Niger’s Uranium Deal With Russia: A Major Boost For Moscow’s Nuclear Power Ambitions

Niger and Russia came closer as a recent coup d’et’at vouched for an end to the neocolonialist ventures of France. France has actively participated in the extraction of Uranium inside Niger for the past four decades. Since, Niger’s independence in 1960 from France, 90% of the Uranium rich mines in Niger are still under the control of the French nuclear fuel cycle group Orano. Uranium import contributes to the capability of France to produce Electricity from Nuclear energy. In 2021, France generated 361 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, accounting for 68% of their annual production.

Moreover, with the recent developments in the Sahel, with Mali and Burkina Faso taking the lead, pro-Western governments have been overthrown by military dictators as a reaction to Western dominance over African security. In Niger, on July 26th, General Abdourahamane Tiani was announced as the new head of state, days after saying they had ousted President Mohamed Bazoum in the seventh military takeover in West and Central Africa in less than three years. The rioters outside the French Embassy in Niger were a sight to behold. Nigeriens, waved the Russian flag, and chanted “Long live Russia,” “Long live Putin,” and “Down with France.” The scene was a shocking reminder of the deep resentment towards France, their former colonial ruler. Moreover, the crowd chanted for Wagner’s mercenaries group, indicating that the current population of Niger wants to break from the shackles of neocolonialism and enjoy itself as a free and independent country under the support of Russia.

Since Niger contributes 5% to the world’s pool of uranium, it has put the world in a perplexing situation where problems can arise. According to the website of the French nuclear fuel company Orano, Cominak is a joint venture between the government of Niger and Orano in the Arlit mine and Akouta mine.

In 2019, Rosatom was granted developmental access to the Imouraren mine located in a remote and insecure part of Niger. Formerly, in 2009, Orano was granted an operating permit but, due to the ongoing global financial crisis, Orano wasn’t able to justify their investment in the mine resulting in a halt. Furthermore, in the same year, Russia pledged 2 billion dollars to Niger’s Uranium mines. The series of events led to the belief that Russia’s relationship with France may be deteriorating as Russian involvement in the Coup has raised suspicion among the European Union. While there is no evidence regarding Russia’s involvement, in 2023 at the Russia Africa summit, Vladimir Putin said “Africa has suffered for too long under the yoke of colonialism. It is time for Africa to be free. Russia is committed to helping Africa to achieve its independence.” This statement serves to be the basis of Western suspicion. Russia is filling the void left by France in Africa, but its intentions are not entirely clear. Some see it as an opportunity to help the continent develop, while others worry that it is simply a way for Russia to gain control of Africa’s resources.

Niger is Eurotom’s second largest contributor after Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan, which was once a part of the Soviet Union, is the largest exporter of uranium to Europe. Uzbekistan, Kazakstan, Niger, and Russia account for 60% of the world’s uranium supply. The above-mentioned actors are believed to be in the Russian sphere of influence. The current circumstances have produced favourable grounds for Russia to control Western dominance over Nuclear energy.

Mine d’uranium de la SOMAIR (Société des mines de l’Aïr), Niger. (Photo by Maurice ASCANI/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)

The consequences of French withdrawal would result in Niger’s full control over its uranium resources. This would give Niger more leverage in negotiations with foreign companies and governments. It would also allow Niger to benefit more from the sale of uranium.

In addition, seizing the mines could help Niger to reduce its dependence on foreign aid. Niger is a poor country, and it relies heavily on foreign aid to fund its development projects. Seizing the mines could give Niger the resources it needs to develop its economy without relying on foreign aid.

As easy as this may sound, the White House national security spokesman John Kirby said “there was still no room for intra-African diplomacy”. United States has warned Niger to remove security and other forms of cooperation to tackle Islamic State West Africa (ISWA), Islamic State Greater Sahara (ISGS), Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), Al Murabitoun, Ansar Dine, Katiba Macina and Boko Haram, in the region.

After the Coup, while the French were able to evacuate their Nationals, it’s now for the United States to decide if they are willing to remove their drone- bases Niger. The drone base located in Niger is a 100-million-dollar project. The long hands of the Kremlin are deeply integrated with the region as Wagner’s mercenaries are being called upon to tackle Islamic Jihadists in Mali, Burkina Faso and now, a similar play is to be observed in Niger. The power display used in the cold war is being replicated in the 21st century which has raised serious concerns in the West.

Russia’s ambition in the continent will contribute to her growth in Nuclear energy. Among all the other ventures that Rosatom has embarked upon in Asia, African Sahel remains the key to economic growth. If Niger can maintain neutrality in the future, it can benefit from cooperation made between Russia and the European Union. However, if one party remains to benefit then the world will witness a series of inescapable events resulting in a nuclear arms race. The Sahel is a complex region but it is a region with great potential. If Russia is to dominate the Nuclear energy market, promoting good relations with Niger can lead to Russia meeting the world’s global Energy demands. The future of the Sahel is uncertain, but it is a region that will continue to be important to the global economy and security landscape.

Reforms in Pakistan’s Economy

The historic high inflation in Pakistan is hitting the poor and creating “unprecedented” hardships for the low-income groups, the situation has forced the masses to spend much of their income on food. Some causes with recommendations are as follows:

Increase in money supply: The government of Pakistan has been printing more money in recent years in order to finance its budget deficit. This has led to an increase in the money supply, which has put upward pressure on prices. The government can reduce the money supply by increasing interest rates or by selling government bonds. Increasing interest rates makes it more expensive for businesses and individuals to borrow money, which reduces the amount of money in circulation. Selling government bonds also reduces the amount of money in circulation, as the government uses the proceeds of the sale to pay off its debt.

Depreciation of the Pakistani rupee: The Pakistani rupee has depreciated against the US dollar in recent years. This is due to a number of factors, including the country’s large trade deficit and political instability. The depreciation of the rupee has made imported goods more expensive, which has also contributed to inflation. The government can strengthen the Pakistani rupee by reducing the trade deficit or by increasing foreign exchange reserves. Reducing the trade deficit means exporting more goods and services than importing them. Increasing foreign exchange reserves means accumulating more foreign currency, which can be used to buy rupees.

Supply shocks: Pakistan has been affected by a number of supply shocks in recent years, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine. These have disrupted the supply of goods and services, which has also contributed to inflation. The government can address supply shocks by improving infrastructure or by providing subsidies to farmers. Improving infrastructure can help make transporting goods and services easier, which can help reduce shortages. Providing subsidies to farmers can help reduce food costs, which is a major component of the inflation basket.

Increase agricultural productivity: Pakistan is a net importer of food, so any increase in the cost of food will have a significant impact on inflation. The government can increase agricultural productivity by providing farmers with access to better seeds, fertilizers, and irrigation systems. This will help to increase crop yields and reduce the cost of food.

Promote exports: Promoting exports will help to increase foreign exchange earnings, which will help to strengthen the Pakistani rupee. The government can promote exports by providing exporters with tax breaks and subsidies. It can also negotiate trade deals with other countries, giving Pakistani exporters preferential access to their markets.

Improve governance: A stable and predictable economic environment is conducive to investment and economic growth. The government can improve governance by reducing corruption and by strengthening the rule of law. This will help to attract foreign investment and create jobs, which will help to reduce poverty and inequality. By taking these measures, the government of Pakistan can help to reduce inflation and improve the lives of its citizens.

Exploitation in Africa

The exploitation of African natural reserves, particularly in the presence of European and American companies, has been a contentious issue with deep historical roots and ongoing concerns. This exploitation involves various facets, including environmental degradation, labor exploitation, unequal profit sharing, and disregard for indigenous rights and local community interests.

Historical Context

The exploitation of Africa’s natural resources by European powers dates back to the colonial era when European countries exerted control over vast territories across the continent. This control often led to the extraction of valuable resources such as gold, diamonds, and other minerals without just compensation to local communities. During the colonial era, European powers established mining and agricultural enterprises that disproportionately benefited European interests at the expense of local populations. These operations often ignored local customs, land rights, and environmental considerations.

Modern Challenges

Even after gaining independence, many African countries continue to face challenges related to the exploitation of their natural reserves. European and American corporations, sometimes in collaboration with local elites, continue to dominate sectors like mining, oil, and forestry. The issues include:

Environmental Degradation: Unregulated extraction and processing of resources have led to significant environmental problems, including deforestation, pollution, and destruction of ecosystems.

Labor Exploitation: Workers in mining and other extractive industries often face poor working conditions, low wages, and inadequate safety measures.

Unequal Profit Distribution: While international corporations reap significant profits from resource extraction, local communities frequently see little benefit. This inequality contributes to poverty and underdevelopment in many resource-rich areas.

Displacement and Indigenous Rights: Resource extraction projects sometimes displace local communities without adequate compensation or disregard traditional land rights, leading to conflict and social unrest.

Lack of Transparency and Corruption: In some cases, deals between international corporations and local governments lack transparency and are fraught with corruption, undermining trust and social cohesion.


Strengthen Regulations: Governments must enforce stringent environmental and labor regulations that align with international standards to protect both human rights and the environment.

Promote Fair Trade Practices: Implementing and enforcing fair trade agreements can help ensure that profits are more equitably distributed among local communities.

Enhance Transparency: Encouraging transparency in contracts and revenue management can reduce corruption and ensure that the benefits of natural resource exploitation are shared more widely.

Empower Local Communities: Supporting community engagement in decision-making processes related to resource extraction can lead to more sustainable and socially just outcomes.


The exploitation of natural reserves in Africa by European and American entities is a complex issue with deep historical roots and multifaceted modern implications. Addressing this challenge requires a concerted effort on the part of governments, corporations, international organizations, and civil society to ensure that natural resource extraction is conducted responsibly and equitably, respecting both the environment and the rights and interests of local communities.

Role Of United Nations And Broken Global Food System

It will take an enormous effort from all global stakeholders to fix the world food system. The system is intricate and includes many different components, including those related to food production, processing, distribution, consumption, and waste management. Complex social, economic, and environmental contexts are interwoven with it. A stable food system is built on sustainable agriculture. We can strike a balance between the need for food production and the preservation of natural resources by promoting sustainable agricultural practices. The “Zero Budget Natural Farming” (ZBNF) initiative in India is a good illustration of this. It encourages chemical-free farming methods that are not only economical but also sustainable, improving farmer livelihoods. The ZBNF project has been successful in fusing conventional wisdom and cutting-edge scientific understanding.

Regenerative farming methods, another crucial component, place an emphasis on crop diversity, soil health, and livestock integration. Such methods can result in the production of food that is more nutrient-dense, significant carbon repossession, and improved farmer livelihoods. One admirable example is the work done by The Savory Institute all over the world. To improve the health of the grasslands, the institute advocates holistic management and regenerative agriculture, which in turn boosts biodiversity and increases the adaptability of nearby communities. Food waste is a serious problem that affects the environment and the economy. To address this issue, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) launched the global “Think.Eat.Save” campaign. In order to minimize waste, the campaign offers helpful tips and doable actions to consumers, retailers, and the hospitality sector. Reducing food waste can support more sustainable consumption patterns and lessen the strain on the environment’s resources.

The solution to repairing the broken global food system lies in local food systems as well. They can increase local economies while at the same time minimizing the environmental damage caused by long-distance food transportation. For instance, vacant lots in Detroit, USA, have been turned into productive farmland by urban farming initiatives, improving community development and local food security.

Another significant issue is the local and international inequities in the food system. By ensuring that small-scale farmers and producers are fairly compensated for their goods, fair trade practices can advance justice and equity in the food system. A nonprofit organization called Fair Trade International has played a key role in developing widely accepted fair trade standards and assisting producers in the Global South.

The development of food systems is significantly influenced by governmental policies. The effectiveness of food systems can be significantly impacted by policies like subsidies for environmentally friendly farming methods, strict laws against food waste, and the promotion of wholesome diets. Government policies in nations like the Netherlands actively support circular agriculture, reducing waste, and effectively using resources. With its numerous specialized agencies, the United Nations (UN) is instrumental in addressing these issues. The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) seeks to ensure that everyone has regular access to nutritious food so they can lead active, healthy lives. It works to promote dietary diversity, lessen food loss and waste, support sustainable agricultural practices, and increase resilience to economic and climatic shocks.

Strong food systems are also developed with assistance from other UN organizations like the UNEP and the World Health Organization (WHO). For instance, WHO has led the charge in promoting a healthier diet and way of life on a global scale.

These problems are inadvertently addressed in the UN Charter, which sets the organization’s policies. Hunger, poverty, and sustainable development are all covered by the Charter’s goals and guiding principles of promoting peace, human rights, and development. The majority of the Charter’s modifications, though few and unrelated to the food system, deal with membership and representation in UN bodies. All UN Member States agreed upon the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, and they offer a common road map for peace and prosperity. In particular, Goal 2 of the SDGs aims to promote sustainable agriculture, achieve food security, and improve nutrition.

In conclusion, improving the world’s food system is a difficult task that needs the cooperation of all parties involved, including farmers, consumers, governments, and international organizations. The UN contributes significantly to this effort through a number of its various bodies. It relentlessly pursues the goals of achieving food security and sustainable agriculture by promoting environmentally friendly practices, pushing for legislative changes, and other means. Repairing the world food system is a difficult journey, but it can be completed with cooperation. It is possible; all that is required now is the will to act. The world has the knowledge, resources, and examples to make this possible.

Global Flooding Crisis: Climate Change’s Widespread Devastation in Every Region


Climate change is a global phenomenon that has given rise to a countless of environmental concerns, one of the most prominent being an increase in the frequency and intensity of floods. These catastrophic events, brought about by rising global temperatures and subsequent changes in rainfall patterns, are no longer confined to certain regions of the world. Instead, they now emerge as a major threat, consistently affecting multiple countries across the globe. From Asia to Africa, Europe to the Americas, floods have become a universal consequence of climate change, which is disrupting livelihoods, displacing communities, and devastating ecosystems. Consequently, understanding the causes, impacts, and potential solutions of climate change-induced floods becomes paramount as humanity faces the urgent need to mitigate and adapt to this pressing global crisis.

The Most Affected Countries across Regions due to 2023 Floods

In Asia, the most affected countries by floods in 2023 were China, India, and Pakistan. In China, heavy rains caused flooding in southwestern China in July, killing at least 15 people and displacing thousands. In India, heavy rains caused flooding in the northeastern states of Assam and Meghalaya. As of July 21, 2023, the death toll from the 2023 floods in India has reached at least 108 people. The worst-hit state is Himachal Pradesh, where at least 88 people have died. Other states that have been affected by the floods include Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, and Uttarakhand. The floods have also caused widespread damage to infrastructure and have destroyed thousands of houses. In Pakistan, heavy rains caused flooding in the northwestern provinces of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab in July, killing at least 80 people and displacing thousands.

In addition, South Korea and Japan in East Asia, were hit hard due to floods, resulting in a tragic loss of life. At least 41 people lost their lives in South Korea and 12 in Japan due to these catastrophic events. Meanwhile, the Philippines in Southeast Asia was also severely impacted, with a death toll of at least 216. These floods left countless people displaced and in need of assistance.

In Africa, the most affected countries by floods in 2023 were Rwanda, Ethiopia, and Mozambique. In Rwanda, torrential rains caused flooding in western and northern parts of the country, killing more than 130 people and resulted in displacement of huge number of people. In Ethiopia, heavy rains caused flooding in the Oromia and Somali regions due to which 240,000 people were impacted and, at least 120 people died. In Mozambique, heavy rains caused flooding in the Zambezi River basin in February, killing at least 70 people and displacing over 100,000 individuals.

Europe: The most expensive natural hazard in Europe is flooding. Climate and socioeconomic developments are expected to make it worse in the future. In Europe, the most affected countries by floods in 2023 were Italy, Germany, and Belgium. In Italy, the deadly flooding that devastated much of northern Italy in late May, killing at least 15 people and displacing 40,000. In Germany, heavy rains caused flooding in the western state of North Rhine-Westphalia in July, killing at least 180 people and displacing over 100,000. In Belgium, heavy rains caused flooding in the eastern part of the country in July, killing at least 30 people and displacing over 10,000. The latest report by the European Commission lists the European cities and nations with the largest anticipated losses from future floods. Germany was reported to have the highest danger of flooding for residential structures, followed by France, Italy, and Spain.

Americas: The floods have affected a number of countries in the Americas, including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador. In North America, the most affected countries by floods in 2023 were the United States and Canada. In the United States, a series of storms caused flooding in the northeastern states of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania in July, killing at least 11 people and causing widespread damage. There is also emergency in Kentucky due to flash flooding. In Canada, heavy rains caused flooding in the western Canada and caused forced evacuations.

To conclude, the global flooding crisis caused by climate change is devastating every region. Increased rainfall, rising sea levels, and melting glaciers have worsened the situation. This has resulted in loss of lives, infrastructure destruction, displacement, and damage to ecosystems. Mitigation and adaptation measures are needed to address this crisis, and it requires a collective effort. This includes reducing emissions to mitigate climate change and implementing resilient infrastructure to adapt to the increasing risks of global flooding. It is imperative that governments, communities, and individuals work together to tackle this widespread devastation and protect the planet Earth.

Turkey Takes the Spotlight: Key Takeaways from the 33rd NATO Summit


The 33rd NATO summit took place in Vilnius, Lithuania on July 11-12, 2023. The summit was hosted by Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda. The main topics of discussion were the ongoing war in Ukraine, NATO’s deterrence and defense posture, and the alliance’s cooperation with partners. The summit resulted in a number of decisions, including the adoption of a new Strategic Concept, which outlines NATO’s goals and objectives for the next decade. It was decided to establish a new NATO-Ukraine Council, which will provide a forum for more regular dialogue between NATO and Ukraine. Also, the decision was also made to invite Sweden and Finland to join NATO.

Turkey’s Role at NATO Summit

At the NATO summit, Turkey played a significant role and remained a prominent player because of the following reasons.

Sweden’s NATO Membership

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoan had first refused Sweden’s membership requests to join NATO. Following two rounds of trilateral talks with Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson and the NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Erdogan declared that he will submit the Swedish application for ratification to the Turkish parliament. Nevertheless, Erdoan ultimately consented to remove his veto after the two nations made a number of concessions, including the removal of defense arms embargoes and the extradition of PKK suspects. The decision by Turkey to remove its veto was viewed as a significant win for NATO since it paves the way for Sweden to join the organization. The position of NATO in Northern Europe would be greatly strengthened by the Sweden’s acceptance, which is a major issue in light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Erdogan discussed a number of Turkish concerns during a press conference held in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, after the summit. These included Turkey’s ratification of Sweden’s NATO application, its agreement with the United States for F-16 jets, and the continuing balancing act it maintains between Russia and Ukraine.


Greece-Turkey Ties

During the NATO leaders’ summit, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president of Turkey met Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the prime minister of Greece. The two neighbors have been at odds for many years over a variety of problems, including energy resources, over-flights above the Aegean Sea, and the ethnically divided island of Cyprus. Last year, in a dispute over airspace violations, Erdogan halted bilateral negotiations and blamed Greece with exerting pressure on the United States to prevent the delivery of F-16 fighter fighters to Ankara. But now, the leaders of two countries have decided to resume negotiations, confidence measures, and welcomed a new positive climate in their tense relations. In a statement, the two leaders said, “It is to the benefit of both countries that the positive climate formed in bilateral relations over recent months has continuity and consistency.” Also, it was stated, the two countries decided that in the coming time, they would build on their current progress, open up a variety of channels of communication, and express their willingness for more regular communication at all levels. This is a really positive development for regional stability considering the tight relations between the two countries.

Turkey-U.S. Fighter Jets Deal

The Turkish President met U.S. President Joe Biden for the first time since taking office. The ties between the two countries were not so good prior to their meeting. It is expected that the recent meeting will result in better bilateral ties between both countries. The both leaders spoke favorably about the future of ties between the U.S. and Turkey. Erdogan even called the American counterpart my dear friend while addressing the media. Another significant turning point in their relationship came when, following months of debate, it was decided that the U.S. would supply Turkey F-16 fighter jets. Erdogan stated that he was hopeful than ever that the jets will be purchased, while U.S. President Joe Biden also expressed confidence that the deal will move forward. In addition, Erdogan also said at the summit that Turkey could serve as a mediator between Moscow and Kyiv to put an end to the war in Ukraine. Thus, the summit was a clear demonstration of Turkish diplomacy’s triumph at the international level.

Role of Women in Sustainable Development

Sustainable development has emerged as a critical global objective, seeking to address the interplay between economic growth, social progress, and environmental protection. Achieving sustainable development requires the active participation and engagement of all members of society, including women. Women’s empowerment and gender equality are not only fundamental human rights but also crucial components of sustainable development. When women are empowered and given equal opportunities, they become powerful agents of change, driving progress in various areas such as poverty eradication, education, health, and environmental conservation.

Women and Sustainable Development

Economic Empowerment:

Ensuring women’s economic empowerment is vital for sustainable development. When women are economically empowered, they contribute to poverty reduction and inclusive economic growth. By enhancing their access to resources, finance, and market opportunities, women can start and expand businesses, create jobs, and stimulate local economies. Furthermore, women’s economic participation strengthens their decision-making power, enabling them to invest in education, health, and their families’ well-being.

Education and Health:

Promoting women’s education and healthcare is essential for sustainable development. Educated women tend to have fewer children, better child and maternal health outcomes, and increased awareness of sustainable practices. Educating girls not only empowers them but also benefits society as a whole. By investing in quality education and healthcare for women, nations can unlock their potential, enhance their capabilities, and foster sustainable development.

Environmental Stewardship:

Women play a crucial role in environmental sustainability and natural resource management. As primary caregivers and providers of food and water, women possess traditional knowledge and expertise in sustainable agriculture, biodiversity conservation, and renewable energy practices. Their inclusion and participation in decision-making processes related to climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, and environmental policymaking are vital for the effective implementation of sustainable practices.

Political Participation:

Increasing women’s participation in political processes and decision-making is essential for achieving sustainable development. Women bring unique perspectives and priorities to the table, ensuring that policies and initiatives address the needs of all segments of society. When women hold positions of power and influence, they advocate for gender-responsive policies, social justice, and sustainable development frameworks, fostering inclusive and equitable societies.

Social Empowerment:

Empowering women socially is a critical aspect of sustainable development. Eliminating gender-based violence, ensuring access to justice, and promoting gender equality within families, communities, and institutions are essential steps towards creating a more sustainable and just world. By challenging gender norms and stereotypes, women can break free from societal constraints, fulfill their potential, and actively contribute to sustainable development efforts.

The active participation of women in sustainable development is not just an aspiration but a necessity. Gender equality and women’s empowerment are fundamental human rights that need to be recognized, promoted, and protected. By ensuring women’s equal access to education, healthcare, economic opportunities, and political participation, societies can harness their untapped potential for sustainable development. Empowering women unlocks a cascade of benefits, leading to poverty eradication, improved health outcomes, environmental sustainability, and inclusive societies. It is imperative that governments, organizations, and individuals work collectively to create an enabling environment that empowers women, breaking down barriers and fostering a more sustainable, equitable, and prosperous future for all.

India-US Economic and Defense Relations

In recent years, there has been a tremendous expansion and change in the relationship between the US and India. The United States and India, two of the largest democracies and most vibrant economies in the world, are aware of the value of forging close relations in order to tackle common issues and seize chances for development. Business leaders have been given forums by programmes like the US-India Strategic and Commercial Dialogue and the US-India CEO Forum to promote collaborations and look into new possibilities for cooperation. Due to cooperative military exercises and technological transfers between the two nations, the United States has become one of India’s top defence suppliers.

Top diplomats and experts from both countries believe and are confident that 2023 would be a momentous year for the ties between the world’s largest and oldest democracies, which will determine the future of technology and innovation. The year 2022 has been a remarkable and historic year for the India-US relationship. According to Aghi, while Washington and New Delhi, along with its G20 partners, seek to ensure and prevent soaring energy prices and the resulting shortage of food grains in 2023, the Russia-Ukraine conflict will continue to dominate world politics.

India and the US are both scientific powerhouses, and he predicts that space tech firms will be a new source of economic growth and scientific synergy as privatisation increases and India’s number of unicorns rises. In order to foster regional stability and cooperation in the Indo-Pacific, the United States, India, Japan, and Australia have formed a strategic collaboration known as the Quad.

Technology and innovation: India and the United States, both of which are regarded as global leaders in these fields, have strengthened their cooperation in this area. Both the US-India Artificial Intelligence Initiative and the US-India Strategic Energy Partnership are noteworthy programmes that promote research and development collaboration. Both nations have made commitments to expand the use of renewable energy and have started programmes like the US-India Clean Energy Finance Task Force and the Greening the Grid initiative. With over four million members, the Indian diaspora in the US has significantly contributed to the growth of scholarly alliances, economic ties, and cultural interchange. Both countries recognize the importance of a strong bilateral relationship in addressing regional and global challenges, promoting economic growth, and fostering innovation.

According to the head of a leading American trade organisation, the economic expansion of India presents a chance for US companies, and strengthening the two countries’ commercial relations may be one of the most crucial initiatives right now.India is the tenth-largest commercial partner of the United States, and commerce in products and services between the two countries rose by nearly threefold in 2022 to around USD 192 billion. The US surpassed China as India’s top trading partner this year, according to Graves. According to him, Indian Americans are one of the largest immigrant groups in the US and they continue to significantly improve all facets of American life.

Its new status has cast attention on whether its economy will harness that demographic strength to displace China in other ways. The case for investing in India — a nation of 1.4 billion — is clear, and only bolstered by recent geopolitical shifts. As Western leaders look to boost economic cooperation with countries that share similar values, India, the world’s largest democracy, stands to gain.

Barely any areas of U.S.- India relations have seen as much ongoing improvement as the defense relationship. Throughout recent many years the U.S. has turned into a critical provider of guard gear to India, become India’s biggest military activity accomplice, done whatever it may take to improve between operability and coordination, and consented to specialized arrangements to additionally grow India’s admittance to very good quality American safeguard innovation. Past respective participation, the US and India are key accomplices in “The Quad,” an arising key association between the legislatures of India, Japan, Australia, and the US.

To start with, it is essential to perceive and identify the considerable rundown of achievements of U.S.- India protection ties, which have been the heap bearing mainstay of the essential organization. The two nations have assembled insight sharing channels and appraisal capacities to more readily distinguish and plan for dangers; created admittance arrangements for military coordinated factors to help each other’s span; and led ordinary military activities to work on our abilities and interoperability. India has had the option to use best in class protection acquisitions from the US to counter Chinese emphaticness, including key lift to ship and resupply its soldiers conveyed along the rugged Line of Genuine Control. To begin with, it is crucial to comprehend and recognise the extensive list of accomplishments of U.S.-India security connections, which have served as the foundational pillar of the vital organisation. To more easily identify and prepare for threats, the two countries have built insight-sharing channels and appraisal capacities. They have also organised access to military-coordinated factors to support each other’s reach and organised routine military exercises to improve our skills and interoperability. In order to combat Chinese assertiveness, India has had the choice to employ best-in-class protection purchases from the US, including crucial lift to transport and resupply its forces along the arduous Line of Genuine Control and a variety of cutting-edge sea watch aircraft to protect its coastline. Washington needs more prominent functional collaboration with New Delhi to share the weight of preventing hostility by any significant power, including China.

The Hong Kong Convention and Role of Bangladesh and India


The Hong Kong Convention (HKC) for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships is an international treaty that sets standards for the recycling of ships at the end of their operational lives. The HKC was adopted in May 2009 by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and entered into force on June 26, 2023. It means that the convention is now legally binding on the countries that have ratified it. The HKC was developed in response to concerns about the environmental and safety risks associated with shipbreaking. Shipbreaking is the process of dismantling ships at the end of their operational lives, the ships are dismantled and processed to recover materials, primarily steel. It is a complex and hazardous process, and it can release hazardous materials into the environment, including asbestos, heavy metals, and other pollutants. The HKC aims to address these concerns by setting standards for the recycling of ships. Moreover, as per the convention, the ships will be recycled in facilities that have been approved by the recycling state or the flag state. The role of Bangladesh and India, two of the world’s top ship breaking or recycling countries, is given here.

Role of Bangladesh

Bangladesh ratified the Hong Kong Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships (HKC) on June 26, 2023. By ratifying the Hong Kong Convention, Bangladesh, one of the world’s major ship recyclers, will play a crucial role in paving the path for safe and responsible ship recycling practices. The ship recycling sector has significantly boosted Bangladesh’s economy. In the northern coastal region of Chittagong, there are approximately 150 shipbreaking yards, of which 50 to 60 yards are active throughout the year, according to Shipbreakingbd. Additionally, the sector is giving thousands of individuals in the nation’s poor regions access to jobs. Through its Ship Recycle Act, which incorporates the terms of the HKC into national legislation, Bangladesh committed in 2018 to ratify the Convention by 2023. The act also mandates shipbreaking yards in Bangladesh to have safety equipment and to train workers in safe shipbreaking environment. After ratification, Bangladesh has begun the process of improving its recycling capacity with the adoption of the Ship Recycle Act. The government has also announced plans to invest in new technologies for ship recycling. These investments will help Bangladesh to meet the requirements of the HKC and to become a more sustainable and safer shipbreaking country which will also help in economic growth.

Role of India

India is one of the world’s leading ship recycling countries. India ratified the Hong Kong Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships (HKC) on November 28, 2019. This made India one of the first countries to ratify the convention. After ratification, the Recycling of Ships Bill, 2019, was passed by India and, on 13 December, 2019 upon the President of India’s approval it became an Act. The government made the decision to introduce this Act to regulate ship recycling by establishing specified international criteria and establishing the legal framework for their enforcement. Ship recycling laws are important not only to protect human health and the environment, but also to improve the safety of shipbreaking workers.

The Indian shipbreaking industry is concentrated in Gujarat and Alang, which is known as the shipbreaking capital of the world. India’s role in the HKC is important because it is one of the world’s leading shipbreaking countries. As of 2020, the country accounted for about 35% of the global shipbreaking tonnage. But, the country has been criticized for its environmental and safety practices. Therefore, the Indian Government should increase its enforcement efforts to ensure that shipbreaking yards are complying with the law. As a ratifying country, India can play a crucial role in the effective implementation of the Hong Kong Convention. With its significant share in the global shipbreaking tonnage, India has the opportunity to lead by example and set safety measures for shipbreaking workers as well as high standards for ship recycling practices in order to make a significant positive impact in shipbreaking industry.


The Hong Kong Convention has the potential to make a significant positive impact in global ship recycling industry. India and Bangladesh are two of the world’s leading shipbreaking countries, and their ratification of the Hong Kong Convention (HKC) is a significant step towards ensuring that ships are recycled in a safe and environmentally sound manner. By joining the Hong Kong Convention, both India and Bangladesh have committed to improve their ship recycling practices to align with international standards. This development is expected to bring about positive changes in the industry. Also, the future of the global ship recycling industry will depend on factors like, the willingness of governments, ship-owners, and ship breakers to comply with the HKC’s provisions, the development of new technologies for ship recycling. The convention provides a framework for ship recycling practices on a global scale, and ensure that every country follow same standards and regulations. To conclude, the Hong Kong Convention will promote global coordination and collaboration in the exchange of best practices and the resolution of common ship recycling issues. The future of the ship recycling industry, the health of shipbreaking workers, protection of the environment, and the advancement of sustainable resource management will all depend on the successful implementation of the Hong Kong Convention.

Migrating Amid Desperation: The Harsh Reality

Numerous Pakistanis and other people lost their life in the tragedy of the sinking migrant boat close to Greece, which brings to light a number of crucial issues. First of all, it highlights the arrogance of European governments who assert to promote human rights and international collaboration but engage in cruel border control. Second, it highlights the unequal income distribution in the world, where some nations profit while others suffer. For people looking for a better life, this creates obstacles. It shows how human traffickers profit from the hopes and despair of young people in impoverished nations with impunity. It highlights the failure of nations like Pakistan to establish circumstances that compel people to jeopardise their lives in order to pursue better futures oversese. The Pakistani government is largely concentrating on the problem of human trafficking as a legal infraction in reaction to this catastrophe.

The European authorities find this strategy useful since it deflects attention away from their own border practises and participation in global inequalities. Internally, it assists the Pakistani government avoid acknowledging its failure to give its citizens chances.Discussions about migration, whether authorised or not, and the causes of people leaving Pakistan are now commonplace. Statistics on the number of educated and uneducated Pakistanis leaving the nation are in circulation. An unsteady economy with high inflation as well as oppressive and unstable governance are the main causes of the recent increase in migration. Even while the aggregate numbers may still be tiny, there is a clear trend among Pakistanis with advanced degrees who are looking for employment overseas more frequently. There are moments when it seems like everyone is looking for a way out. Although it has received increased attention recently, migration is not a recent phenomena. In Punjab and KP provinces, it has become widespread among the lower and middle classes, offering financial support through remittances. The idea of seeing families in their towns or villages prosper because some of their members have emigrated is quite alluring. Human traffickers purposefully prey on this need for riches and movement.

Since its founding, the Pakistani state has struggled to foster a fundamental attitude that ties people to their society. It has frequently turned to violence and oppression rather than offering inclusive alternatives when confronted with opposing ideas of community (such as those based on ethnicity, language, caste, or tribe). The recent events, which included ruthless intra-elite politics along with crackdowns and the suspension of civil liberties, have brought this out clearly once more. In conclusion, it is evident that while inclusive politics and sentiments of attachment to the community play important roles in fostering a sense of belonging to a country, they alone cannot single-handedly address the complex issue of migration, be it legal or illegal. Economic factors undeniably emerge as the primary driver for individuals seeking better opportunities elsewhere. Therefore, it becomes imperative for governments to prioritize the development of a robust and inclusive economy that caters to the needs of all its citizens. By focusing on creating an environment of economic prosperity, governments can effectively address the root causes of migration and foster a society where individuals are motivated to stay and contribute to the growth and well-being of their country.