After World War II, the United Nations proposed a plan to address the situation in Palestine. In 1947, the UN passed Resolution 181, suggesting the termination of the Mandate and the partition of Palestine into two independent states – one for Palestinian Arabs and the other for Jews. Jerusalem was to be internationalized to address its unique significance to different groups. However, this proposal faced significant challenges and tensions. In the aftermath of the 1967 Six-Day War, Israel occupied the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem, which was subsequently annexed by Israel. This war led to a second exodus of Palestinians, with an estimated half a million displaced. To address this situation, the UN passed Security Council Resolution 242 in 1967, which outlined principles for achieving a just and lasting peace. It called for an Israeli withdrawal from the territories occupied during the conflict, a resolution of the refugee problem, and the end of all states of belligerency.

The 1973 hostilities resulted in Security Council Resolution 338, which called for peace negotiations between the parties involved. Subsequently, in 1974, the UN General Assembly reaffirmed the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, including self-determination, national independence, sovereignty, and the right to return. The Assembly also established the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian people and granted observer status to the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in the General Assembly and UN conferences. Efforts to find a peaceful settlement continued, with the Madrid Peace Conference in 1991. This conference aimed to achieve a peaceful resolution through direct negotiations, focusing on two tracks: negotiations between Israel and Arab states and between Israel and the Palestinians. These negotiations were based on Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338. In 2002, the Security Council affirmed a vision of two states, Israel and Palestine, as a potential solution to the conflict. The Arab League adopted the Arab Peace Initiative the same year, offering a comprehensive approach to resolving the crisis. In 2003, the Quartet – consisting of the United States, the European Union, Russia, and the United Nations – released a Road Map to a two-state solution. Additionally, an unofficial Geneva Peace Accord was promoted by influential Israelis and Palestinians in 2003.

Efforts continued with the Annapolis process in 2007-2008, but it failed to yield a permanent status agreement. The situation escalated in late 2008, leading to the Israeli ground operation “Cast Lead” in Gaza, which prompted UN Security Council Resolution 1860. On November 29, 2012, Palestine was granted non-member observer state status in the United Nations, a significant step in their international recognition. The General Assembly proclaimed 2014 as the International Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, further highlighting the ongoing concern for their rights and wellbeing. In 2016, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 2334, which focused on Israeli settlements. This resolution reaffirmed the international community’s stance against Israeli settlements in the occupied territories and called for their cessation. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict remains a complex and ongoing issue, with various international efforts aimed at achieving a just and lasting peace in the region.


The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a complex and long-standing issue with deep historical, political, and religious roots. The resolutions proposed are with respect to the realist school of thought. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, various approaches and proposals have been put forward over the years to resolve the conflict. Here are some of the possible conflict resolution options:

Two-State Solution: This approach involves the creation of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state alongside the State of Israel, with agreed-upon borders based on the pre-1967 lines (with possible land swaps). This solution has been widely supported by the international community and has been the basis for numerous peace negotiations.

One-State Solution: This approach suggests creating a single bi-national state where Israelis and Palestinians would have equal rights and representation. It would require addressing concerns about demographics, political power-sharing, and the protection of minority rights. However, this solution is considered less feasible due to significant challenges related to historical animosities and differing national aspirations.

Confederation or Federation: This proposal suggests establishing a confederation or federation that allows for significant autonomy for both Israelis and Palestinians within a unified political framework. It would involve shared governance structures, cooperative institutions, and joint decision-making mechanisms to address common issues while maintaining separate national identities.

• Regional Approach: Some argue that resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict requires a broader regional approach involving neighboring Arab countries. This approach could include comprehensive peace treaties, economic cooperation, and the normalization of relations between Israel and Arab states. The 2020 Abraham Accords, which established diplomatic relations between Israel and several Arab countries, represent a step in this direction.

• Incremental/Conflict Management: Rather than seeking a comprehensive solution, this approach focuses on managing the conflict through confidence-building measures, small-scale agreements, and improving living conditions for Palestinians. The goal is to gradually reduce tensions and create an environment conducive to further negotiations.

International Intervention: Increased involvement and mediation by the international community, including regional and global powers, can play a significant role in facilitating dialogue, negotiations, and the implementation of a resolution. This could include initiatives by the United Nations, the United States, the European Union, or other interested parties.

It is important to note that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is highly complex, and any resolution requires a genuine commitment from both parties, compromises, and addressing the core issues that have fueled the conflict for decades. The path to peace will likely involve a combination of the above approaches and may require innovative ideas and adaptations to specific circumstances on the ground.

China’s Military and Economic Interests

In recent years, China has made significant strides towards modernising and expanding its military capabilities, which has attracted increased attention from around the world and raised questions about the repercussions of these developments. This article takes a constructive stance on China’s military advancements, highlighting their potential for regional stability and exploring the vital role that the United States can play in managing this evolving landscape. This article takes a constructive stance on China’s military advancements, highlighting their potential for regional stability.

The Modernization of China’s Armed Forces

The fundamental requirement for China to preserve its national sovereignty and protect its security interests is the driving force behind its efforts to modernise its military. Over the course of the last few decades, China has made significant investments in order to improve the capabilities of its conventional armed forces. This investment includes updating weaponry and equipment as well as improving training methods and developing new curriculum. It is essential to point out that while this modernization has unquestionably improved China’s military capabilities, it has also made it possible for the country to positively participate in global initiatives such as disaster relief, peacekeeping missions, and humanitarian efforts. For this reason, it is important to note both of these facts.

The Integration of Nuclear Weapons

Concerns have been raised as a result of recent reports that China has added nuclear warheads to its arsenal. Nevertheless, placing these new developments within the context of China’s long-standing policy of preserving a minimum deterrence strategy is of utmost importance. In contrast to other countries that possess nuclear weapons, China has never wavered in its stance that it will adhere to the “no-first-use” policy. This policy reflects a responsible approach to nuclear weapons, placing a higher priority on offensive capabilities than on the ability to deter attacks. In addition, it is of the utmost importance to acknowledge that China’s nuclear arsenal is still quite modest in comparison to those of the United States and Russia.

The Function of the United States of America

The United States of America plays an extremely important part in the management of China’s military advancements. When interacting with China, the United States should place a greater emphasis on diplomatic engagement and dialogue rather than taking a position that is antagonistic towards China. These kinds of efforts can lead to a better understanding on both sides of the security concerns and goals of each nation’s perspective. Both countries have the ability to improve their relationship with one another by concentrating on issues that are of mutual concern, such as arms control, the fight against terrorism, and climate change.

Advancing the Cause of Regional Stability

Recent developments in China’s military have the potential to make a sizeable contribution to maintaining peace in the region. As China continues to improve its military capabilities, it will be in a better position to act as a stabilising force in the Asia-Pacific region by discouraging potential conflicts and fostering a power dynamic that is more balanced. A stable environment is not only in China’s best interest, but also in the best interest of its neighbouring countries, including those that have close ties to the United States. China’s neighbours stand to benefit the most from such an environment.

Contributions Made by China Towards International Safety

China’s role in maintaining global security goes well beyond its own regional interests. The nation has been very active in international efforts to keep the peace and help those who have been affected by natural disasters. One of the most notable examples of its positive engagement on the global stage can be seen in the contributions it has made to the fight against piracy off the coast of Somalia and to the provision of humanitarian assistance during natural disasters. These actions demonstrate China’s dedication to working towards a more secure and stable global environment.

Striking a Balance Between Security Concerns

It is essential for both China and the United States to strike a balance between their security concerns and broader global interests in order to deal with the ongoing modernization of China’s military by China. Neither country can afford to ignore this imperative. Cooperation between these two major powers can be facilitated through the use of collaborative strategies to address common challenges, such as the prevention of the spread of nuclear weapons. Through their cooperative efforts, China and the United States can serve as a model for other countries and make significant contributions to the maintenance of peace and order on a global scale.

In conclusion, it is essential to evaluate China’s efforts to modernise its military, which includes the recent addition of nuclear warheads, in the context of their dedication to preserving national security. The United States and China can increase their level of trust in one another and their level of understanding of one another by engaging in diplomatic engagement, engaging in constructive dialogue, and focusing on areas of common interest. It is essential to place an emphasis on these positive aspects in order to effectively manage this shifting geopolitical landscape. By doing so, both countries will be able to address their legitimate concerns about national security while also contributing to the maintenance of regional and global stability.

African Migrants and Europe’s Response to the Canary Islands’ Migration Conundrum

Canary Islands, which are part of Spain, have become a significant destination for African migrants who are attempting to reach the shores of Europe in recent years. These migrants, who are driven to migrate by a complex mix of economic, environmental, and sociopolitical factors, are frequently willing to endure perilous sea journeys in the hopes of finding a better future for themselves and their families. Many people find it difficult to resist the allure of Europe because of the significant economic disparities that exist between certain parts of Africa and Europe, as well as the frequent conflicts, political unrest, and significant environmental challenges, such as desertification. In addition to this, the possibility of reuniting with members of one’s family who have already settled in Europe serves as yet another powerful pull factor.


More than 1,200 African migrants arrived in Spain’s Canary Islands over the weekend, with one vessel breaking the record for the most people brought by a single boat with 321 passengers. In total, 1,235 migrants had arrived on the Spanish islands located off the coast of western Africa, contributing to the recent surge in the number of migrants who arrived. According to the sources, it displayed images of a multicoloured vessel that was packed to capacity with passengers who were smiling and waving as it approached the port. The most recent statistics available from the Spanish Ministry of the Interior show that 23,537 migrants arrived in the Canaries between January 1 and October 15.

In response to this influx, the European Union (EU) has developed an approach that incorporates multiple facets. The framework for the protection of asylum seekers and refugees is a demonstration of the European Union’s dedication to upholding international protection standards. For example, the Dublin Rule outlines who is responsible for processing asylum claims. This rule generally stipulates that it is the first EU nation a migrant sets foot in, which is typically Spain for those who arrive via the Canary Islands. On the other hand, this is counterbalanced by the increasingly stringent border control measures implemented by the EU. Increased resources are being allocated to border security agencies such as Frontex as a result of increased investments in border wall construction. The ‘externalisation’ strategy, in which the EU works with countries that are not members of the EU to manage migration flows prior to their arrival on European territory, has also been prominent.

However, because of their limited infrastructure, the Canary Islands face enormous logistical challenges when it comes to accommodating and processing the migrants who arrive there. And at the very centre of the EU, political divisions continue to exist. As a result of an increase in support for right-wing ideologies, some member states are advocating for a unified and compassionate approach to migration, while others are leaning towards a more restrictive stance. This internal contention is further complicated by pressing humanitarian concerns, which have been brought to light by reports of migrants tragically losing their lives while travelling by sea or facing harsh conditions in holding facilities.

PM of Pakistan at UNGA: The Role of Geo-Economics in times of geopolitics

The President of Pakistan addressed the 78th session of the UNGA held on the 22nd of September 2023. He initiated his maiden speech with the central issues in International politics, and conflicts. He highlighted the Ukrainian conflict and mentioned that conflicts prevail in more the 50+ states across the world. He discouraged the current political arena, for promoting avenues of geopolitics. He emphasized the threat posed by geopolitics and said that the world cannot afford a “Cold War 2.0”. He further went on to quote that in today’s times, our priorities should be vested in promoting Geo-economics.

Secondly, he asserted the importance of Sustainable Development goals. The SDGS plays a pivotal role in developing countries facing setbacks due to COVID-19, climate change, and conflict. It’s important for the SDGs to be implemented for a better quality of life to be ensured in all parts of the world, especially in the Global South. He also emphasized the procurement of funds to the deeply affected nations by setting up development banks.

Mr. Kakar also vouched for Pakistan’s full support towards the principles and objectives laid down by the COP-28 summit, he announced that Pakistan is a huge believer in Climate change and is willing to cooperate with countries who work towards solving the problem of climate change. He reiterated the tragedy of 1700 lives being taken by the recent floods along with 1/3 of the population being internally displaced. He emphasized on the 4rF plan created for the recovery of Pakistan, to deal with the damage caused by the floods.

Regarding economic affairs, he announced that cooperation with China has been commendable in terms of the Belt and Road initiative. It has been a key holder in achieving access to Central Asia. But, he emphasized regional cooperation as that is important for achieving geo-economic success. The President emphasized the importance of the region growing together and openly called upon India for collaboration in trade, on the condition of Kashmir.

Kashmir has been a pivotal point of contention between Pakistan and India. Mr Kakar mentioned some of the atrocities that the Indian government had committed in the Indian-occupied Kashmir. Such as imprisoning leaders, shutting down peaceful protests, lockdowns, internet blackouts, etc. According to the Foreign Policy of Pakistan, Kashmir is the key to attaining peace with Pakistan. Pakistan believes that through the United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan, a fair plebiscite should prevail, and the Kashmiri people should decide their own fate. Pakistan has rejected ties with India based on the oppression it puts the Kashmiris through. Additionally, he also highlighted how the voice of the Kashmiris is not able to reach the masses because New Delhi doesn’t support the freedom of the press in Indian Occupied Kashmir. Reporters for the UNWATCH and UNHRC are not able to have access to the ground realities.

Moreover, Mr. Kakar talked about disarmament. He called upon nations to lessen their use of Conventional and strategic weapons. Mr. Kakar also talked about the conditions of the women and girls in Afghanistan. As a peace-loving nation, Kakar was able to project that Pakistan has always been a champion of human rights. Pakistan is deeply saddened by the humanitarian conditions that women and girls are being kept with. Pakistan is collaborating with Kabul in terms of humanitarian assistance and trade. As a part of the Belt and Road initiative, Pakistan is looking forward to Afghanistan’s role in regional connectivity and integration.

He welcomed the normalization of ties between Iraq and Saudia Arabia but didn’t forget about our Palestinian brothers who have been suffering at the hands of the Israeli government. He claimed that Pakistan believed in a two-state solution for Palestine in Israel.

Lastly, towards the end, he emphasized two things. According to Pakistan, all types of behaviors designed to thwart or endanger should be recognized as terrorism. Far-right extremists and Fascist groups should be called out for their harmful behavior for example the action of the Hindutva in India. For Pakistan, all religions are equal in terms of respect and no religious minority should have their temples, scriptures, or signs violated. Pakistan has been an active voice for the damage caused by Islamophobia to Muslims across the world ever since 9/11. Pakistan believes that the burning of the Quran should be outlawed by countries as it means a lot to Muslims. In his closing notes, he spoke about the need for additional members in the United Nations Security Council to diversify the panel in terms of decision-making and everyone’s opinion can be considered. The “Unity For Consensus” is a method of lobbying for additional non-permanent members in the Security Council, Pakistan is a strong supporter of unity for consensus. He recapitulated the entire speech by stating that peaceful coexistence must be achieved by self-determination, respect for sovereignty, and territorial integrity.

The inclusion of the African Union in the G20: A step towards a more inclusive and equitable global order

The 18th, G20 summit was hosted by “Bharat”, known as India this year. The summit was held on the 9th and 10th of September in New Delhi. During the inauguration ceremony of the summit, Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi announced that the African Union has been granted a full membership. Azali Assoumani, president of the Union of Comoros and chair of the AU, took the seat as a full member of the G20 shortly after the announcement. This makes the G-20 summit a structure comprising of 19 countries and two regional organizations. The African Union consists of 55 states that contribute 3.4% to the world’s economy. On the contrary, the G20 summit contributes 85% or even more to the world economy.

It is important to notice that President Modi had been insisting on granting the African Union a permanent membership in the G20 summit since the the “Voice of the Global South Summit” in January 2023. The African union has a population of 1.25 billion. It was high time that Africa as a continent to be included in this summit of the world’s most developed economies because surely, Africa does have the resources to meet the demands of the world but does not have the means to extract those resources. With this bold step in the right direction, the summit will now also be able to highlight the problems of the developing world.

The benefits that come along with this membership are that Africa will now be able to propose collaborative mechanisms with developed economies to counter the threat posed by climate change. This initiative will also encourage the developed world to tap the potential held by African continent. The African union will be heard as a collective voice when the global powers take important decision on climate, trade, and development. This membership would enforce good governance in the continent, as all the members of the G20 are committed to ensuring good governance and democracy. This would put pressure on the African states to uphold democracy and refrain from engaging in illicit methods of rule. In addition to this, the African union will also be able to initiate policies regarding investment with respect to climate change as Africa is a continent affected most by Climate change.

The biggest challenge faced by the African Union is in uniformity of opinion. The Russia- Ukraine war was a topic discussed at the G20- summit. While most of the nations in the African Union oppose the atrocities committed by Russia, some don’t. The Sahel region in Africa is taking the lead in pro-Western governments being overthrown by military dictators as a reaction to Western dominance over African security. It is speculated that these actions are motivated by the intention of joining the Russian bloc. Due to Russia’s and China’s objections to the language related to the Ukraine issue, member states have been unable to reach agreement on binding action. Based on their respective national interests, African nations responded to the Ukraine crisis, even so, that out of 54 African countries, only 28 backed the resolution; the others either abstained or opted not to attend the vote altogether over the Russia Ukraine war. This has additionally been explained as the emergence of African realpolitik. Finding an African stance that is broadly accepted, however, is still incredibly challenging. The AU’s claim to represent this enormous continent is also seriously questioned by the absence of its leadership in the mission. This puts the legitimacy of the union in question, will the union be able to take decisions with autonomy or will they be pressured into dividing themselves based on their interest.

Nevertheless, the initiative taken by India is a commendable step to promote diversity and equal opportunity regardless of race or ethnicity. In my opinion, I believe this step was taken to compensate for the absence of Russia and China. This action may have been done for Russia to raise suspicion regarding its support to the African Sahel where the Western dominance is deteriorating. In the absence of China and Russia, the inclusion of the African Union in the G20 could help to balance the power dynamics within the group and make it more representative of the global community. Moreover, the Western Bloc could be a sending a message to Russia that African Union is aligned with western values and the West will meddle in the affairs of the African continent where Russia is involved economically and politically. On the contrary, It could also help to build stronger ties between Africa and the G20 countries. For example, the African Union is home to some of the world’s fastest-growing economies, such as Nigeria, Ethiopia, and Kenya. The inclusion of the African Union in the G20 would give these countries a greater say in global economic decision-making. It would also help to ensure that the G20 considers the needs of developing countries when developing its policies.

Finally, There are some challenges that need to be addressed, such as ensuring that the African Union has a meaningful and influential voice within the group. However, the benefits of the African Union’s membership in the G20 outweigh the challenges. The African Union’s membership in the G20 is a sign of the growing importance of Africa in the global economy. It is also a sign of the commitment of the G20 countries to working together to build a more prosperous and sustainable future for all.

The Great Reset

The Great Reset

The year 2020 marked the start of a new decade with an ever-growing advancement in technology and the rapid rise in industry, the world contemplated new opportunities and a promising future ahead. The New Year set in motion and the first few months signified a booming hike in innovation and technology. While Digital transformation rapidly crept up the ladder, 5G boasted to deliver the greatest surge in internet history and Artificial Intelligence geared up to be democratized. However, it all soon came crashing down in March.

With the outbreak of Covid-19, the world arrived at a standstill. The new pandemic came at a hefty price. Businesses closed down, development derailed and unexpecting citizens succumbed to the disease. The Earth plunged into an era of lockdown and human life converged to a halt. Most people quickly began to adapt to the new lifestyle, working from home, finding new hobbies, and exploring new avenues in their daily routine. A very specific group of powerful people came together, to utilize the pandemic and craft a silent plan to change the world.

The World Economic Forum:

Founded in 1971 by German engineer Klaus Schwab, The World Economic Forum (WEF) is an international non-governmental organization comprised of the top 1000 companies and individuals around the world with members including King Charles, Donald Trump, Justin Trudeau, and Mukesh Ambani. The Organization speaks on contemporary issues like globalization, capital markets, gender gap, wealth management, international conflicts, and environmental problems. What sets the WEF apart from other similar cooperations is that it is a lobbying organization with memberships costing up to $630,000. These memberships are very much sought after and seldom available to ordinary members of society.

On June 3rd, 2020, the Royal Family released a video titled “The Great Reset”. In the video, King Charles urged cooperation and everyday individuals to make changes in their lifestyles by nature and move towards sustainable growth without properly addressing any ways to make that happen. While Covid along with other worldly issues were on the rise, in June 2020 world leaders gathered at Davos Switzerland and a WEF meeting was held which was unsurprisingly titled “The Great Reset”. A few key takeaways from the meeting were that the WEF wanted to push towards a more globalized society, run by multinational companies and world governments. The WEF perceived everything that was going on in the world as an opportunity to advance that interest. Discussions on the economy, and how to maneuver the world in the right direction in the light of Covid were highlights of the conference. In a 2020 article uploaded by the cooperation phrases like “reset and reshape the world” revolved around a very dubious tone. With all eyes pointing towards the WEF meeting, those watching from afar began to doubt the true nature of this agenda. Individuals and corporations around the world were quick to point out that the WEF was engulfed in an aura that was quite eerie. All over social media, movements sprung up and videos started to surface online which suggested that the Great Reset advocated for a consumer-only culture, turning the world into a hyper-global economy, and consolidating all power into the hands of a few. The fact that Covid had marked the right opportunity for world leaders to come together, argued that the great reset was the beginning of a new world order.

The theory of a possible new world order coming into place was picked up by journalists and political commentators and was even discussed during the Canadian elections. People began to inhabit a new wave of fear where they debated if the WEF was conspiring with political leaders to transition into a global economy. Was Covid a pandemic, artificially developed to bring about a sinister agenda? No one could confirm.

The Great Reset:
The Great Reset encompasses five core Principles which are as follows:
• Enhancing social inclusion:

Great Reset followers believe that the pandemic revealed shocking inequalities. The middle and lower middle class experienced more casualties as people could not afford to work remotely and had to be out in the open to make ends meet. The Great Reset fosters the need for social inclusion, to reduce inequalities and move towards decreasing the burden passed onto future generations.

• Reconstructing sustainable economies:

This includes investing in clean energy, addressing climate change and working towards a general decarbonization of the environment to fight global warming. This green growth would open new job opportunities as markets strive to attain sustainability and inclusivity.

• Escalation of the 4th industrial revolution:

The integration of AI in the world order would ensure that technology accelerates at a rapid rate, aids human life and attains intelligence that would prevent another epidemic from taking stage.

• Promoting sustainable business practices:

The new ESG paradigm (environmental, social governance) pushes businesses to adopt sustainable and ethical practices that consider environmental and social factors. A shift from “short-term” shareholder capitalism to a more equitable and greener “longer-term” stakeholder capitalism is pursued.

• Fostering resilience and preparedness:

The Great Reset highlights the need to strengthen global cooperation and preparedness for future pandemics and calamities. It emphasizes the need for a more equitable and inclusive form of globalization, which requires strong leadership to establish global governance.

The great reset file organizer

Where are we headed:

Whether the theories on the Great Reset hold any truth or not, one thing is certain. The world is in the midst of a shift. COVID-19, Inflation and economic impact have widened the gap between those who own assets and those who are less fortunate and given the current trajectory of the world, this gap is bound to grow. The evolving geopolitical dynamics point towards tensions between major world powers and shifts in global leadership. On the flip side of the coin, the Great Reset is meant to be the blueprint for a greener and fairer society and with organizations all over the world working towards this because it provides us with a redefined system of world economics. Risks of climate change, biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse are avenues that need to be addressed, especially after Covid and corporations are actively engaged in exploring these paths.

The Thar Coal Power Project: Balancing Environmental Sustainability and National Security

Pakistan’s Thar coalfields cover an area of 9100 square kilometers and contain over 175 billion tons of lignite. These reserves are amongst the largest in the world, and equal to 618 billion barrels of crude oil. At $50 per barrel this asset is worth up to $30.0 trillion and equivalent to more than 187 times of Pakistan’s current GDP. Started in the early 2000’s the Thar Engro Coal Power Project is a massive undertaking that aims to harness Pakistan’s vast coal reserves to generate electricity. Completed in 2023 the Thar Block-I and Block-II are fully operational and jointly producing 9 billion units of electricity which are enough to meet the demand of 4 million households. Although it’s immense, this amount is still not enough to meet demands of the whole country and work on Thar block-III is currently underway.

Environmental Constraints:

Pakistan contributes a mere 0.9% to global greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and yet it is the fifth most vulnerable country to climate change. During the years 1999-2018, Pakistan lost ten thousand lives and suffered economic losses accounting for USD 3.8 billion due to climate change. Heat waves, water shortages and flash floods in the country have impacted lives and infrastructure. According to the UN, scorching temperatures have blazed wheat production all over the country and formerly arable land has been rendered not fit for growing crops. Pakistan’s wheat production capacity has reduced by 10% this year. Combined with the rising inflation and political turmoil in the country this has become a recipe for disaster. The Thar Coal Power project has raised important questions about the relationship between environmental sustainability and national demands. Pakistan is a nation caught in a difficult bind. Amid being highly vulnerable to climate change, the country also faces a severe energy crisis. Once complete, the Thar Coal Power Project would provide Pakistan with a reliable and uninterrupted source of electricity. However, on the flip side of the coin, lignite is one of the cheapest forms of coal which means burning it releases large quantities of greenhouse gases and ash. Environmental deterioration due to this project has caused water scarcity, food insecurity, and mass emigration. Improper disposal of coal ash has caused water contamination and soil pollution and have disrupted the ecological balance of the region.

Benefits of the project:

The Thar coal power project has the capability of producing 100,000MW of electricity when complete, enough to meet the demands of the country for over two hundred years. Coal mining has a history of providing jobs in areas affected by high poverty. Similarly, the Thar power project has employed of people especially from nearby areas and even whole families earning their livelihoods out of the same project. Pakistan’s unreliable power supply affects the productive use of energy. The power shortage in the form of load shedding costs Pakistan 7% of its GDP annually. The Thar coal power project contemplates a steady supply of power that will overcome this shortfall and will result in a positive growth and possible improvement in the country’s GDP. By providing additional job opportunities the project will result in prosperity in the region and stable wages for the laborers. Furthermore the project will result in reduced electricity costs and benefit industrialists, domestic consumers and economy of the country as a whole. This will also reduce the fuel import costs as a large chunk of the fuel imported into Pakistan goes towards power generation.

Impact on national security

In order to achieve high economic growth a country must be producing sufficient energy. The production of energy is directly proportional to the industrial growth and agricultural output of a country. National security refers to the survival of a state through the use of economic, military and political power. In this regard, adequate and cost effective supply of energy is the pre-requisite for socio-economic development and economic prosperity, which ultimately contributes to national security of a country. The Thar power project has great potential in solving Pakistan’s energy crisis and is seen as an opportunity to improve the national security. It also reduces Pakistan’s dependency on foreign imports for energy generation and grants autonomy to the country in producing its own electricity. However the success and impact on national security depend on how it is managed and the extent to which environmental, social, and economic considerations are taken into account. Proper planning, responsible resource management, and effective regulation can help ensure that the project contributes positively to national security by providing reliable energy and supporting economic growth while mitigating potential negative impacts.

The Thar coal project is a massive undertaking that has the potential to revolutionize Pakistan’s energy landscape. However, in the current times, the world is shifting towards an eco-friendlier environment in which non-renewable resources are being preferred to run industries. While the Thar coal project is an amazing opportunity to pay off our debt and generate much-needed revenue, it is important to consider the environmental impact of the project. Coal is a fossil fuel, and its combustion releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change. However, there are ways to mitigate the environmental impact of coal power plants. For example, we can use carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology to capture the carbon dioxide emissions from the power plant and store them underground. CCS technology is still in its early stages of development, but it has the potential to make coal power plants much more environmentally friendly. Another way to mitigate the environmental impact of the Thar coal project is to use the revenue generated from the project to invest in renewable energy sources. Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, do not produce any greenhouse gas emissions. By investing in renewable energy, we can reduce our reliance on coal and create a more sustainable energy future for Pakistan.

In conclusion, the Thar coal project is a complex issue with both pros and cons. While the project has the potential to generate much-needed revenue and pay off our debt, it is important to consider the environmental impact of the project aswell

Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict: Warring Neighbors Azerbaijan and Armenia Reached Ceasefire Deal


Nagorno-Karabakh is a hilly region in the South Caucasus Mountains of Armenia. The region is primarily inhabited by Armenians, but there is a sizable Azerbaijani minority. Around 120,000 ethnic Armenians live in the region, which is officially recognized as part of Azerbaijan. The conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh is complicated, and there are numerous opposing viewpoints on it. The region of Nagorno-Karabakh, according to Azerbaijan, is a legal extension of its own territory and is not occupied by Armenia. On the other side, Armenia is of the view that the Armenian population in the territory has the right to live in peace and security as well as the right for Nagorno-Karabakh to exercise its right to self-determination.

Historical Background

The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia dates back to the early twentieth century, when both nations were part of the Russian Empire. Following the fall of the Russian Empire in 1917, the two countries fought a brief war over Nagorno-Karabakh, which ended with a cease-fire in 1920. Nagorno-Karabakh was integrated as an independent province into the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic by the Soviet Union in 1923. Tensions between Azerbaijan and Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh intensified in the late 1980s, and a full-fledged war broke out in 1992. The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) launches the Minsk Group process in 1992 to promote a peaceful, negotiated resolution to the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh. Nearly 30,000 people were killed and nearly 1 million were displaced during conflict. A cease-fire was signed in 1994, but the issue remained unsolved. The April conflict, sometimes referred to as the four-day conflict, started in 2016 between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Since then, various attempts to end the dispute through dialogue have been attempted, but none have been successful.

Following that, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia then erupted again in September 2020, leading to the worst conflict since the 1994 truce. Over 6,000 people, both military personnel and civilians, died during the 44-day conflict. A new cease-fire deal was agreed in November 2020, cementing important achievements for Azerbaijan.

Significant Developments

In 2021, the European Union (EU) launched a new monitoring mission to Armenia, and Russia deployed about 2,000 Russian peacekeepers to Nagorno-Karabakh as part of the ceasefire agreement. Armenia and Azerbaijan also held their first direct talks since the 2020 war. In 2023, tensions remained high as both sides continued to build up their militaries. The Lachin corridor, the only road connecting Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia, was blocked by Azerbaijan’s Government in December 2022, causing severe shortages of food, medicine, and other essential supplies in Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijan accused Armenia of bringing in military supplies via the road, which Armenia denied.

The most recent development is, Azerbaijan began a military operation against the Nagorno-Karabakh area on September 19, 2023. This escalation occurred when Russia, a leading power broker in the area, is busy in Ukraine conflict. The military operation in Azerbaijan had the full endorsement of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Turkey, a longtime supporter of Azerbaijan, sees Armenia as one of its major adversaries in the region. In an online statement, Erdogan stated, “We support the steps taken by Azerbaijan with whom we act together with the motto of one nation, two states to defend its territorial integrity.” According to Azerbaijan, the operation objectives were to “disarm and remove” Armenian forces that were operating inside the enclave unlawfully while also defending local ethnic Azerbaijani minority. Armenia’s Defense Ministry responded and denied the presence of its forces in the region.

Azerbaijan-Armenia Ceasefire Deal

A day after commencing an operation to seize control of the enclave, Baku declared that it had accepted a proposal for a truce after the Nagorno-Karabakh region’s separatist troops from Armenia accepted the terms of a cease-fire that indicated Baku would retake control of the region.. On September 20, 2023, a cease-fire deal was reached between the two countries. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the deal was brokered by Russia. Before both sides announced a total cease-fire, the Azerbaijani army claimed it had taken more than 90 sites from the ethnic Armenians. However, the next day, on September 21, 2023, Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh accused Azerbaijan of breaking a truce as peace negotiations got underway. Baku denied and dismissed the accusations as completely false. Earlier, protestors gathered in the capital to demand the resignation of Armenia’s Prime Minister and protest the government’s alleged failure to back Armenian separatists.

A day after commencing an operation to seize control of the enclave, Baku declared that it had accepted a proposal for a truce after the Nagorno-Karabakh region’s separatist troops from Armenia accepted the terms of a cease-fire that indicated Baku would retake control of the region. On September 20, 2023, a cease-fire deal was reached between the two countries. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the deal was brokered by Russia. Before both sides announced a total cease-fire, the Azerbaijani army claimed it had taken more than 90 sites from the ethnic Armenians. However, the next day, on September 21, 2023, Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh accused Azerbaijan of breaking a truce as peace negotiations got underway. Baku denied and dismissed the accusations as completely false. Earlier, protestors gathered in the capital to demand the resignation of Armenia’s Prime Minister and protest the government’s alleged failure to back Armenian separatists.


The conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh remains a major source of tension between the two countries, and there is no easy solution. The September clashes were the most serious outbreak of violence since the signing of the 2020 ceasefire agreement which raised the risk of a new conflict between the two countries. Future relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia will be influenced by a variety of factors, including how both countries are willing to talk. In this situation, the international community must play its role to establish peace and end the dispute. If Azerbaijan and Armenia are unable to negotiate diplomatically, this could have catastrophic consequences for the peace and stability of both countries as well as the region.

Africa Climate Summit: Accelerating Green Growth and Climate Finance Solutions for Africa and the World

On September 4-6, 2023, Nairobi, Kenya hosted the Africa Climate Summit, it coincided with Africa Climate Week. The Africa Climate Summit (ACS) brought international leaders, intergovernmental organizations, Regional Economic Communities, UN agencies, the private sector, civil society organizations, local communities, farmer organizations, children, youth, women, and academia to discuss Africa’s climate change challenges and develop sustainable solutions. The theme of the Africa Climate Summit 2023 was “Driving Green Growth and Climate Finance Solutions for Africa and the World.” The summit intended to accelerate climate action in Africa and mobilize the financial resources required to promote a just and equitable transition to a low-carbon, climate-resilient future. Also, to consider ways to cut greenhouse gas emissions while also preparing for the growing effects of the climate catastrophe. On the last day of an important climate summit, African political and corporate leaders adopted a declaration to address climate concerns in Africa.

“Africa’s youth is precisely the attribute that has inspired African leaders to imagine a future where Africa steps on to the stage as an economic and industrial power, an effective and positive actor in the global arena,” said Kenyan President William Ruto. He said that the continent is ideally situated to take the lead in combating climate change, according to a number of factors. Ruto added, “Africa is the continent with 60% of the continent’s renewable energy assets, including solar, wind, geothermal and hydropower.” The President of the African Development Bank, Adesina, said “The Africa Climate Summit will shape the future pathway of Africa’s development” and also praised Ruto for taking the initiative for organizing a conference.

The significance of climate justice for Africa was also emphasized at the conference. Despite making very little contribution to the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, African nations are disproportionately impacted by the climate problem. The leaders of Africa urged that developed countries take immediate action to cut carbon emissions and recommended a new financial framework to restructure Africa’s debt and unleash funds for climate change. African leaders present at the inaugural Africa Climate Summit in Nairobi, Kenya, emphasized the necessity of decarbonizing the global economy for equity and shared prosperity in a call to action. In order for the continent to move to low carbon development and make a contribution to global decarbonization, they asked for investment to support the sustainable use of Africa’s natural resources. As a means of increasing climate funding and motivating nations to reduce emissions, the implementation of a worldwide carbon tax system is required

From the United States, John Kerry, the special Presidential Envoy for climate change, as well as representatives from the Department of Energy, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC), and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) attended the Africa Climate Summit. At the Summit, the United States announced significant investments. According to the United States Department of State, U.S. intends to provide $30 million to initiatives under President’s Emergency Plan for Adaptation and Resilience (PREPARE) in Africa. An additional total of $45 million will be given to the Africa Adaptation Initiative (AAI) Food Security Accelerator, which will accelerate and scale up private sector investments in climate resilient food security in Africa. The United States has also made a commitment to mobilize investments in African climate solutions, ecosystem conservation, and urban resilience. Through DFC and USAID initiatives, more than $200 million in funding will be provided to increase access to renewable energy in Africa.

Global leaders utilized the Climate Summit to announce funding commitments for sustainable development and green growth. A wide spectrum of stakeholders was present at the conference to debate and make pledges regarding climate action in Africa. Now is the moment to put words into action. Aside from increasing political will for climate action, the Africa Climate Summit 2023 has the ability to increase awareness of the continent’s climate action. There is a hope that the process of cutting greenhouse gas emissions will accelerate to tackle the effects of climate change, and creating a future for Africa and the world that is more climate resilient.