Food Security And Its Importance In Context Of Pakistan

Food security refers to the availability, accessibility, and affordability of food for all individuals in a given country or region. It is a critical issue for national security, as a lack of access to sufficient and nutritious food can lead to social unrest, political instability, and economic decline. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) defines food security as “a situation that exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines food security as “a state where all people, at all times, have access to sufficient, safe, nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life.” The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) defines food security as “access by all people at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life.” The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) defines food security as “the ability of individuals, households, and communities to acquire adequate and nutritious food on a sustainable basis.” In summary, food security is about ensuring that all individuals or populations have access to enough safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs for an active and healthy life.

In Pakistan, food security is a major concern, as the country has faced numerous challenges related to agriculture, climate change, and economic development. In this article, we will explore the importance of food security for national security in the context of Pakistan and the steps that can be taken to ensure that all citizens have access to adequate nutrition. Pakistan is a country with a large population and a significant proportion of its people living in poverty. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), around 60% of the population in Pakistan is food insecure, meaning that they lack regular access to sufficient food. This is largely due to the country’s reliance on agriculture as a source of income and the effects of climate change on crop yields. In addition, economic factors such as inflation and unemployment also play a role in food insecurity in Pakistan.

The importance of food security for national security cannot be overstated. A lack of access to food can lead to malnutrition, which can cause physical and cognitive impairment, especially in children. Malnutrition can lead to a weaker immune system, making individuals more vulnerable to disease, and can lead to increased healthcare costs. In addition, food insecurity can lead to social unrest, political instability, and economic decline. When people are hungry, they are more likely to engage in criminal activity or become politically radicalized.

To ensure food security in Pakistan, there are several steps that can be taken. First and foremost, investment in agriculture is critical. The government can provide subsidies and other incentives for farmers to increase their crop yields and improve the quality of their crops. This can be done through research and development of new agricultural technologies, such as drought-resistant crops or improved irrigation methods. Additionally, the government can work to improve the infrastructure for transportation and storage of food, which can help reduce waste and improve access to food in remote areas.

Another important factor in food security is social protection programs. These programs, such as cash transfers or food subsidies, can help ensure that vulnerable populations have access to sufficient food. The government can also work to improve education and awareness about nutrition, so that individuals can make informed choices about their diets and improve their overall health.

Finally, addressing climate change is critical for food security in Pakistan. The country is already experiencing the effects of climate change, such as increased temperatures, droughts, and floods, which can have a significant impact on crop yields. By implementing measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the changing climate, the country can help ensure that its citizens have access to sufficient and nutritious food for years to come.

In conclusion, food security is critical for national security in Pakistan. Without adequate access to food, the country risks social unrest, political instability, and economic decline. By investing in agriculture, improving infrastructure, providing social protection programs, and addressing climate change, the government can work to ensure that all citizens have access to sufficient and nutritious food. This will not only improve the health and wellbeing of the population but will also contribute to the overall stability and prosperity of the country.

Another Rounding of Severe Weather in the United States


In recent years, extreme weather storms have been increasingly common and violent in the United States along with droughts, tornadoes, and other severe weather phenomena. Extreme weather events are likely to become more frequent and more severe in the future due to the consequences of climate change, such as rising temperatures and higher levels of moisture in the atmosphere. In the United States, especially in the central and southern regions of the country, tornadoes, a weather phenomenon which is difficult to predict but occur frequently. The most recent powerful storm system and tornado caused damage to at least eight states and prompted at least 50 early reports of tornadoes. The affected states are Alabama, Indiana, Iowa, Illinois, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Mississippi.

Destructive Tornado in Mississippi

At the end of March 2023, a powerful storm swept across the state of Mississippi in the southern United States. It left a trail of destruction that stretched more than 160 km (100 miles) throughout the state, resulted in deaths of more than 25 individuals while leaving dozens of people injured. Mississippi is one of the poorest states, so recovery will be difficult since poverty will make it harder to deal with the effects of current storm.

Biden visited the devastated state of Mississippi, while speaking to the hard-hit Mississippi community of Rolling Fork, President Joe Biden announced that the federal government would pay for the full cost of the state’s emergency measures for 30 days in response to the storm on March 24. Moreover, United States President Joe Biden issued a declaration of an emergency for Mississippi in response to the severe storm. According to a White House statement, Biden directed federal assistance to support regional recovery efforts led by state, and local bodies.

Emergency Situation in Other States

On April 5th, 2023, a tornado tore across southeast Missouri, leaving five people dead and extensive damage due to which Joe Biden assured the Missouri government of federal support. Before that, Joe Biden declared on April 2, 2023, that a major disaster designation would be accelerated in order to send aid to Arkansas. He added that the federal organizations are collaborating closely with Indiana and other affected states. At least 63 people have died as a result of the storms’ numerous tornadoes, which mostly occurred in the South and Midwest. According to official sources, residents of the Mid-Atlantic States suffered the largest number of power outages and over 200,000 consumers were without power. Nearly 110,000 people lack access to power in the Great Lakes states of Ohio, Indiana, and Minnesota. As this year’s severe storm season starts early, forecasters are keeping a cautious eye on all the weather events. There is still a risk of severe weather that is why the U.S. is preparing to deal with these patterns i.e. tornadoes and strong storms, which are likely to occur on a wide scale in the coming days.

Climate Change and Extreme Weather Patterns

Climate change is causing increasingly frequent and extreme weather events in the modern world. There is growing evidence that warming waters are causing stronger tropical storms than in the past. In addition, as a result of atmospheric instability brought on by warmer temperatures, thunderstorms may occur more frequently and on a greater scale. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), climate change will lead to an increase in frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, including thunderstorms. Many scientists believe that there is a significant connection between the two i.e. extreme weather and climate change but there is no immediate solution for it. However, to lessen the threats of climate-related destruction and relocation, developing and under-developed countries in the Global South urgently require assistance by developed countries. The assistance can be provided in the form of technology transfer, capacity building, technical and financial transfers for climate mitigation and adaption strategies so that these countries can become more resilient to the impacts of climate change. Moreover, a worldwide comprehensive, urgent and collaborative response is required due to the severity and nature of climate change issues and catastrophic weather patterns that are being experienced globally.

Heightened Tensions: North Korea’s Stern Warning over US-South Korean Drills


On 6th April, 2023, North Korea asserted that joint military exercises by the United States and South Korea have heightened the tensions and brought the Korean Peninsula to the brink of a nuclear war. Additionally, as President Joe Biden’s special envoy for North Korea travelled to Seoul for discussions with allies over the North Korea’s escalating nuclear threat, Pyongyang warned to take “offensive action” in response to the expansion of United States military drills with South Korea. The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), state media outlet, denounced the ongoing drills as a source for pushing the situation on the Korean peninsula to the point of explosion.


Last month, South Korea and the United States have conducted their largest joint military exercises (Freedom Shield) in five years, despite Pyongyang’s warning that such actions can be regarded as a declaration of war. In response to mounting threats from North Korea, which has recently conducted a number of missile tests in last few months, Washington and Seoul have increased defensive cooperation. The annual springtime exercises featuring United States nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, B-1B and B-52 bombers, as well as the two countries first significant amphibious landing drills, have been carried out by the United States and South Korean military. The North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s sister issued a warning the day after a B-52 bomber flew over the peninsula on 6th March 2023. She said her nation was prepared to take “quick and overwhelming action” against the United States and South Korea.

But, on April 5th, 2023, for the first time in a month on the peninsula, B52s were also deployed. In response to concerns that North Korea would conduct a nuclear test, the United States sent nuclear-capable B-52 bombers to the Korean Peninsula as a show of force. The Defense Ministry of South Korea confirmed that long-range bombers participated in collaborative aerial exercises. According to Lt. Gen. Park Ha Sik, the commander of the South Korean air force operation command, the drills “show the strong resolve of the South Korea-U.S. alliance and its perfect readiness to respond to any provocation by North Korea swiftly and overwhelmingly.”

Joint Submarine Drill by the U.S., South-Korea and Japan

On April 3, 2023, the navies of the three countries i.e. South Korea, the United States and Japan started their first anti-submarine drill in six months in order to improve their coordination against the growing North Korean missile threats. The nuclear-powered USS Nimitz aircraft carrier and naval destroyers from South Korea, the U.S., and Japan participated in maritime drills in international waters off the southern island of Jeju, according to a statement from the South Korean Defense Ministry. The two-day exercises coincide with fears that North Korea may perform its first nuclear test since 2017 following the country’s recent display of smaller nuclear warheads.

Military Activities of North Korea

As a response to U.S.-South Korea joint military drills, Pyongyang has decided to increase production of more weapons-grade nuclear material for the expansion of country’s arsenal. On March 28, 2023, KCNA published images of the warheads, known as Hwasan-31s, as leader Kim Jong Un visited the Nuclear Weapons Institute. In addition to increasing its military action in recent weeks, North-Korea conducted a record number of nuclear tests last year. It has not only launched cruise missiles from a submarine but also tested an underwater drone with nuclear weapons capability and displayed new smaller nuclear warheads. It has also launched the Hwasong 17, its longest-range intercontinental ballistic missile. The Hwasong-17, is also called as the “monster missile” of North Korea. State media in North Korea confirmed the ICBM launch and stated that it was done in a response to the “provocative and aggressive” military drills in order to show a tough response posture. It was the one of the major weapons tests that have taken place around Freedom Shield, the massive joint military exercises between the United States and South Korea, which was considered as an invasion drill by Pyongyang. Despite claims to the contrary, the United States and South Korea have emphasized that their drills are defensive in nature.

Student Exchange Programs; Economy and Culture

Student exchange programs are not only beneficial for students in terms of educational and cultural experiences, but they also play a vital role in contributing to the economy of the host country. In the western world, student exchange programs have been an integral part of the education system for many years and have contributed significantly to the economy.

Firstly, international students bring a considerable amount of revenue to the host country. These students not only pay tuition fees but also contribute to the local economy by spending on accommodation, transportation, food, and other essential expenses. According to a report by NAFSA: Association of International Educators, international students contributed $45 billion to the US economy in the academic year 2018-2019 alone. Similarly, in the UK, international students contributed £20.3 billion to the economy in 2019, according to a report by the Higher Education Policy Institute.

Secondly, international students provide a boost to the labor market. Student exchange programs create a demand for various goods and services, leading to the creation of new jobs. These jobs can range Firstly, international students bring a considerable amount of revenue to the host country. These students not only pay tuition fees but also contribute to the local economy by spending on accommodation, transportation, food, and other essential expenses. According to a report by NAFSA: Association of International Educators, international students contributed $45 billion to the US economy in the academic year 2018-2019 alone. Similarly, in the UK, international students contributed £20.3 billion to the economy in 2019, according to a report by the Higher Education Policy Institute.

from hospitality to transport, providing an opportunity for locals to be employed in different sectors. For instance, international students may require part-time jobs to support themselves while studying, leading to an increase in employment opportunities for locals.
Thirdly, student exchange programs attract foreign investments. International students who study in a host country may develop connections and networks with businesses and entrepreneurs, which can lead to new investment opportunities. International students may also become entrepreneurs themselves and contribute to the economic growth of the host country.

Lastly, student exchange programs can improve the reputation of the host country, leading to more tourism and trade opportunities. International students who study in a host country may develop a positive perception of the country, leading to increased tourism and more trade opportunities. A positive perception of a country can also attract foreign investors, leading to an increase in foreign direct investment.

How Artificial Intelligence Can Be Utilized In Diplomacy?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field that has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our society, including diplomacy. Diplomacy is the art and practice of negotiating between nations, and it plays a critical role in maintaining peace and stability around the world. As technology continues to evolve, AI is poised to become an increasingly important tool for diplomats, helping them to analyze complex data, predict outcomes, and make better decisions.

One area where Artificial intelligence is already being used in diplomacy is in the analysis of big data. With the proliferation of digital communication channels, there is an ever-increasing amount of information that diplomats must sift through to gain a clear understanding of the political landscape. AI can help to analyze large volumes of data, identify patterns and trends, and provide insights that might not be immediately apparent to human analysts.

In addition to analyzing data, AI can also be used to predict outcomes. By analyzing historical data and identifying patterns, AI can make predictions about the likelihood of certain events occurring in the future. This can be especially useful in diplomacy, where predicting the actions of other countries is critical to avoiding conflict and maintaining positive relationships.

Another area where AI can be useful in diplomacy is in the development of policy recommendations. Diplomats often have to make decisions based on incomplete or conflicting information, and AI can help to provide a more complete picture of the situation. By analyzing data and identifying patterns, AI can provide diplomats with recommendations on how to proceed that are based on data-driven insights rather than intuition or guesswork.

However, there are also challenges to using AI in diplomacy. One of the biggest challenges is ensuring that the technology is used ethically and responsibly. AI is only as good as the data it is trained on, and if that data is biased or incomplete, it can lead to flawed recommendations. Additionally, there are concerns about the potential for AI to be used to manipulate public opinion or interfere with democratic processes.

Despite these challenges, AI has the potential to be a powerful tool for diplomats. As the technology continues to improve and become more sophisticated, it will be increasingly important for diplomats to understand how to use AI effectively and responsibly. By embracing AI and using it to augment their own expertise, diplomats can make better decisions, avoid conflicts, and help to build a more stable and peaceful world.

  1.  Analyzing large amounts of data: AI can process large amounts of data and help diplomats to analyze complex situations. This can help them to identify patterns, make informed decisions, and predict the outcomes of certain events. For example, AI can analyze social media data to identify public sentiment and help diplomats understand how different communities feel about certain issues.
  2.  Supporting negotiation processes: AI can assist diplomats in the negotiation process by analyzing the language and communication styles of their counterparts. This can help diplomats to understand their counterparts’ motivations and goals, and identify areas of agreement or disagreement. AI can also provide suggestions for negotiation strategies based on previous successful negotiations.
  3.  Monitoring compliances: It can make monitoring easy.
  4.  Analysis of big data: As mentioned earlier, AI can be used to analyze large volumes of data, including social media data, news articles, and other sources of information that diplomats can use to gain a better understanding of political landscapes. AI can help diplomats identify patterns and trends that they might not be able to see on their own, allowing them to make better-informed decisions.
  5. Prediction of outcomes: AI can use historical data to make predictions about future events. This can be particularly useful for diplomats who need to anticipate the actions of other countries. By using AI to make predictions, diplomats can better prepare for potential conflicts.

United Nations’ Climate Justice Resolution: Outlining Legal Responsibilities around Climate Change


On March 29, 2023, at the UN headquarters in New York, the UN General Assembly passed a historic resolution inviting the world’s highest court to issue a consultative opinion regarding the obligations nations have to address the climate problem. The adoption of the resolution marks an important step in the fight against climate change because it clarifies what responsibilities nations have under current international law to protect the rights of present and future generations from the negative effects of climate change. Vanuatu, a Pacific island nation was the driving force behind the resolution, which has experienced the effects of climate change and has declared its intention to request an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which was adopted by consensus and co-sponsored by more than 130 member countries. The adoption of the resolution came after a week of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warned that global average temperatures could rise by 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels by 2030-2035, which demands serious climate action this decade.


Developing nations and Island nations like Vanuatu, have made the least contributions to global greenhouse gas emissions, but they bear the brunt of unpredictable and extreme weather events like hurricanes, floods, droughts and extreme heat and floods that are impacting water and food security and driving forced migration. Last month, two category 4 hurricanes struck Vanuatu, an archipelago of islands 500 miles west of Fiji with around 325,000 inhabitants. This resulted not only in the displacement of residents but also extensive damage to infrastructure as well as water and power outages for many days. After a campaign started by a group of students from a Fiji institution in 2019, the Vanuatuan government began advocating for policy measures in 2021. Ishmael Kalsakau, the Prime Minister of Vanuatu appreciated the resolution and said, “Today we have witnessed a win for climate justice of epic proportions.” He added, “The historic resolution is the beginning of a new era in multilateral climate cooperation, one that is more fully focused on upholding the rule of international law and an era that places human rights and intergenerational equity at the forefront of climate decision-making.”

Significance of Climate Justice and the Role of ICJ

Climate justice is an important component to combat climate change because it emphasizes the disproportionate impact of climate change on the world’s most vulnerable communities. It underlines the need of dealing with the root causes of climate change and ensuring that those most impacted have a part in the whole process. Climate justice can contribute in a more equitable and just transition to a sustainable future. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) can play an essential role in achieving climate justice by serving as a legal platform for governments to address climate-related disputes and by providing advisory opinions on the issues. The United Nations chief Antonio Guterres of the General Assembly while addressing the delegates said, “Advisory opinions of the Court, the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, have tremendous importance and can have a long-standing impact on the international legal order. Advisory opinions can provide much-needed clarification on existing international legal obligations.”

Therefore, the resolution for global climate action is crucial as it urges that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) outline nations’ legal obligations relating to climate change and global warming. in addition, the resolution calls on that the ICJ issue an advisory opinion on the legal obligations of all the states to address the climate catastrophe, particularly their obligations to decrease emissions, assist vulnerable nations and take steps to protect human rights and nature. Moreover, the role of international organizations and other stakeholders must be considered to develop both global and regional solutions for addressing the climate related crises.


To conclude, the proponents of climate justice resolution believe that it may provide some avenues for enforcing climate regulations. The latest resolution will not only aid in bringing together various stakeholders to deal with the issues of climate change with strengthen collaboration, but it will also support local and international efforts that are aimed at climate justice.

The Impact Of Saudi Arab- Iran Relations In The Region

For years, the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Iran has been marked by tension, rivalry, and proxy conflicts. But recent developments suggest that a thaw in relations may be underway, with potentially significant implications for the region. The first signs of a possible rapprochement came in early April 2021, when Saudi Arabia and Iran reportedly held secret talks in Baghdad, mediated by Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi. The talks were said to have focused on regional issues and confidence-building measures, and were the first direct talks between the two countries in over four years.

Since then, there have been further signs of a thaw. In June, Iran’s President-elect Ebrahim Raisi called for improved relations with Saudi Arabia, saying that Iran “welcomes the improvement of relations with its neighbors, including Saudi Arabia, based on mutual respect and the preservation of the interests of both countries.”In response, Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister, Prince Faisal bin Farhan, expressed openness to dialogue with Iran, stating that “We hope that Iran will seize the current opportunity and work with us to achieve peace, stability, and security in the region.”

The potential for a rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Iran is significant for several reasons. First, it could help to reduce tensions and conflicts in the region, which have been fueled by the rivalry between the two countries. This could have a positive impact on conflicts in Yemen, Syria, and Iraq, among others. Second, it could create opportunities for economic cooperation and development in the region. Both countries are major oil producers and have large populations, which could benefit from increased trade and investment. Improved relations could also open up new avenues for tourism and cultural exchange. Third, a thaw in relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran could have implications for the wider geopolitical balance in the region. Currently, the rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran has played out in proxy conflicts in several countries, with each side supporting opposing factions. A reduction in tensions could lead to a shift in alliances and a reconfiguration of power dynamics in the region.

Of course, there are also potential risks and challenges to a rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Iran. The two countries have deeply entrenched ideological and political differences, and there are hardliners on both sides who may resist any attempts at reconciliation. Moreover, there are other regional and international actors who may seek to undermine any progress towards improved relations.

An unexpected occurrence that occurred earlier this month may change the Middle East’s security environment. After seven years of acrimonious conflict and a diplomatic lull, long-standing regional rivals Saudi Arabia and Iran decided to mend bilateral ties. Beijing served as a mediator for the accord, which was signed there.

The two nations vowed to respect “states’ sovereignty” and “non-interference in their internal affairs” in the joint trilateral statement. They also decided to renew their 1998 general cooperation agreement, which covers commerce, the economy, and investment, as well as their security cooperation deal from 2001. The breakthrough came after many days of negotiations in China, which were preceded by two significant high-level visits: Chinese President Xi Jinping’s travel to Saudi Arabia in December 2022 and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s trip to Beijing in February 2023. These summit-level discussions and regional Saudi-Iranian interactions created the foundation for the March 10 deal. If the thaw between Saudi Arabia and Iran continues, it could change the course of the entire region. It might pave the path for a more stable and peaceful Middle East because of its broad ramifications for the region and beyond.

By mediating, China has really achieved a significant diplomatic success. It has proven that it is gaining power on a global scale and has solidified its position as a key actor in the Middle East. Unlike the US, China has solid relations with both and is the two nations’ largest economic partner, making it an ideal mediator. China buys 40% of its oil from the region, highlighting its stakes in the area.

Challenges Domestic Capital Markets Face

Domestic capital markets are a key component of any country’s economic infrastructure. They play a vital role in providing funding for businesses and governments, allowing them to finance projects, invest in new technologies, and promote economic growth. However, these markets face a range of challenges that can make it difficult for them to operate effectively.

One of the main challenges facing domestic capital markets is the lack of liquidity. This can make it difficult for investors to buy and sell securities, which can lead to volatility and instability in the market. One of the main reasons for this is the lack of diversity in the types of securities available. Many markets are dominated by a small number of large corporations, which can make it difficult for smaller companies to gain access to funding.

Another challenge facing domestic capital markets is the regulatory environment. In many countries, the regulatory framework for capital markets is complex and constantly changing. This can make it difficult for companies to comply with regulations and can lead to uncertainty in the market. Additionally, regulatory requirements can make it more expensive for companies to access capital, which can limit their ability to grow and invest.

A third challenge is the impact of global economic events. Domestic capital markets are often closely linked to global markets, and events such as recessions or market crashes can have a significant impact on the health of these markets. Additionally, changes in global interest rates or trade policies can have a ripple effect on domestic capital markets.

Finally, there is the challenge of access to information. In order for investors to make informed decisions, they need access to accurate and timely information about the companies and securities they are investing in. However, in many countries, information is not readily available or is difficult to obtain. This can make it difficult for investors to assess the risks and potential returns of different investments.

In conclusion, domestic capital markets face a range of challenges that can make it difficult for them to operate effectively. These challenges include a lack of liquidity, a complex regulatory environment, the impact of global economic events, and limited access to information. Addressing these challenges will require a collaborative effort between governments, regulators, and market participants, with a focus on creating a more diverse, transparent, and stable capital market ecosystem.

There are several ways in which domestic capital markets can overcome the challenges they face and operate more effectively:
1. Improve market liquidity: One way to improve market liquidity is to increase the diversity of securities available for trading. This can be achieved by encouraging the listing of smaller companies and by providing incentives for investors to invest in these companies.
2. Streamline the regulatory environment: Simplifying and streamlining the regulatory environment can make it easier for companies to access capital and comply with regulations. This can be achieved by creating a single regulator or by harmonizing regulations across different agencies.
3. Encourage greater transparency: Greater transparency can help to improve investor confidence and reduce market volatility. This can be achieved by requiring companies to provide more detailed financial information and by making this information more easily accessible to investors.
4. Strengthen investor protection: Strengthening investor protection can help to improve investor confidence and reduce the risk of fraud. This can be achieved by enforcing existing laws and regulations more rigorously and by introducing new measures to protect investors.
5. Promote financial education: Financial education can help to improve investor understanding of the risks and benefits of different types of investments. This can be achieved by providing more information and resources to investors, and by promoting financial literacy in schools and universities.
6. Encourage innovation: Encouraging innovation can help to create new investment opportunities and drive economic growth. This can be achieved by providing incentives for companies to develop new products and services, and by supporting research and development in key areas such as fintech.
In summary, improving market liquidity, streamlining regulations, increasing transparency, strengthening investor protection, promoting financial education, and encouraging innovation are all important ways in which domestic capital markets can overcome the challenges they face and operate more effectively.

The UN Water Conference 2023 amid threat of Global Water Crisis


The UN Water Conference 2023, which took place from March 22-24 at UN Headquarters in New York co-hosted by Netherlands and Tajikistan, is being hailed as a special opportunity because it is the first of its kind event in almost five decades to speed up the process of achieving universal access to clean water and sanitation by the year 2030. The UN Water Conference has been welcomed as a chance to increase global cooperation to handle water issues, challenges and prevent an impending crisis. The overarching themes of the conference included water for health, sustainable development, cooperation, climate resilience and Water Action Decade in order to strengthen and accelerate action in key areas of water and to address current water-related challenges.


In 1977, Mar del Plata, a city in Argentina, hosted the first UN Water Conference. Over the course of a 12-day meeting, representatives from 118 nations introduced the Mar del Plata Action Plan, in order to attain universal access to clean water and sanitation by 1990 so that a global water crisis can be prevented by the end of the twentieth century. A research on how to finance water projects was suggested when numerous low-income countries requested financial assistance for that reason but were turned down, as reported in Nature article at that time.
The eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were adopted by the UN in September 2000 intended to be achieved by the year 2015. It was determined that actions would be implemented under the MDGs goal 7 i.e. “Ensure Environmental Sustainability” for sustainable access to clean water for drinking and basic sanitation. But, MDGs lacked monitoring, evaluation and multiple concerns, therefore, they were replaced by the SDGs as new international development goals. Under the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, the countries set a 2030 aim for ensuring that everyone has access to clean water and sanitation.

Threat of a Global Water Crisis

Water sustains all facets of life on Earth, having access to clean and safe water is a fundamental human right. But decades of poor management and misuse have made water stress worse, endangering many facets of life that depend on this important resource. Water is still inaccessible to billions of people worldwide. It is estimated that each year, over 800,000 people die from illnesses directly linked to contaminated water, poor sanitation and unsafe hygiene habits. According to a report issued at the UN 2023 Water Conference in New York and produced by UNESCO on behalf of UN-Water, 2 billion people worldwide (or 26% of the population) lack access to clean drinking water, and 3.6 billion (or 46% of the population) lack access to properly managed sanitation. Water is necessary for healthy ecosystems, the production of food and energy, (gender equality and the decrease of poverty as per the SDGs). Since water and climate are closely connected, the effects of climate change on water can be seen and felt at an accelerating rate, including rising floods, heavy rainfalls and droughts. Both sustainable development and biodiversity are at risk from these effects.

According to UNESCO, between two and three billion people go at least one month without access to water per year, which poses serious dangers to their livelihoods, particularly in terms of food security and access to energy. In 2050, the number of urban population who will face water scarcity is expected to double, from 930 million in 2016 to 1.7–2.4 billion. Extreme and protracted droughts are becoming more common, which is stressing ecosystems and having negative effects on both plant and animal species.


People all around the world are being affected by the growing issue of the global water crisis. It concerns both the availability and quality of water. As the demand for water is rising due to population expansion and climate change, therefore, water scarcity is also becoming a more serious issue. Moreover, lack of access to clean drinking water as well as poor sanitation services are contributing to diseases like cholera and diarrhea. Together with deforestation, soil degradation and water logging, poor water management is a contributing factor to the devastation of the ecosystem. To deal with crisis, Governments, corporations, international organizations and individuals must take immediate action in response to the global water crisis to make sure that everyone has sustainable access to clean water. For this matter, collaboration of all the stakeholders at the international level can play a vital role in the formulation, adoption and implementation of water management policies and that is the only way to avoid a global water disaster in the coming decades.

A Momentous Summit in Tokyo: Japan and South-Korea agree to Restore Relations


The two leaders, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol, met in Tokyo after 12 years for talks that have been hailed as a turning point in their tense relationship. The two countries have decided to put a century of difficult history behind and work together to resolve regional security issues. In an effort to overcome a hard period of history, the Prime Minister of Japan described their meeting as a “big step” towards rebuilding the security and economic connections between the two countries. During a long-awaited summit, the two countries agreed to resume routine bilateral visits and the security conversation that had been put on hold in 2018 in order to resolve problems, making the summit highly significant. An intelligence-sharing agreement known as General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA), from which Seoul had threatened to withdraw in 2019, was completely normalized, according to Yoon. A four year trade dispute over several high-tech materials used in semiconductors was also announced to be resolved. Moreover, according to South Korea’s trade ministry, Japan will lift restrictions on its exports to South Korea of vital components for smartphone screens and semiconductors in exchange for Seoul dropping its World Trade Organization (WTO) lawsuit against Tokyo.


There are a number of disputes such as territorial issues, economic rivalry, historical resentments i.e. colonial period from 1910 to 1945, have all contributed to the tensions between the two nations. In past years, efforts were being made by Japan and South-Korea to strengthen diplomatic ties, but many issues remained there that kept dividing the two nations which resulted in high level of tensions. Also, the two nations have been engaged in a contentious dispute regarding forced labor for many years. Yoon has made it obvious that improving relations with Japan is a key goal since his victory last year. Prior to the first formal summit between the two nations, the two leaders previously had side-by-side meetings at multiple diplomatic engagements. A trilateral summit between the leaders of South Korea, Japan and the United States was also conducted in Spain last year on the sidelines of NATO summit.

Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and South Korea’s President Yoon Suk Yeol attend a meeting at the prime minister’s official residence in Tokyo, Japan, March 16, 2023. Kiyoshi Ota/Pool via REUTERS

North-Korea’s Response to Japan-South Korea Summit

The summit between South-Korea and Japan was coincided with U.S. and South-Korea’s military exercises that have previously angered Pyongyang. North Korea has launched several missiles as a response to the drills. Just hours before South Korea’s President was scheduled to fly to Japan for the first summit between the two countries in years, with the situation in nuclear-armed North Korea a primary worry, North Korea launched an intercontinental ballistic missile into its eastern waters. Before the summit Yoon, South- Korea’s President said in an interview, “There is an increasing need for Korea and Japan to cooperate in this time of a poly-crisis with North Korean nuclear and missile threats escalating and global supply chains being disrupted.” According to President’s office, Yoon held an emergency security meeting on the launch before leaving for Tokyo and gave instructions to the South Korean military to continue its joint training exercises with United States’ forces. He asked to conduct the planned joint drills intensively, in order to strengthen security relationship between Seoul, Washington and Tokyo. The President also said that North Korea would pay a clear price for its reckless provocations. The Prime Minister of Japan, however, stated that “We must further strengthen cooperation among the allies and like-minded countries.” He opted not to give remarks on what North-Korea could have wanted to accomplish with the launch.


Since the 2022 elections and taking office, Yoon has consistently worked to restore relations with Japan and has referred to Tokyo as a “partner that shares universal principles with South-Korea.” Additionally, he stated that trilateral collaboration between South Korea, Japan, and the United States “has become more important than ever to overcome the serious nuclear threats posed by North Korea.” The United States has worked to improve relations between South Korea and Japan by mediating issues between the two nations. Because of their strategic importance in the Asia-Pacific region, the United States has an interest in maintaining good relations with South Korea and Japan. The threats from North Korea will continue to hold the trilateral relationship together. The alliance between the South Korea, Japan and the United States will help to deepen and broaden ties as well as advance interests in the Indo-Pacific region.