IAEA urges for Establishment of Security Zone around Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine


The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) lies on the south bank of the Dnieper River, across from Ukrainian occupied areas and has been attacked multiple times since Russia took control of it in March during their invasion of Ukraine, but it is still run by Ukrainian staff under the Russian possession of the plant. The largest nuclear power plant in Europe, which also produced more than half of the electricity of Ukraine in 2021, is under occupation. The both sides in the Russia-Ukraine war trade accusations for shelling the facility, therefore, the worries of a nuclear calamity have been raised. However, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) of the UN avoided putting blame on any side. Following a site visit by investigators, the IAEA issued a report on September 6 detailing the terrible conditions at the plant. Active shelling was also witnessed by observers when the team was at the plant. The four power lines from Ukraine’s electrical grid to the plant have been cut off, leaving Zaporizhzhia with just one emergency backup line, a nearby thermal plant that can pump essential cooling water around the reactor. Only one of the six reactors at the plant is currently operational. A meltdown might occur if the active reactor is not supplied with this coolant continuously.

The inspection visit’s leader and IAEA Director-General Rafael Grossi briefed the UN Security Council on the IAEA Support and Assistance Mission in Zaporizhzhya (ISAMZ) findings. For the sake of preventing further harm to the plant and related facilities, the IAEA advises that shelling at the location and the surrounding area must be stopped at earliest. Immediate and necessary actions are urgently required to stop a nuclear accident from developing any harm brought on by armed force. In light of recent shelling, the UN nuclear watchdog, IAEA has urged the establishment of a security zone around the Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia site in order to make sure that the physical integrity of the plant is not compromised. United Nations’ Secretary-General António Guterres, has requested both the countries, to stop any military operations near the plant. IAEA is looking forward to discuss the actions required to establish the security zone with Russia and Ukraine.

Even if the ongoing shelling has not yet caused a nuclear emergency, but still it continues to pose a threat to nuclear safety and security since it might affect vital safety mechanisms and have a substantial impact on the plant safety which can result in unavoidable and serious consequences.

Floods And Water-Borne Diseases In Pakistan

Water borne diseases do occur during the times of flood. People who got affected by the flood had already been traumatized by the flooding but now they are also facing diarrhea, skin infections, and other waterborne illnesses. Water-borne diseases in areas hit by recent record flooding as authorities stepped up efforts to provide clean drinking water to the hundreds of thousands of people who lost their homes in the disaster. Water borne diseases are spreading rapidly in flood affected areas and even in the in relief camps set up by the government across the country. According to a report released by health officials, more than 90,000 cases of diarrhea have been reported from one of the worst-affected provinces. Similarly, according to official data, 44,832 instances of malaria have been recorded since June of this year during the monsoon season. The latest development comes a day after Pakistan and the World Health Organization expressed concern over the spread of water-borne diseases among flood victims. Floodwaters continued to recede in most of the country, but many districts in southern Sindh province remained under water.

Almost half a million people displaced by the floods live in relief camps. In the provinces affected by the floods, thousands of medical camps have been set up in flood-hit areas to treat victims. A number of pregnant women living in flood-affected areas were also exposed to risks. A few days ago, Pakistan and the United Nations asked Pakistan for emergency funding of $160 million. Floods cause climate induced migration. According to initial government estimates, the devastation caused $10 billion in damage. In Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh, and Punjab, there are currently more than 500,000 people living in relief camps as a consequence of internal displacement

Water borne diseases are causing serious health problems. Apart from food scarcity in the affected areas, there is a shortage of clean and hygienic water. Official medical teams have been sent in the relief camps and Non-Governmental organizations are also working to provide them with clean water and other facilities. Public is also donating and the Pakistan is getting foreign assistance as well but there are a lot more problems yet to come due to floods. Winters are coming soon and the displaced population would have to be protected by the cold as well or else they will catch cold. COVID cases usually rise winters and preventive measures for this are also needed to be taken.

Pakistan At The Worst Climate Crisis

Floods are indeed the worst kind of climate crisis. One third of Pakistan and more than 33 million of population have been affected by the floods in Pakistan. The floods have left the whole country in the alarming situation. It has not only caused the deaths, but it has disturbed the whole system of the country. The circumstances are very complicated. The worst floods in recent Pakistani history was followed on by heavy monsoon rains, which has swept away villages and left more than three million children in desperate need of emergency assistance and more vulnerable to waterborne illnesses, drowning, and starvation.

A displaced family wades through a flooded area after heavy rainfall, in Jaffarabad, a district of Pakistan’s southwestern Baluchistan province, Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2022. Rains have triggered flash floods and wreaked havoc across much of Pakistan since mid-June, leaving 903 dead and about 50,000 people homeless, the country’s disaster agency said Wednesday. (AP Photo/Zahid Hussain)

At 22.7 percent, the agriculture industry contributes for nearly a fifth of Pakistan’s GDP. Massive destruction, specifically to the country’s important cotton crop, arises at a time when Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves are rapidly diminishing and the government is already dealing with significant inflation, which reached a five-decade high of 27.3% in August. According to a UN Food and Agriculture Organization study from August 29, about 80% of Sindh’s crops—which provide approximately 30% of all Pakistan’s production of cotton ruined. Pakistan’s textile sector, a significant employment and contributor of foreign cash, uses nearly 70% of the cotton cultivation there. The industry is bracing for a shortage because almost 35% of that is produced in Sindh province by farmers like Kingrani.

Although the immediate financial impact of the disaster in terms of destroyed buildings, bridges, and road networks as well as lost crops and livestock can be calculated, government should also be cautious and must plan for the disaster’s spilling effect on the rest of the economy. Meeting the requirements of tax hikes and austerity policies as part of its deal with IMF for its bailout deal, which was agreed last month for the cash-strapped nation, will be Pakistan’s economic team’s most difficult challenge.

Population has been left homeless and the population of the rural areas owning animals like Cows, Buffaloes, and Chickens have all lost them in flood and it has caused a huge loss to their businesses as well. It has destroyed the whole agricultural system as well. Places which were famous for their tourism are also affected. So, the flood has caused an equal material and non-material loss.

Role Of Media In Israel-Palestine Conflict

Israel’s assaults on Gaza has been increasing day by day. The situation there has been worsening even more since May 2021. Protests took place nationwide against the brutal Israel’s attacks and this led to a temporary cease fire for the time being. This became possible because people got to know about the killings of Palestinians by Israelis through social media. The violence has flared up now. There is no proper media coverage given in case of Israel Palestine conflict. Media plays a very important role in any violent conflict. It can also help in transforming the violent conflict into the non-violent one by giving it a nonbiased coverage.

Palestinian protesters carry a wounded man who was shot by Israeli troops during a protest near the Gaza Strip border with Israel, in eastern Gaza City, Saturday, March 31, 2018. (AP Photo/ Khalil Hamra)

Role of mainstream media is not prominent in case of Israel-Palestine conflict. There is a very minimal role of social media but that is not enough. Media should unleash the world about the atrocities committed in Gaza strip by the Israel. The world know very less about what is happening in Gaza. There are apparent war crimes being committed in Gaza which needs to be covered by the digital media. Very few reports are there on the war crimes and that too are on the print media. Israel’s behavior is represented less negatively. Their human rights violations and war crimes are not labeled as that what they are but, in fact, they are just considered as the violence in conflict.

Afghanistan Back To The Gloomy Days

Afghanistan is undergoing a major shift backward as basic human rights are restricted there, despite the fact that the war is over and there is relatively peaceful environment. The decade long armed conflict is over but it has left long lasting affects in the region. The Taliban government may still be in contact with the outside community, but there is no indication that they have received official recognition. Even those nations that had been in favor of a more lenient approach to them have demonstrated deep concern over the Taliban because of their own inflexibility, which was encouraged by the hard-liners among them, regarding women and other human rights as well.

As Taliban did not get recognition and there have been no proper diplomatic relations between the Afghanistan and the other countries, so, the Taliban continued to follow their same old rigid policies. Things would have been different if the Taliban government was not into isolation. While Afghanistan remains cut off from the rest of the world, and is unable to accept a progressive rule that curtails equal rights for women and basic human rights, there is a realization that Taliban challenges being faced by the nation cannot be properly be resolved if the country and the government remains isolated. Not only this, reports of transnational militant groups reappearing in Afghanistan and posing a serious danger to regional security are even more worrisome. Militant organizations like Al Qaeda, Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and the East Turkestan Islamic Movement also use Afghanistan as a base for their illegal activities. These organizations are a major source of concern for the regional countries as well

Now, Taliban radicals have no hesitation about marginalizing the more moderate Taliban members in order to promote their obscurantist beliefs over international participation. Such a policy will undoubtedly lead to disaster for a nation already battling with serious economic, social, and political issues.Back are the days in Afghanistan where the minority groups and women rights were sidelined and Afghanistan had existential crisis. Taliban government alone cannot take out Afghanistan from this chaos.

Ukraine War: The Blame Game Continues

Right after the war initiated in Ukraine, the US’ Secretary of State, Antony Blinken in March 2022 accused Russia of committing war crimes in Ukraine which were denied by Russia. The United States is the key player in the ongoing crisis in Ukraine and its actions are of significant importance since it is a major super power. For Russia, security is the main concern, which is why Russia has accused the White House of providing targeting data used by Kyiv to launch long-range missile strikes, the role of American intelligence in the war in Ukraine is being closely examined. After the launch of war by Russia in February, the Biden administration has provided more than $8 billion in security assistance to Ukraine, despite strongly denying any involvement in the conflict or war with Russia. Moreover, the Biden administration recently announced on August 8, 2022, that it was sending $1 billion aid in the form of rockets, ammunition, and other material to Ukraine from Defense Department stockpiles as part of its largest direct delivery of weapons to that nation yet as it gets ready for a potentially decisive counteroffensive in the south against Russia. Russian Defense ministry in a statement said, Washington is “directly involved” in the conflict that had resulted in “mass fatalities of civilians”. It is added by the ministry, that Washington is directly involved in the fighting in Ukraine, contrary to allegations made by the White House and Pentagon.

There are different narratives of each country regarding current Ukraine war depending upon their interests. According to the Chinese envoy to Moscow, the “main instigator” of the war in Ukraine is United States of America who has already warned to destroy Russia. The US, according to Ambassador Zhang Hanhui, backed forces aiming to link Ukraine with the European Union rather than Moscow and repeatedly expanded the NATO defense alliance. US have imposed unprecedented sweeping sanctions on Russia while continuing to provide Ukraine with armaments and military hardware as the primary and starter of the Ukrainian issue as per Chinese Envoy in an interview which was reported by TASS, a Russian state news agency. This statement came after the visit of Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan, before this China warned US of severe consequences, but Pelosi made a visit and as a result China halted military ties with the United States. The issue with the Ukraine war is that the country is not able to control its own destiny, even though it is an independent entity but it is being treated as an object by the major powers of the world. Therefore, it is likely that external powers rather than the Ukrainian government will define the conditions of the conflict’s resolution in coming time. The involved countries and the major powers should allow Ukraine to decide its future by playing a positive role instead of blaming and fulfilling their own interests. The situation in Ukraine has intensified into a significant economic and political standoff between Russia and the West, which is being experienced by all the countries, and if it does not stop it will have a lasting effect on world peace, security and stability.

New Zealand’s Effort for Environmental Security

Massive harm as a result of climate change problems associated with global warming is being experienced by New Zealand. In order to address these issues, New Zealand has formulated its first six-year national action plan, as more extreme storms, flooding and wild fires are brought on by climate change. James Shaw, New Zealand’s minister for climate change, stated that extreme weather events that had previously thought unimaginable are today happening at a rate and an intensity that we have never witnessed before. It is also the first long-term plan to assist New Zealand in strengthening its resilience and adaptability to a fast changing environment. The evacuation of 70,000 homes near coastal areas will be contemplated as a possible solution to the increasing sea levels. The key idea behind the action plan is to make country ready for negative outcomes in advance rather than after they happen. The plan can be considered as a great effort by New Zealand to ensure environmental security. Before moving forward, it is important to understand the importance of environmental security, as the current discourse on security has been shifted from traditional security to non-traditional security threats such as climate change, human security, food security, environmental security etc. but unfortunately it is not getting enough attention. Environmental security is the condition of safeguarding the important interests of the individuals, society, and natural environment against risks brought on by anthropogenic and natural events. The dynamics and connections between people and natural resources make environmental security essential to national security paradigm. Thus, environment is the subject matter and maintaining its protection is crucial for maintaining peace, national security, and human rights.

The natural environment of New Zealand is an important component of its culture and a driving force behind the country’s tourism industry that help economy. The natural resources of New Zealand, which make up a sizable portion of its exports, are very important to the country’s economy. These natural resources must be thoughtfully managed for the benefit of current and future generations in order to achieve sustainable economic growth. The items like dairy, beef, timber, fruit, vegetables, and fish assist the food security of countries like China, Australia and the United States that receive these products, are maintained by the natural environment. Therefore, it is crucial for New Zealand to implement the National Adaptation Plan on urgent basis in order to preserve its environmental sustainability and economic growth. It can be done enhancing environmental governance and management, also by strengthening collaboration among all the stakeholders in order to make sure significant engagement with communities at local level to adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change in the country.

Biden Administration Approved $5.3 Billion Arms Sale to UAE and Saudi Arabia

On 2nd August, 2022, the US State Department approved $5 Billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates (UAE). The deal includes the sale of Patriot missile to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia of worth $3.05 billion and the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) systems to UAE having worth of $2.25 billion. The Pentagon said that the sale of 300 MIM-104E Guidance Enhanced Missile-Tactical Ballistic Missiles (GEM-T) for the Patriot missile defense system, as well as supporting equipment, replacement parts, and technical support to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, has been approved by the U.S. State Department. Furthermore, it has been authorized to sell 96 THAAD missile defense system interceptors to the United Arab Emirates, along with spare parts and technical support. The State Department in a statement has said “These missiles are used to defend Saudi Arabia’s borders from recurrent cross-border attacks by the Houthis on civilian and critical infrastructure using unmanned aerial systems and ballistic missiles”.

The deal came after Biden administration suspended arms sale to Saudi Arabia and UAE in February 2021 because of the two country’s involvement in Yemen war. Earlier, Donald Trump agreed upon the arms sales, defense equipment and transfers as a step to normalize relations with key Middle–East partners as part of “Abraham Accords”. Recently, it was in news that US is considering policy change towards Riyadh regarding weapons sale. Biden’s trip to Middle-East and Saudi Arabia in July has made it clear in the form of current announcement for massive arms sale. The aim of the US is to promote relations with Gulf States amid of Ukraine war for the sake of reducing dependency on Russian oil and gas, because these states can be proved a potential alternative to Russia. On the other hand, the latest development between the three countries is being seen as a measure to counter and defend against Iran. Few months back, US-led missile defense pact between Israel and several Arab countries known as Middle-East Air Defense Alliance (MEAD) has also been established. Under this arrangement, sensors and shooters from several countries will be connected together to counter threat from Iran. Considering the whole scenario, any defense deals such as US to resupply Saudi and UAE missile defense systems that are moving into the region are important to note. It is because Middle East has multiple existing challenges such as conflict within governments, civil wars, and serious humanitarian crises, undermining the regional order. Iran has remained a prominent actor in shaping up the region’s politics that is why Israel and the Arab nations pushed closer together more quickly considering Iran’s nuclear expansion as a common threat. The United States is also actively playing its role in Middle-East that is changing the dynamics of strategic and political landscape as well as threatening the already sensitive situation of security in the region.

North Korea’s Nuclear Threat to US and South Korea


The Korean War of the early 1950s took place in the early stages of the Cold War. The United States’ support forces in the southern part of the peninsula against communist forces in the north that received military assistance from China and the Soviet Union is the origin of American military involvement in the Korean peninsula. According to the terms of the Mutual Defense Treaty between the United States and the Republic of Korea, the United States is now committed to defend South Korea, for that the US has about 29,000 troops deployed on the Korean peninsula. Along with U.S. personnel, the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) is one of the most heavily armed borders in the world, it has a large number troops including of South Korean 630,000 soldiers and North Korea’s 1.2 million military personnel. Every other day, one country threatens the other with nuclear deterrence while neglecting the consequences and its implications for the world’s peace, security and stability.

Kim Jong-un Statement

At the Korean War anniversary, Kim Jong-un in a statement has said that North Korea is ready to mobilize nuclear forces and also ready for a nuclear deterrent and military confrontation with the United States. The statement came when US has warned of a seventh nuclear test that Pyongyang could conduct at any time. Earlier, South Korean President Yoon has outlined a new more robust defense policy since taking office. Yoon has said, if it is felt that Pyongyang is about to launch a nuclear attack on it, it would allow South Korean forces to strike the North before Pyongyang could. In response to this, Mr. Kim also responded that South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol’s Government and military would be devastated into pieces if he launched any strike before North Korea. It is really unsettling to hear warnings from both the sides of the Korean peninsula and it seems like Korea is on the verge of war.

U.S. President Joe Biden interacts with South Korean President Yoon Suk-youl during a bilateral meeting at the People’s House in Seoul, South Korea, May 21, 2022. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

However, North Korean rhetoric has remained quite aggressive especially around the important anniversaries and even in normal days. There is the responsibility of the heads of each side to consider the issue seriously as it is not going to be a regular conflict between the states. It will be a nuclear war fought with nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction which will affect the whole world. To achieve a diplomatic reconciliation, North and South Korea should cooperate with each other. Otherwise, threats of full-scale military deployment and cyber provocations pose serious concerns because occurrence of each of these events has the potential to escalate further and resulting into uncontrollable circumstances.

Central Asia: A Zone of Peace


On 28th July 2022, a resolution was introduced by the ambassador of Turkmenistan on behalf of other central Asian countries. The United Nations General Assembly has adopted the resolution and declared Central Asia as a zone of peace, trust and cooperation. It is said that the all the five countries of the region including Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan have a great potential for development. Pakistan’s UN ambassador also supported the resolution and its objectives while considering it a timely step. He said that Pakistan is dedicated to increase connectivity and collaboration with its Central Asian neighbors in trade, business, transport, energy and other sectors. The region is of utmost importance geographically and in terms of transnational cooperation as it is rich in natural resources as well as gas and oil resources making it as a prominent player in the regional and global markets. As the world is going through Russia-Ukraine crisis, the United States and European countries are the one which are most impacted due to the existing war. United States has welcomed the resolution and expanded warm wishes to the five Central Asian countries on the adoption of resolution. Central Asia is a region which could help the US and EU in terms of energy supplies and can work as an alternative to Russia’s dependency for oil and gas. This will also benefit the region while bringing investments, infrastructure development and growth opportunities in Central Asia. The resolution has also emphasized on the greater cooperation among the Governments for a peaceful and prosperous society, sustainable development, peace, security, human rights and the rule of law. United States consider this resolution to maintain security within the region and promote international peace and security.

CARs Summit

Recently, the heads of Central Asian countries attended the CARs (Central Asian Republics’) Summit in Kyrgyzstan in order to explore the opportunities and potential prospects of the cooperation among the Republics. The leaders seek to make independent foreign policy choices and to take governance measures without any involvement of external powers which is a positive step towards to deal with the political and economic risks. The summit was exclusively held for regional discussions, regional problems and their solutions. This shows the commitment of all five countries for strengthening peace and security as well as to promote socio-economic development in the region. The fourth Consultative meeting of CARs summit is a depiction of a collective regional approach toward multilateral cooperation. The meeting’s outcome was an agreement between the participants to establish shared Border Trade Zones with uniform regulations and straightforward processes to promote domestic manufacturing and import competition. With the CARs having significant potential and a population of roughly 80 million, there is a strong desire to look for opportunities for combined trade and economic development. All parties also urged to start a Concrete Action Plan for Green Development and Forum of the Regions in view of the growing risk of climate change. Additionally, all parties agreed to encourage science and technology collaboration, tourism, and culture. Also, the five countries have decided to provide humanitarian aid to Afghanistan as part of efforts to foster good relations with the neighboring country. The development of a new principle has been included in the meeting which means that the Central Asian republics are attempting to communicate their shared position in case of foreign and external threats. The recommendations and key decisions made in the meeting show the efforts of Central Asian countries to emerge as significant player without the involvement of any foreign actor.

Recent Economic Development

China has been focused on transport connection with Central Asia and seeks to deepen cooperation of connectivity, this highlights Central Asia’s importance for China. Shanghai’s China-Europe freight train service was discontinued due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but it has continued in response to a significant increase in demand from trade businesses. The First China-Europe freight train from Shanghai to Central Asia is launched on 28th July 2022. According to Shanghai Customs, a China-Europe freight train loaded with more than 980 tons of cargo left Shanghai for Almaty, Kazakhstan. To conclude, the latest developments such declaration of Central Asia as a peace zone has further increased the importance of the region internationally and particularly for major powers. The collective approach, regional cooperation, and strong partnership demonstrated in the fourth consultative meeting by all the heads of Central Asian Republics (CARs) show their common goals in the region and the measures are being taken individually for the country and collectively for the region’s prosperity.