Importance of Cyber Security


The methods used to safeguard computers, networks, programs, and data from unwanted access or attacks intended for exploitation are known as cyber security. In today’s world the users of technological devices have increased significantly, people are more dependent on technology than ever before. No doubt, technology has brought us so much good and it makes difficult to believe and understand the potential risks hide behind this technology. Nevertheless, despite how positively society views current advancements, cyber security concerns posed by contemporary technology can result in serious hazard to society and the state. As the world is going digital, the cyber security threats have also emerged at global level. The government and private players in Pakistan have transitioned to digital services as a result of better internet connectivity; notable innovations include mobile banking and online banking transactions. New methods of committing crimes have emerged alongside digitization. Global cyber security threats have been a challenge, and every government needs a specialized unit to combat cybercrime.

Cyber Security: Future Risks

The pandemic, cryptocurrencies and the expansion of remote work are all contributing factors to the development of an environment for criminals to take advantage of the crisis situation and usual circumstances. Forbes predicted that the year 2022 will bring a variety of alarming cyber security concerns, including supply chain disruption, and greater dangers from smart devices which will result in lack of cyber security experts due to the high level and increased number of threats. By 2025, cybercrime will cost the world $10.5 trillion annually, as per Cybercrime Magazine. In addition, during the coming four years, costs associated with cybercrime are expected to increase globally by about 15% annually.

Cyber Security in Pakistan

The National Centre for Cyber Security (NCCS) was formed by the Pakistani government in 2018 in collaboration with Planning Commission and Higher Education Commission with a focus on network security, smart devices, and cybercrime forensics. PTA has formulated a cyber security framework with the help of cyber security and IT experts. The framework will enable public and private enterprises and individuals to better manage and mitigate cyber security risks. It is being considered as a key step toward enhancing the security environment in the telecom industry of Pakistan. Apart from that, a policy on cyber security has also been introduced in order to deal with crimes associated with electronic systems. This policy was much needed and a useful measure in the time when we examine the position of Pakistan on the Global Cyber Security Index. With the policy, Pakistan will make serious efforts to improve its ranking and as the country will have a policy, all the stakeholders will have to follow it and those who does not abide by it will bear the consequences. This will improve the overall situation and help to promote digitization in a safe way. To conclude, Government should take all the steps that are necessary for the implementation of the policy for effective and efficient outcomes.

Saudi Arab, Iraq And Iran: A Growing Relationship

All of the three states have a very complex relationship with each-other and it is evolving now. Iraqi president has recently visited Saudi Arab and Iran to discuss the regional stability. Iraq and Iran have recently agreed upon joining forces to promote peace and stability in the region. On the other hand, Iran and Saudi Arab, and Iraq and Saudi Arab, are restoring their relations too.

Saudi Arabia and Iran frequently highlight their political and religious conflicts rather than addressing their common regional interests. However, the example of Iraq, with which Iran fought a devastating war in the 1980s shows that differences, even a history of hostilities, can be transformed and set aside when it comes to shared geopolitical and economic interests between states. Iran and Iraq presently have some of the strongest political, social, and economic ties of any two Middle Eastern nations. Same is the case with Saudi Arab and Iran. Many analysts claim that religious differences between the two countries are the cause of the current “cold war.” They think Saudi Arabia and Iran are in competition for control of the Islamic world. These religious differences between the Sunnis ( Wahabism) and Shias ( Shiaism) become minor, when it comes to economic differences and competition for regional influence. Five rounds of negotiations between Riyadh and Tehran have taken place, which have been hosted by Iraq during the past year. According to the Iraqi president, “reconciliation is near between the rivals’’ and this is a sign of shifting political alignments across the region.

Improved ties between the three would benefit not only the Middle East but also North and East Africa, allowing Muslim nations to refocus on poverty eradication, intolerance of other religions, and terrorism as well as advancing democratic changes. Also, their evolving relationship can influence and help preventing the Israel’s control over Muslim holy sites, its expansion into the West Bank, as well as Israel’s covert nuclear weapons program. Normalization of relationship between Iran and Saudi Arab will also enhance closer ties with European Union. This triangle of Saudi Arab, Iraq and Iran will also facilitate economic stability in the region. It will also help them to seek stable oil prices knowing how important this market is to their economies.

Crisis Management: A Sixth Wave Of Covid-19 In Pakistan

COVID-19 health problems cross international borders. All nations had to deal with the pandemic threat, although the majority of less developed nations have been found in more risky positions as a result of their insufficient financial and medical resources. The pandemic COVID 19 has not been ended yet. There is again a new wave which is spreading globally and Pakistan too is in a midst of it. So, the most important thing is to remain pro-active by taking timely actions and measures to reduce the risk of high spread. The government needs to adopt protective measures because the consequences of the virus are not hidden.

Fortunately though, an increase in cases has not, until now, resulted in an increase in hospitalizations. A significant defense against the virus is provided by vaccinations in conjunction with immunity acquire, especially in preventing sickness severe enough to necessitate hospitalization. Therefore, unlike the first three waves, this time around, hospitalizations are expected to be significantly lower than before, even in the case of the high spread of virus. Pakistan is relatively well-prepared to handle the upcoming ripples and waves of Covid-19 given the benefit of experience, having dealt with five waves, and having a vigilant National Command and Operation Centre more securely formed in the National Institute of Health. There are still many things to be concerned about, therefore this should not lead to carelessness. Now is the time for people to start taking it seriously. High rates of vaccination, including boosters, and observance of safety precautions increase the likelihood that the transmission of infection won’t spin out of control; even if the virus mutates, moderate to severe cases are likely to be uncommon. Despite this, there is always a chance that something unforeseen may occur during the pandemic.

Giving advice will never be helpful anywhere until and unless the government and the people cooperate. Pakistan is already going through severe economic crisis and it cannot afford to have the lockdowns once again. If the government and the people are not vigilant about the new wave and do not follow the precautionary measures, then this will not only effect the health but, the whole economic system as well. As we all know that the lockdowns cause economic loss and Pakistan’s economy is already at a very suffering stage. This pandemic has put mankind and global resilience at risk while also presenting unexpected challenges to countries.

Saudi-Arabia and Turkey; Renormalizing Ties

Saudi King, Muhammad Bin Salman has recently visited Turkey and met the Turkish president Tayyip Urdogan. This step has been taken to fully normalize the ties between the two countries which were not so normal since 2018 though Turkey has had deep-rooted historical and cultural ties with Saudi Arabia ever since. It has been emphasized during the talks that the two nations are determined to enter a new era of cooperation in their bilateral relations. According to the Turkish official, there are no longer any trade, travel, or TV series screening prohibitions between the two nations, and adverse media coverage between them has also ended.

According to a new agreement, the two sides also proposed expanding their trade relations and cooperation in a variety of areas, particularly tourism, energy, and the defense industry. Ankara urged Saudi investment funds to make Turkish startups. A falling lira and inflation that has climbed above seventy percent have significantly strained Turkey’s economy. On the other hand, Prince Mohammed has been utilizing Saudi Arabia’s wealth and capacity to make oil to mitigate criticism of the country’s record on human rights. Turkish businessmen and government leaders expected the visit would release at least $3 billion in investment projects that Saudi Arabia had planned to in recent years but that haven’t yet been implemented.

This reorientation of the new partnership will be significant for the Muslim states as well in a way that, both the states have called for an effort to establish an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital in accordance with international agreements and the Arab peace initiative. This shows that the effects of the normalization of the ties between two will be on Israel as well. Reconciliation between Turkey and Saudi Arabia is likely to restore a crucial economic link. This will also get Turkey out of the regional isolation. Saudi Arabia’s new investments in Turkey could lead Turkish products to enter the kingdom freely, and Riyadh may engage in currency exchanges with Ankara with other Gulf States. This partnership is expected to improve the military and economic diplomatic relations between the two states.

Earthquake In Afghanistan: Crisis Upon Crisis

Afghanistan, a country which was already going through a lot has recently faced another crisis, earthquake. The biggest obstacle the Taliban have faced since seizing control nearly a year ago is a devastating earthquake in eastern Afghanistan that killed at least 1,000 people and destroyed homes in rural areas. The Taliban regime is in charge of an impoverished nation where the impacts of decades of war are still apparently felt and where there is a terrible drought, widespread hunger, and an economic catastrophe. Now, the earthquake has worsen the situation and has increased the chances of revealing the shortcomings of a government that is mostly no relations from the outside world and severely short on funds and resources.

While humanitarian aid is still being supplied, when the Taliban overtook Kabul last August, extended aid money was suspended. As the West pushes for concessions on human rights, notably for children and women, it has further enraged the Taliban by holding billions of dollars in Afghan reserves frozen abroad. The withdrawal of crucial development funding has devastated Afghanistan’s health sector over the past nine months. Taliban isolation limits Afghan response to earthquake. Pakistan, being a neighboring country has sent its assistance to Afghanistan but that is not enough for such a big disaster. To help the earthquake victims in Afghanistan’s war-torn province, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government had sent medical teams as well.

Adnan Junaid, IRC vice president for Asia also stated that there is a need for an international community to develop a plan outlining methods for resuming economic assistance, offering the central bank direct help, and ultimately freeing Afghanistan’s foreign currency reserves because the innocent population is suffering. There are major humanitarian crisis going on which needs to be settle down. The United Nations and international humanitarian groups should expand to meet their growing needs for the sake of humanity.

Israel – Palestine Conflict And The Violence Continues

It would not be wrong to see Israel-Palestine conflict as Israel’s illegal occupation in Palestine. Israel has been breaching international law by opting to extend its occupation by building settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory. This occupation has left Palestinians with no civic horizon. The systematic oppression of one racial-national-ethnic group over another sustains the persistent Israeli occupation, which has now become an apartheid practice. It involves the major human rights violations and crimes against humanity apart from the ethno-religious and national element. It is not only about the specific ethnic group but, it is about humanity now.

During the 1967 Arab-Israeli conflict, Israel captured East Jerusalem, including Al-Aqsa. In 1980, it annexed the entire city and this move has never been acknowledged by the international community. The violence against Palestinian Muslims has escalated in the past few months. Since 2014, the number of Palestinians killed in disputes with Israelis over the occupation reached an all-time high last year. In fact, the number of Palestinian children killed by Israeli terrorism in 2021 was the highest. Similarly, the attacks on Mosque Al-Aqsa continued in the holy month of Ramadan even this year. The protests took place in many countries around the world against the Israel’s violations and it resulted in the temporary ceasefire. The violence continued but the media coverage of the Israel’s violations did stop. Media plays a very important role in this conflict. Media can help de-escalating the conflict by doing conflict sensitive reporting but perhaps it has failed to do so in terms of this conflict.

‘’Ending the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory, and discrimination against Palestinians is essential to stopping the decades-long conflict between the two sides.’’ A new UN independent human rights body recently said. These words are not enough but there is a need of taking action which United Nation has not taken any yet. There is no humanitarian aid for the people of Gaza even. The israel-Palestine conflict leaves a big question mark on the credibility of the institutions like U.N. It is evident that Israel has no intention of ending the occupation. The world needs to give Palestinians a right of self-determination. To deter Israeli aggression and safeguard the life of Palestinian civilians, an international protection structure must be formed. There must be accountability for Israel’s violations of international humanitarian and human rights law.

US-China talks over Taiwan Issue at “Shangri-La Dialogue”

The most significant source of conflict between the US and China is Taiwan. Biden has stated on multiple occasions that the US would intervene militarily to defend Taiwan if Beijing launched an invasion. In recent years, China has increased its military presence near Taiwan. Since the President Joe Biden held the office, it is for the first time that the military leaders, General Wei Fenghe Chinese Minister of National Defense and US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin met to talk about the Taiwan conflict at “Shangri-La Dialogue” held in Singapore from 10th-12th June 2022. In a statement released by Pentagon it is said that the two leaders discussed ties and regional security challenges, including North Korea’s nuclear programs and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Concerning the Ukraine crisis, Wei stated that China adheres to the principles of impartiality and fairness at all times and is working to promote peace and dialogue. If someone tries to use the Ukraine conflict to undermine China’s interests, China will respond with countermeasures. The officials of both the countries met before for a meeting in March 2022, where US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan warns Chinese Foreign Minister Yang that China will have to suffer severe consequences, if China provides Russia with military or other assistance. China rejected accusations which are being spread by the US media that Moscow had asked for arms and financial assistance.

China claims democratic and self-governing Taiwan as part of its territory and has vowed to annex it by force if needed. There are several points of contention exist between the two sides. Beijing’s claims to nearly the whole South China Sea, as well as its recent military show of power towards Taiwan and military might in Asia, have raised alarmed for the United States. Although the Biden administration has repeated the United States’ long-held “one China” policy, it has signaled it will defend Taiwan militarily if China acts. As China’s military has grown to become the world’s second-largest, with a fleet that matches America’s in size, and Beijing is not so happy with the US military presence across Asia, this is the reason that the potential of confrontation has increased. This is why, it is being said that as the rivalry and concerns are growing between the two countries, any miscalculation might lead to a serious crisis.

China has remained consistent over the stance that it wants “peaceful reunification” with Taiwan. Also, both the countries are reluctant to indulge into a costly military conflict as they cannot afford it being major powers of the world. There is a need that countries in the region, including ASEAN members, ought to assume their due part and mutually create alliances to keep up with harmony in South China for the resolution of the contention, security, and stability of the region. Shangri-La Dialogue is a positive sign, as it implied that the two sides are willing to sit down and talk it out and come to a consensus and it can only be done by building a patchwork of agreements and communication lines to avoid misunderstandings and crisis.

North-Korean Missile Test

North Korea fired three test missiles, one of which was a suspected ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile), just hours after President Biden returned from his five-day tour to South Korea and Japan. North Korea fired another eight short-range missiles on June 5, the most it has fired in a single day. According to the United States ambassador to the United Nations, North Korea has already conducted 31 missile tests in 2022 and is prepared to perform a nuclear test; it is a high number of test missiles as compared to the previous year. Nuclear negotiations between the U.S. and North Korea have stalled since 2019. North Korea has long criticized the allies’ joint military exercises as invasion rehearsals, countering with short-range missile tests in 2016 and 2017 that simulated nuclear attacks on South Korean ports and US military bases in Japan. As Washington observes North Korean arrangements for a possible nuclear test explosion that foreign authorities fear it could happen in near future, President Joe Biden’s special envoy for North Korea said the US is ready for all possibilities in close coordination with its South Korean and Japanese allies.

After months of growing tensions including missile testing and Pyongyang’s rejection of efforts from President Joe Biden’s administration, the US and South Korea warned that North Korea could test its first nuclear weapon at any time. If North Korea performs a nuclear test, the two partners warned of a quick response including US military “adjustments”, but still offered negotiations as a way out one more time. Since March, signs of nuclear test preparation have become seen via satellite at Punggye-ri, which Pyongyang shut down in front of foreign journalists invited to witness its dismantlement in 2018. A United States based think-tank has conducted a new analysis and stated that commercial satellite imagery obtained on June 14 revealed “minor new activity” indicating that the construction work carried out over the previous four months is essentially completed now, and the tunnel is now ready for the speculated seventh nuclear test since 2006 and first since 2017.

North Korea appears to be expanding building operations into a second tunnel at its Punggye-ri, a Nuclear Test Facility, which has nearly completed all the restoration work. This is resulting in escalating tensions between the neighboring countries. North Korea’s other regional neighbors are also feeling the pressure, as depicted with Japanese Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi statement stating emphatically that Japan is “on the front lines” as its neighbor attempt to defy international rules. There are no easy solutions for the US and South Korea to stop North Korea’s missile program from progressing further. Despite the Biden administration’s invitation to meet “without preconditions”, North Korea has shown no interest in speaking with the US in recent months and is likely to avoid talks in the future. This type of reorientation is becoming increasingly critical as North Korea gets closer to being able to overwhelm US national missile defenses. Pragmatically, this needs a potential nuclear diplomacy roadmaps as long as North Korea refuses to negotiate with the US.

Anti-Democratic Acts In The World Largest Democracy

India is the world’s largest democratic state but ironically, the most anti-democratic acts have been observed in India in the past few weeks. From depriving the lower class Hindus and the other minority groups, like Muslims, from basic rights to now targeting specific religion (Islam), brutally killing Muslims and committing violence against them, the democratic values seem to be weakened. Tensions between Hindus and Muslims in India have been a point of conflict for decades, since before the British left and the country achieved independence in 1947. However, when Modi’s government assumed charge in 2014, the number of crimes committed against Muslims has progressively escalated. Members of the BJP have not publicly recognized their ambition of establishing India a Hindu nation until now, but, the BJP’s majoritarian politics, excluding Muslims, the country’s second largest faith, has proven to be a successful tactic of doing so.


Democracy in India can questioned since the minorities are deprived of basic social, political and economic rights. This is unacceptable in a democratic state. This largest democracy is also trying to annex Kashmir, a Muslim majority area, which so is a non-democratic idea. Indian Muslims are in a threat. It is clear that India is targeting specific community or ethnic group (Muslims) and indirectly trying to do ethnic cleansing. This comes under genocide and the world needs to realize this Nazi side of the BJP government. Muslims of India have become increasingly marginalized population and are indeed the victims of hate crimes. It is not wrong to say that ‘being Muslim’ in the worlds’ largest democratic potentially cost you your life.

Hindutva Ideology: The So Called Secularism In India

The definition of secularism as the principle of separating the state from religious institutions, differ from the kind of secularism being practiced in India. In fact, the question is, is India even a secular state? The recurrent violations against the minority groups, specifically violence against Muslims, shows that there is no tolerance and only a space for the Hindu nationalist party ( BJP) led Hindutva ideology left in the country. This whole ideology contradicts with the idea of a secular state.


Since 2014, the BJP has governed in an ethno-religious and populist way. It represents traditional social systems as inherent to Indian culture and promotes communal, religious, caste, and gender-based violence. Not only Muslims are treated as second class citizens, but there is a lot of discrimination among the Hindu groups as well. The lower class Hindu families are also not treated fairly. The state infrastructure and institutions have been infiltrated by Hindutva ideology. This ideology has penetrated the media and public. It has an increasingly adverse influence on the courts, universities, and cultural institutions, which are largely dominated by Hindu nationalists. Hindutva activists engage militant groups, cultural patrolling, and brutality to gain control over civil society. Religion has been involved in the politics and is being used as the tool. The government is using its mainstream media to instill this narrative into its public and this is quite evident.

It has become so hard for Muslims to practice Islam while living in India. A lot of activities have had taken place which shows the anti-Muslim side of this ideology. For example, the ban on wearing Hijab and depriving Muslim children from right to education. Their cow protection law is also an anti-Muslim law. The most recent example is of the blasphemous remarks against Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) by the spokespersons of BJP on media which is also condemned by many Muslim states. Their hatred for Muslims is not hidden from the world anymore but the international community (other than the Muslim states) still chose to remain silent. Their anti-Muslim narrative is not limited to India but the Indian violence against Muslims of Kashmir is also visible. It would not be wrong to asses that this ideology also contains the idea of greater India.

This ideology seems to have a long-term goal since narrative building for this ideology has already started. Hindutwa ideology is being promoted through textbooks in schools and colleges and also through the media. It’s high time for the International community to break the silence against Hindutva-fuelled hate and violence against Muslims and the minority groups of India. There is a lack of political participation of the minority groups as well which is one of the basic rights is also. This ideology has involved religion in politics to such an extent that it seems to be a no more secular state and this is against democracy as well.