How Armed Combat Affects Mental Health of Former Child Soldiers in Africa

Children recruited into armed groups are subjected to physical and psychological trauma. They may witness violence, death, and other horrors. They may be forced to commit acts of violence themselves, leading to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, and other problems. The issue of the induction of children into armies can lead to a significant amount of damage, impacting not only their present but leaving them with a void that cannot be filled in a lifetime. In addition to the physical and psychological trauma, child soldiers are also often separated from their families and communities. This leads to social isolation and a sense of loss and abandonment. They may also miss out on education and employment opportunities, which can make it difficult to rebuild their lives after the conflict.

In the wake of Red Hand Day, the international community has pledged its responsibility to protect children from the use of child soldiers. This includes providing support to these children and ensuring that the programs built for their reintegration are run smoothly and efficiently. UNICEF works with government bodies to ensure transparency in funding and that the facilities in place are up and running.

The United Nations defines a child soldier as any person below the age of 18 who is, or who has been, used in any capacity by an armed group. This includes fighters, cooks, porters, spies, or for sexual purposes.

The importance of mental health for child soldiers cannot be overstated. The trauma they experience can have a lasting impact on their physical and emotional well-being. Children are not only subjected to the role of warriors in wars but some underaged females have also been reported to be used as sex slaves. Most of the children found in child militias have been reported to have been threatened, coerced, abducted, or manipulated. Children are threatened with the security of their families or are driven by extreme poverty to maintain the income of their families. The induction of child soldiers is a grave violation of child rights and the International Humanitarian Law.

While some may make it out alive, many of the children face biases as these children are viewed with suspicion or outrightly rejected by communities as they are seen as dangerous people. “There is always a suspicion that [ex-child soldiers] are not good people,” Tulieza remarked. Upon learning that they were once child soldiers, “[organizations] tend to discriminate against them and perceive them as criminals […] who must be kept out of society.” Child soldiers usually end up in internally displaced camps and refugee-seeking arrangements where they usually survive off the ration kits provided by UNICEF. The places where they reside normally do not have the facilities to provide adequate income or income opportunities. Child soldiers who have been deprived of quality education for most of their lives cannot integrate into society and compete with non-combatants. Non-combatants will always be happier individuals, having more access to quality education and stable livelihoods, while combatants that have been exposed to mass murder cannot be expected to compete together. A former child soldier said, “It’s the undervaluing of survivors,” he claimed. “Having survivors compete against non-survivors and viewing them as ‘normal people’.” Child soldiers have been blacklisted by the government and their information has been stored in the government system, making it harder for them to have clearances by police. The prejudice is also observed in travel visa procedures, making it difficult for them to seek asylum and start a new life abroad.

In 2021, it was reported that 6,130 children were recruited by different militias across the world. According to the United Nations, Africa is home to about 40% of the world’s child soldier population. About 30,000 of them are forced to work as slaves, soldiers, and laborers for armed organizations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo exclusively. In the spirit of Red Hand Day, Nigeria and Burkina Faso governments have withdrawn from their traditional practice of screening minors, but other African countries have yet to follow suit. Militant groups such as Boko Haram continue to recruit child soldiers and use them in Cameroon, Niger, and Chad.

Governments should work towards programs where these child soldiers can feel heard. The trauma of their experiences can result in PTSD. To cope with their trauma and learn to function in normal life, former child soldiers need to have access to psychological care. Both individual and group therapy, as well as community-based initiatives, can be used to provide this support. It is also important for governments to ensure that former child soldiers are protected from prejudice. Instances such as special screenings and fingerprint directories can cause immense amounts of trauma and humiliation for the former child soldier. Effective schooling programs are also essential for these child soldiers to have healthy interactions with their peers and develop skills so that they can compete with non-combatant children in their professional lives.

It is also very important for governments to cooperate with child soldiers and set up Microfinancing models for them to have businesses. This way poverty will never be a reason for them to join child militias. It is important to reintegrate former child soldiers into their communities in a way that is considerate of their needs and experiences. Community-based initiatives that foster tolerance and comprehension can do this. The media can also play a role in promoting tolerance and understanding of child soldiers. This includes responsible reporting on the issue, as well as the creation of positive portrayals of former child soldiers. Media can also help to raise awareness of the issue and the challenges faced by former child soldiers. They can use their platforms to raise awareness of the issue and to provide support to former child soldiers. Religious leaders can also help to challenge the stigma associated with child soldiers and to promote understanding of the challenges they face.

The international community must continue to work to end the use of child soldiers and to protect the rights of all children.

BRICS Countries Unite for Sustainable Development

The BRICS countries including Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa have expanded their partnership for sustainable development. They are all major emerging economies, and they have been working together to promote sustainable development. At the 2023 summit, the BRICS countries agreed to expand their partnership for sustainable development. They will cooperate on a number of areas, including climate change, clean energy, sustainable agriculture, water conservation, disaster risk reduction, and poverty alleviation which covers SDG 1,2,3,4,13 and 17. Sustainable development is important for BRICS because it can help them to address the challenges of economic growth, poverty, and environmental degradation. Dealing with challenging situations requires collaborative approach from BRICS nations in order to ensure successful solutions. Sustainable development can help them to address these issues by promoting economic growth that is both environmentally and socially responsible. In terms of partnerships for sustainable development, the leaders recognize the importance of implementing the SDGs in an integrated and comprehensive way, highlighting the SDG Summit in September 2023 and the Summit of the Future in 2024 as significant opportunities for renewing international commitment to the 2030 Agenda.

The BRICS nations reiterated the significance of putting into practice the Paris Agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), as well as the principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capabilities (CBDR-RC) for achieving sustainable development. This includes enhancing the transfer of low-cost climate technology, building capacity, and mobilizing new additional financial resources that are affordable, adequate, and timely delivered for environmentally sustainable projects. They agreed that cooperation is required to ensure the 28th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is effective and that it is necessary to preserve, promote, and strengthen the multilateral response to climate change. The leaders are aware of how crucial it is for BRICS nations to cooperate in order to address threats to the global economy and foster sustainable growth. In order to achieve a robust, sustained, balanced, and inclusive economic recovery, reaffirmation of the commitment to improving macroeconomic policy coordination and deepening economic cooperation was made. The BRICS countries considered the significance of continuing to implement the BRICS Economic Partnership Strategy 2025 in all relevant ministerial tracks and working groups, and to look for the ways that can speed up the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The expansion of the BRICS partnership for sustainable development is a positive step. It shows that the BRICS countries are committed to working together to address the challenges of sustainable development. The partnership has the potential to make a significant contribution to the global effort to achieve sustainable development. The BRICS countries have taken specific initiatives and are committed to share ideas and research on sustainable development particularly in clean energy, water conservation, and sustainable agriculture. They realize the gravity of global food insecurity and as one-third of the world’s food is produced by the BRICS nations, emphasis was given on the importance of progressing toward a fair and market-oriented agricultural trading system, eradicating hunger, attaining food security and enhanced nutrition, supporting sustainable agriculture and food systems, and implementing resilient agricultural practices.

The BRICS countries have worked together to develop a common position on climate change. They have called for ambitious action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. At the summit, the countries emphasized the importance of developed countries in supporting the emerging economies like BRICS to gain access to low-emission technology and solutions that prevent, reduce, and eliminate GHG emissions and improve adaptation to climate change. In addition, the BRICS countries have launched a number of initiatives to promote sustainable development in Africa. These initiatives include the BRICS-Africa Partnership for Development to improve technology, innovation, and employment opportunities for sustainable and inclusive growth, as well as to unlock the potential of agriculture, and use renewable energy to transform Africa. The BRICS countries are still at the early stages of their partnership for sustainable development. However, they have made significant progress in a short period of time. The partnership has the potential to make a major contribution to the global effort in order to achieve sustainable development.

China’s New Map Sparks Concerns and Heightened Tensions among Neighboring Countries


China has recently unveiled an updated version of its territorial map, encompassing its disputed claims in various regions. The release took place on August 28, 2023, coinciding with the “National Mapping Awareness Publicity Week” hosted by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the People’s Republic of China. According to Chinese state media, the map was formulated using the established method of delineating national boundaries utilized by China and other countries across the globe. On the other side, Wu Wenzhong, China’s Ministry of Natural Resources’ chief planner, said at the map’s unveiling that surveying, mapping, and geographic information play a significant role in supporting the management of natural resources, advancing the development of ecology, and fostering civilization. Wu said in an interview with China Daily, “The next step will be to accelerate the application of geographic information data such as digital maps and navigation and positioning in the development of the digital economy, such as location-based services, precision agriculture, platform economy and intelligent connected vehicles.”

Changes in the New Map

The new map incorporates several regions, such as the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh, which China has consistently maintained as the southern region of Tibet. Furthermore, the map includes Aksai Chin, an extension of Ladakh, which has been under China’s control since the 1962 Sino-Indian War. In addition, the new map differs from the version of the South China Sea provided by China to the United Nations in 2009, which contained nine-dash line. The most current map covered a bigger geographical area and includes a line with ten dashes encompassing democratically controlled Taiwan, similar to a depiction of China from 1948. China also released a map with a tenth dash in 2013. The map also showed numerous small islands and islets that are also claimed by Southeast Asian nations, including Vietnam, the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

Response of Different Countries

After China published an official map showing Indian lands in the Himalayas as its own, India raised a strong diplomatic complaint with Beijing. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, the foreign minister of India, slammed the Chinese chart as absurd and remarked, “Just by putting out maps with parts of India, this doesn’t change in anything. Our government is very clear about what our territory is, making absurd claims does not make other people’s territories yours.” Also, only a few days have passed since Mr. Xi and Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, met informally during the BRICS summit in South Africa and decided to ease border tensions. While Chinese claims are not entirely groundbreaking, the timing of the release is crucial which coincides with the G20 summit and ASEAN summit. The President of the United States Joe Biden, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and other world leaders will attend the multilateral event. However, there are concerns regarding Xi Jinping’s anticipated trip to Delhi for the G20 summit. It is scheduled to start next week, which will take place against the backdrop of a long-standing border dispute between the two nuclear neighbors, which has only strained their diplomatic ties.

Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Vietnam have all rejected China’s recently released map, in a joint response to Beijing’s recent territorial claims. In highlighting China’s obligations under international law, the Philippines cited the 2016 arbitral decision that deemed China’s U-shaped boundary to be legally unjustified. Malaysia simultaneously lodged a diplomatic objection to the Chinese map. In response, Malaysia said the map was non-authoritative over its territory, recognizing the complexity and delicate nature of the South China Sea dispute. By joining ASEAN neighbors, Vietnam’s foreign ministry dismissed China’s claims based on the map as meaningless and illegal under both Vietnamese and international law. Whereas, Taiwan’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Jeff Liu, emphasized Taiwan’s independence in answer to questions about the map by claiming that “Taiwan absolutely was not a part of the People’s Republic of China regardless of what China say.” The countries are protesting against the release of China’s new map and have rejected the map, claiming that it is illegitimate and violates international law. They have also threatened to take action to protect their own claims. If the governments’ responses become more aggressive, it could lead to more violent encounters in the disputed territory and escalated tensions between the countries. Moreover, The ASEAN countries have maintained same stance over China’s maritime claim, it remains to be seen whether any specific action or strategy will emerge at the upcoming ASEAN summit.

The Resilience Of North Korea In The Face Of Sanctions

North Korea is one of the most sanctioned countries in the world. The United Nations Security Council has imposed sanctions on North Korea since 2006 in response to its nuclear and missile programs. These sanctions have had a significant impact on the country’s economy, but North Korea has been able to find ways to evade them. The most stringent sanctions have been imposed by the EU, the US, and Canada, while Japan and South Korea remain the biggest hurdles in Asia. Although all of these markets have banned trade, humanitarian assistance is still provided to North Korea. However, it is unrealistic to think that the country’s exports can cover the expenses needed to maintain the luxurious lifestyle of its leader. Despite the strained relations that North Korea has with the rest of the world, the country somehow manages to survive. This begs the question: how? In this article, I will explain the techniques used by transnational networks to keep the country afloat.


The Korean War was a proxy war fought between North Korea and South Korea, based on ideological differences. With the allied powers supporting South Korea, North Korea was left to defend itself with the help of the Soviet Union. After the end of the Korean War in the 1950s, the Soviet Union helped the DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) run its economy. Until the 1960s, the USSR provided North Korea with technology, goods, weapons, and money. However, in the 1970s, Soviet support vanished. This meant that North Korea lost access to foreign goods, technology, weapons, and money, placing it in a vulnerable position.

Creation of Room 39:

As a result of these unfortunate circumstances, Room 39 was created. Room 39 is a state-sponsored criminal network that is used to fulfill the needs of the economy. The network is involved in trafficking weapons, counterfeit money, and distributing opium around the world. Room 39’s mission is to acquire capital for the state, as tourism and trade are not viable options to keep the economy running. In the 1980s, Room 39 expanded into the production of hard drugs. According to North Korean refugees, all drug operations are under the control of the ruling family. North Korea has a significant advantage over other criminal organizations because it uses the tools of the state to run this criminal empire. It uses its naval vessels and provides smugglers with diplomatic passports to ensure that illicit contraband is circulated all over the world. The use of transnational criminal networks is just one way that North Korea evades sanctions. The country also engages in other activities, such as trading with countries that are not signatories to the UN sanctions regime and using shell companies and front organizations to obscure the true nature of its financial transactions. This allows North Korea to exploit loopholes in international law and traffic in goods and services that are banned under sanctions.

The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations provides diplomatic immunity to diplomats, which means that they cannot be arrested or detained for their activities. This gives Room 39 a significant advantage over other criminal organizations, as it allows them to operate with impunity. The Vienna Convention provides a framework for the protection of Diplomats (VCDR Art. 29: “The person of a diplomatic agent shall be inviolable. He shall not be liable to any form of arrest or detention. The receiving State shall treat him with due respect and shall take all appropriate steps to prevent any attack on his person, freedom or dignity.” This allows North Korea to produce drugs such as methamphetamine and heroin, which are then smuggled all over the world by diplomats. The drug labs are located on North Korean soil, making them inaccessible to the international community.

Similarly, North Korea is involved in the production of counterfeit US dollars. The network of smugglers is so well-organized that the counterfeit bills have been found all over the world, including Las Vegas. The US Secret Service has called these bills some of the most sophisticated ever made. There have also been reports that North Korea has traded bullets for diamonds with Mugabe’s secret police in Africa. In addition, a North Korean diplomat has been accused of smuggling ivory and rhino horn out of Africa to resell elsewhere.

5th generation warfare:
While drugs may remain a primary means of maintaining their economy to sustain their military, North Korea has also created a cyberwarfare force called the Lazarus Group

The group was created in the 1960s to deal with the threat posed by fifth-generation warfare. The Lazarus Group has been linked to a number of cyberattacks, including the hacking of the central bank of Bangladesh and the WannaCry ransomware attack. The WannaCry ransomware attack was a global cyberattack that infected over 230,000 computers in over 150 countries. The attack was caused by a worm that encrypted files on the infected computers and demanded a ransom payment in Bitcoin. The worm exploited a vulnerability in the Windows operating system that had been patched by Microsoft in March 2017. However, many computers were still running the unpatched version of Windows, which allowed WannaCry to infect them. The Lazarus Group is believed to be responsible for the WannaCry attack, as well as other cyberattacks, such as the hacking of the Sony Pictures Entertainment network. The group is believed to be funded by the North Korean government and is used to steal money and information from other countries. The Lazarus Group is a serious threat to global security. The groups cyberattack have caused billions of dollars in damage and have disrupted critical infrastructure. The international community needs to take steps to disrupt the Lazarus Group’s operations and prevent future cyberattacks.

The resilience of North Korea in the face of sanctions is a testament to the ingenuity and determination of its leaders. The country has been under sanctions for over 15 years, but it has still been able to maintain its nuclear and missile programs. This is due to a number of factors, including the country’s isolation, its authoritarian government, and its fear of the United States. The sanctions against North Korea have had a significant impact on the country’s economy, but they have not been able to stop its nuclear and missile programs. The international community needs to find new ways to pressure North Korea to abandon its nuclear and missile programs. These new ways may include increasing the enforcement of sanctions, targeting sanctions evasion networks, and promoting international cooperation on sanctions enforcement.

BRICS and Its Prospects for the Future

The acronym BRICS refers to a grouping of five major economies that are still in the process of developing. These countries are Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Over forty percent of the world’s population and approximately 25 percent of global GDP are represented by the BRICS group, which was established to challenge the economic hegemony of developed nations. As the world continues to change, more and more thought is being put into the potential future of BRICS and the nations that could become members of the organization.

Current Situation and Past Accomplishments

Since the beginning of the millennium, when the idea was first conceived, the BRICS group has been working hard to establish itself as a significant participant in the international economy. They have promoted reform within international financial institutions and have launched initiatives such as the New Development Bank, which aims to finance infrastructure projects in developing countries. The BRICS nations have also emphasized their shared interests in areas such as the liberalization of trade, the promotion of sustainable development, and the reduction of the impacts of climate change. As a result of these partnerships, their collective influence in global fora has increased, and economic cooperation has been facilitated.

Perspectives on the Future

Economic Growth: The BRICS nations are still regarded as having significant growth potential despite facing challenges such as economic slowdowns and political uncertainties. This is due to the fact that these nations are considered to have significant growth potential. As a result of demographics, natural resources, and technological advancements, it is anticipated that their economies will continue to expand at a faster rate than the average growth rate for the entire world. Influence on Politics: As the economic balance of power in the world continues to shift, it is possible that the BRICS nations will play an even more decisive role in the formation of international norms and regulations. The global order that is dominated by the West could be challenged by their combined voice in organisations such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organisation, and the International Monetary Fund.

Goals of Sustainable Development: It is very likely that the future of BRICS will become increasingly intertwined with those of sustainable development. Their commitment to working together to address issues such as climate change, the reduction of poverty, and equitable economic growth has the potential to contribute to global solutions and further enhance their standing on the international stage.

Possibilities for Growth: The idea that BRICS could grow to incorporate additional countries is one that has been the focus of on-going debate. The direction that future expansion takes could be influenced by things like the potential for economic growth, political alignment, and regional representation. The following are some potential candidates:
Indonesia: Thanks to its robust economic growth and advantageous location in Southeast Asia, Indonesia has the potential to bolster the presence of the BRICS nations in the region.
Turkey: The geopolitical importance of Turkey, along with its status as an emerging market, makes it a strong contender. The incorporation of this idea has the potential to reduce the gap between Asia, Africa, and Europe.
Mexico: As one of the largest economies in Latin America, Mexico has the potential to bolster the collective economic clout of the BRICS nations and increase Latin American representation within the organisation.
Nigeria: As the country with the largest economy in Africa, Nigeria has the potential to expand the BRICS initiative’s focus on Africa and provide insightful commentary on the opportunities and challenges facing the continent.

Concerns and Things to Take Into Account

Tensions in the Geopolitical Arena the countries that make up the BRICS bloc have a diverse set of geopolitical interests, and these interests can sometimes be at odds with one another. Managing contentious issues like border disputes, trade wars, and divergent objectives in foreign policy requires a delicate touch.

Disparities in Economic Systems the BRICS countries all have significantly different economic systems, which may make it difficult to formulate unified policies. In order to bring the interests of countries as economically distinct as China and South Africa into alignment, careful negotiation and compromise are required.

Problems Associated with Expansion In order to expand BRICS, all of the current members will need to give their blessing and be in agreement with the organization’s overarching goals. The addition of new members ought to enhance rather than dilute the framework that is already in place for the coalition’s operations.

BRICS’s future holds a great deal of potential, with opportunities to further influence the economic and political dynamics of the world. Because of their shared emphasis on inclusive growth, sustainable development, and international reform, these countries are uniquely positioned to play an important role in the emerging multipolar world order.

The process of expansion needs to be approached with caution and foresight, with the goal of ensuring that any new members will both contribute to the group’s goals as well as align with those goals. As a reflection of the dynamic nature of global development, countries such as Indonesia, Turkey, Mexico, and Nigeria offer intriguing possibilities for expansion.

The future of BRICS will be determined by the group’s capacity to innovate, adapt, and take the lead in an ever-evolving global landscape. Their continued success has the potential to offer a new model of cooperation and growth, which will help promote a global order that is more balanced and inclusive.

The Persistent Threat of Racial Discrimination in the United States


Racial discrimination has been a persistent issue in the United States throughout its history. While progress has been made in the fight for racial equality, there are still instances of discrimination that exist in various aspects of American society. Racial discrimination is a serious problem in the United States that has a profound impact on the lives of people of color. It can lead to poverty, unemployment, poor health, and even death. There are many factors that contribute to racial discrimination in the U.S. The U.S. has a long history of racism, which has created a system of inequality that benefits white people and disadvantages people of color. Whereas, white people in the United States enjoy a number of advantages, such as higher incomes, better education, and more opportunities, simply because of their race. Many people hold implicit biases against people of color, even if they do not consciously realize it. These biases can lead to discrimination in everyday interactions, provision of the facilities and experiencing problems in hiring, lending, and housing.


The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) was ratified by the United States in 1966. It has been over 50 years since the U.S. signed the ICERD, nearly 30 years since its ratification, and more than 20 years since identifying obstacles to effective implementation. However, progress towards compliance remains insufficient in key areas such as reparative justice, discrimination in the criminal legal system, use of force by law enforcement, migration control, economic opportunity, and healthcare. Structural racism continues to persist as an influential force in American society.

Killing of Black Americans by Police and Protests

The killing of Black Americans by police and the resulting protests have ignited a national and global conversation about racial inequality and police reforms in the U.S. High-profile cases, such as the killing of George Floyd in 2020, prompted widespread outrage and demands for justice and accountability. Protests have called for an end to systemic racism, police violence, and greater transparency and accountability within law enforcement. The movement has led to discussions on police reform, use of force policies, and the impact of systemic racism. Although there are varying opinions on the best path forward, the events have undeniably highlighted the urgent need for change and sparked ongoing conversations about social justice. Moreover, according to data published online in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, the rate of fatal police shootings of unarmed Black persons in the United States is three times higher than the rate for unarmed White people.

Recent Incident of U.S. Soldier who crossed into North Korea

On August 16, 2023, North Korea claimed that a U.S. soldier, Travis King had fled across the strongly fortified Korean border. For the first time, North Korea made an official remark regarding a U.S. soldier who entered the country illegally approximately a month ago. They asserted in the statement that he sought safety there because of the racism and poor working circumstances he experienced in the Army of the United States. Pvt. Travis King, 23 years old, who had served in South Korea and ran into the North on July 18 while on a tour with the general public of a border town, was detained, according to an official statement from North Korea. He became the country’s first confirmed detainee of an American in the region in almost five years. The racism in the American military was also brought to light by this incident.

To conclude, racial discrimination is a complex problem that will not be easy to solve. A comprehensive approach is required to address the issue. There is a need of regulations, frameworks, and the laws that prohibit discrimination and hold responsible individuals accountable for their discriminatory practices. By raising awareness about the history and impact of racism can help to reduce individual bias. There are many organizations that are working to combat racism in the United States. The Government of the United States can support these organizations, in order to make a difference and to create a more just and equitable society for all.

Taiwan to Receive $500 Million Arms Deal as U.S.-China Tensions Rise

The United States has announced that it will sell $500 million worth of military equipment to Taiwan, including F-16 Infrared Search and Track (IRST) and related equipment. The Pentagon stated that the main contractor would be Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N), which manufactures the F-16. The announcement was made shortly after Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen reaffirmed her commitment to bolster Taiwan’s self-defense while visiting a memorial where Taiwan and China fought during the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis in 1958. Tsai paid tribute to those who perished during a visit to the remote islands of Kinmen. At the ceremony, she gave remarks that “In order to keep the peace, we need to strengthen ourselves. As such, we need to continue to reform the national defense, push for self-reliance, and strengthen our defense capabilities and resilience.” According to President Tsai Ing-wen, Taiwan’s military budget would increase by 3.5% annually and reach a record high in 2024.

The arms sale move has been met with anger from China, which claims the island nation as its own territory, urged Washington to halt the sale in order to safeguard its national sovereignty and territorial integrity. The sale is the latest in a series of arms deals between the United States and Taiwan, and it comes at a time of heightened tensions between the two countries. China has been increasing its military activity around Taiwan, and there is growing concern that it may be preparing to take military action. The United States has said that the sale is necessary to help Taiwan defend itself, and that it does not change the United States’ one China policy. The Taiwan’s Defense Ministry has said that, the newest F-16 aircraft will be equipped with the new technology which would “greatly improve the effectiveness of air operations” and increase the aircraft’s capacity to track and detect long-range targets. The ministry also expressed its gratitude to the United States for the sale, noting that China’s persistent entry of military aircraft and drones into airspace close to Taiwan poses a major threat to the island.

According to the Defense Security Cooperation Agency of the United States, the planned sale will help the recipient country to sustaining regional political stability, military parity, and economic growth while also enhancing security. Moreover, Taiwan’s ongoing efforts to modernize its armed forces and to preserve a credible defensive capability are supported by this proposed sale, which advances United States national, economic, and security objectives. The particular sale will help the recipient protect its airspace, offer regional security, and boost interoperability with the U.S. through its F-16 program, which will help the country to deal with present and future challenges, and the recipient will have no trouble integrating this equipment into its military. Before that, in July 2023, the United States approved $345 million in military funding for Taiwan in July. In a move similar to what was done for Ukraine, the U.S. President Joe Biden utilized his presidential drawdown authority for the first time to send military equipment from the Pentagon to Taiwan.

China has condemned the sale, saying that it is a serious violation of its sovereignty.
In addition, China’s Foreign Minister Wang responded to the sale by saying, “Beijing will take resolute, powerful measures to safeguard its national sovereignty and territorial integrity.” The situation in the Taiwan Strait is complex and delicate. It is important that all the involved countries consider all of the potential consequences before making a decision. The sale is likely to further strain relations between the United States and China. The two countries are already at odds over a number of issues, including trade, human rights, and the South China Sea. The sale of arms to Taiwan could further complicate the situation, and could even lead to a conflict between the two countries. The implications of the sale are far-reaching, it could lead to a military build-up on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. The sale could also further destabilize the region, and could even lead to a conflict between the United States and China. The United States and China must tread carefully on the Taiwan issue in order to avoid any miscalculation that could lead to a serious conflict between the two countries.

The US-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade: A Threat to China’s Interests in the South China Sea

On June 1, 2023, the United States and Taiwan signed a new trade deal called the US-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade. The deal is the first agreement under a framework for talks between Washington and Taipei that was established last year. It aims to strengthen economic ties between the two countries and open Taiwan to more US exports. The deal faced a lot of criticism from China as Taiwan is claimed to be a part of China. The Chinese government feels threatened by the fact that economic ties can further transform itself into a security partnership resulting in a wrong message to the Militarized groups fighting for a sovereign Taiwan. The relationship between Taiwan and the USA is a notable achievement as it’s a sign of economic growth and strategic alliances between the two countries. However, this deal also threatens the fragile relationship between China and the United States.

About the deal, the US and Taiwan have not agreed to a free trade deal. Rather, it term as a means of easing the exchange of goods between the two countries. The agreement addresses a wide range of economic concerns, including small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), good regulatory practices, domestic regulation of services, and anti-corruption. It also contains a promise to work together to address concerns like climate change and others according to the Office of the United States Trade Representative.

The Benefits Posed By the Deal:

It is anticipated that the US-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade will accelerate economic growth in both nations. According to estimates, the agreement will generate more than 100,000 employees in Taiwan and over 70,000 jobs in the United States. Additionally, a $30 billion annual boost in trade between the two nations is anticipated. The agreement will also contribute to the improvement of both nations’ supply chains. The United States receives a significant number of semiconductors and other high-tech components from Taiwan. The agreement will facilitate US companies’ access to key components, thereby minimizing interruptions to the supply chain.

Previously, the United States did sign other bilateral trade agreements but none were as promising as the US- Taiwan Initiative of the 21st century. The U.S.-Taiwan Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) is an excellent example of this. TIFA was signed in 1994 but failed due to political opposition from both countries, differing priorities, lack of progress, and China’s opposition. The two sides were unable to agree on key issues, such as the removal of tariffs on certain goods and the protection of intellectual property rights. China opposed TIFA and exerted pressure on both the United States and Taiwan to withdraw from the talks. The U.S.-Taiwan Economic Prosperity Partnership Dialogue (EPPD) is a similar example of how both countries lacked the political will to engage in a dialogue.

China’s Interests in the South China Sea:

The Peoples Republic of China published a map with a nine-dash line in 1947. When connected, the dashes form a U- Shape that encloses most of the South China Sea. Taiwan is also enclosed in that line, making it a part of Mainland China. The US-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade could help Taiwan to develop its maritime capabilities and resist Chinese pressure. The United Nations Convention on the Law of Seas (UNCLOS) claims that China’s historic claim to the South China Sea was extinguished with the formation of the governing body. China can no longer claim control over these waters as these are beyond the 350 nautical miles continental Shelf. The 9-dash line extends beyond 800 NM posing a threat to Taiwan’s Independence. The deal could give Taiwan access to US technology and expertise, which could help it to develop its defense industry. This would make it more difficult for China to achieve its goal of reunification with Taiwan by force. Moreover, the Chinese dominance over the South China Sea can be threatened by the arrival of US vessels carrying goods for trade. While the whole world admires this bold tactic, this can result in skirmishes between Beijing and Washington. If China were to attempt to forcibly take control of Taiwan, the United States and China could go to war. The United States has a long-standing policy of “strategic ambiguity” in Taiwan, which means that it has not explicitly stated whether it would defend Taiwan if China were to attack.

However, the United States has also provided Taiwan with significant military assistance and has warned China against taking any actions that could destabilize the situation in the Taiwan Strait. Now that they are coordinating in economic corridors, the United States would likely come to Taiwan’s defense. This could lead to a major war between the United States and China, with potentially devastating consequences for both countries and the world. There are numerous different scenarios in which a conflict between the United States and China over Taiwan could occur. For instance, the United States might step in to prevent China from stopping all shipments to and from Taiwan to maintain the island’s economic viability. Or the United States might strike back if China attempted to target Taiwan’s computer system online. Any of these possibilities might result in a larger battle between China and the United States. If the US Navy Vessels were to enter the South China Sea to protect Taiwan, it would result in the use of Weapons of Mass destruction (WMDs).

China warned the US-Taiwan Initiative on 21st Century Trade, on Thursday against signing any deal “with connotations of sovereignty or of an official nature with China’s Taiwan region”. The Pentagon clarified that Beijing has declined all invitations to hold dialogue. US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and his Chinese counterpart Li Shangfu are expected to travel to Singapore for the Shangri-La Dialogue. There is no indication whether the officials will meet.

The US-Taiwan Initiative’s full effects on trade in the twenty-first century are still unknown. But it’s a noteworthy development that merits attentive observation. The agreement might significantly alter the balance of power in the Indo-Pacific region and help to find a solution to the Taiwan problem.

From National to Global: Evaluating the Implications of Cyber-security in the Interconnected World


As the world becomes increasingly interconnected through digital technologies, the incidence of cyber threats continues to rise. With each passing year, organizations, governments, and individuals face the growing menace of attacks such as malware, data breaches, phishing and cyber-warfare. The online threats not only pose risks to personal privacy and financial security but also have profound global implications. The implications of online threats are far-reaching, that can impact individuals, businesses, and governments in a number of ways, including loss of privacy, financial losses, and disruption of critical infrastructure.

The Growing Cyber-security Landscape

In recent years, the scale and complexity of cyber-attacks have expanded exponentially, creating a pressing need for robust cyber-security measures. Malicious actors, ranging from individual hackers to sponsored groups, leverage advanced techniques to infiltrate networks, steal sensitive data, and disrupt the smooth functioning of different systems. The steadily increasing number of connected devices across countries and industries offers cyber criminals an expanded attack surface to exploit. Consequently, this necessitates a worldwide response to ensure the protection of digital assets.

Personal and Financial Risks

Online threats pose significant personal and financial risks to individuals and businesses alike. Identity theft, wherein personal information is stolen, can lead to devastating consequences, including financial loss, damage to one’s credit history, and reputational harm. Additionally, cyber-criminals often target financial institutions, aiming to gain unauthorized access to banking systems or compromise payment platforms, resulting in substantial financial losses for both individuals and organizations. The impact of these attacks can extend beyond borders, affecting individuals and businesses from different countries. This emphasizes the need for international collaboration and unified cyber-security measures.


Cyber Threats and National Security

Cyber-security has emerged as a critical component of national security in the digital age. Nation-states are facing multitude of cyber threats that can have profound implications for their political stability, economic prosperity, and military capabilities. The interconnectedness of critical infrastructure, such as power grids, transportation networks, and communication systems, exposes vulnerabilities that can be exploited by malicious actors. The potential consequences of cyber-attack on these systems can range from disruption of essential services to compromising sensitive national defense information. Therefore, ensuring robust cyber-security measures becomes vital for preserving national security and protecting the interests of a nation. In an era where cyber warfare and cyber espionage have become prevalent, national security depends on effective cyber-security strategies. The countries must invest in developing and maintaining advanced technologies, skilled workforce, and partnerships to defend against cyber threats. Additionally, implementing comprehensive legislation and regulations that address cybercrime and provide the necessary authorities for effective response and prosecution is essential. By recognizing the significance of cyber-security in national security planning, countries can take proactive measures to protect critical infrastructure, safeguard sensitive information, and maintain the integrity of national defense capabilities.

Global Interconnectedness and Interdependencies

The modern world is increasingly interconnected, and as a result, the consequences of cyber threats are not limited to individual countries. The disruption of global supply chains, which are heavily reliant on digital systems, can have far-reaching implications. A cyber-attack on a crucial infrastructure provider, such as a port or logistics company, can cause cascading effects that result in delays and shortages of essential goods and services across multiple countries. Additionally, interconnected financial systems mean that a cyber-attack targeting one country’s banking sector can have ripple effects on the global economy. The interdependencies created by globalization amplify the urgency for international cooperation in tackling cyber threats.

International Collaboration in Cyber-security

Pakistan’s agricultural sector is a significant contributor to the country’s economy. Circularity in agriculture can reduce the overuse of resources, improve soil health, and minimize waste generation. The utilization of locally sourced and seasonal products can pave the way for a more sustainable and circular agriculture sector. Furthermore, practices such as organic farming, water-efficient irrigation techniques, and establishing circular food supply chains can enhance the sustainability and resilience of Pakistan’s food systems.

Innovation and Collaboration

Addressing the global implications of cyber threats requires international collaboration and cooperation. No single country or entity can effectively combat cybercrime alone. Governments, private sector organizations, and international bodies must work together to develop frameworks, share information, and implement robust cyber-security measures. Sharing best practices, threat intelligence, and technological expertise can bolster defenses and minimize vulnerabilities globally.


Cyber-security is a critical global issue, with online threats posing risks at personal, financial, national, and international levels. As technology continues to advance, it is essential to prioritize cyber-security efforts and resilience to mitigate the potentially devastating consequences of cyber-attacks. The interconnectedness of the digital landscape necessitates global collaboration and coordination to combat cyber-crime effectively.

Circular Economy in Pakistan: Promoting Resource Efficiency and Waste Reduction


In recent years, the concept of a circular economy has emerged as a viable solution to address the resource depletion and waste generation challenges in Pakistan. A circular economy focuses on maximizing resource efficiency and minimizing waste by adopting sustainable practices and promoting a closed-loop system. The circular economy is a model of production and consumption that aims to eliminate waste and pollution, circulate products and materials at their highest value, and regenerate nature. It is different from the traditional linear economic model, which is based on a take-make-consume-throw away pattern.

Understanding the Circular Economy in Pakistan

Pakistan faces significant environmental challenges due to rapid urbanization, population growth, and industrialization. The principles of circular economy can help the country transition towards achieving sustainable development. By reducing waste generation, optimizing resource use, and promoting sustainable production and consumption patterns, the circular economy can bring positive changes. Moreover, Pakistan’s commitment to global initiatives, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement, highlights the country’s dedication to promoting sustainable development and addressing environmental challenges. To fulfill these international obligations effectively, Pakistan must prioritize transitioning to a circular economy.

Resource Efficiency for Sustainable Development

Pakistan is rich in natural resources, but they are being exploited at an unsustainable rate. Therefore, adopting resource-efficient practices in sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and energy can help conserve resources and minimize environmental impacts. Encouraging eco-friendly technologies, practicing water and energy conservation, and implementing sustainable measures are crucial factors for achieving resource efficiency.

Waste Reduction and Management

Pakistan faces significant challenges in waste management, with inadequate infrastructure and inefficient systems leading to widespread pollution and environmental degradation. Implementing a circular economy approach can help address these issues by prioritizing waste reduction and proper waste management. This includes strategies such as recycling, composting, and implementing advanced waste-to-energy technologies. For that matter, strengthening waste collection and segregation systems, promoting public awareness, and involving local communities in waste management initiatives are some of the essential steps towards reducing waste.

Promoting Circular Business Models

It is a high time to encourage businesses in Pakistan to adopt circular business models for the successful implementation of a circular economy. This involves rethinking traditional linear models and promoting practices such as sharing knowledge, resource recovery and reuse, and responsible production. Providing incentives, fostering collaboration between businesses and stakeholders, supporting circular start-ups, and creating a conducive environment for circular business models can drive sustainable economic growth and innovation.

Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems

Pakistan’s agricultural sector is a significant contributor to the country’s economy. Circularity in agriculture can reduce the overuse of resources, improve soil health, and minimize waste generation. The utilization of locally sourced and seasonal products can pave the way for a more sustainable and circular agriculture sector. Furthermore, practices such as organic farming, water-efficient irrigation techniques, and establishing circular food supply chains can enhance the sustainability and resilience of Pakistan’s food systems.

Innovation and Collaboration

Promoting innovation and collaboration in research and development is crucial for the successful implementation of a circular economy in Pakistan. The development and adoption of sustainable technologies, supporting research initiatives focused on resource efficiency and waste reduction, fostering collaboration between public and private stakeholders can result in innovative ideas, solutions, and sustainable business models as well as accelerate the implementation of circular economy strategies.


In Pakistan, the principles of a circular economy hold immense potential for promoting resource efficiency, reducing waste, and driving sustainable development. By adopting resource-efficient practices, enhancing waste management and recycling systems, promoting circular business models, and prioritizing sustainable agriculture. It is essential for the government, businesses, and society as a whole to realize the importance of the principles of circular economy, and understand the nexus of sustainability and economic growth. Collaboration between different stakeholders, including policymakers, industry leaders, researchers, and communities, is needed to create the necessary frameworks, infrastructure, and support systems for the implementation of circular economy strategies. By embracing circular economy, Pakistan can preserve its valuable resources, protect the environment, create new job opportunities, and contribute towards mitigating the impacts of climate change. It is time for Pakistan to tap into the potential of a circular economy and work towards promoting resource efficiency and reducing waste for a sustainable and resilient future.