25 Years of Strategic Partnership: Franco-Indian Ties Continue to Strengthen

India and France have a long and close relationship, the two countries have a strong cooperation in areas of defense, security, and trade. Indian Prime Minister visited France on 13-14, July 2023, at the invitation of the President of France, Emmanuel Macron. The visit coincided with the 25th anniversary of the India-France Strategic Partnership and the two countries have considered a roadmap for their future bilateral cooperation. During his visit, PM Modi attended the Bastille Day Parade as the Guest of Honour, met with President Macron for formal talks. The grand cross of the Legion d’Honneur (Legion of Honour), the highest rank of France’s order of merit, was presented to Modi by President Macron. According to a statement from the presidency, the award “salutes the role of the prime minister in the excellent relations of friendship and confidence that unite France and India.” Furthermore, Macron said in a speech, India is a giant in the history of the world which will have a determining role in our future, it is also a strategic partner and a friend.”

As Indian Prime Minister Modi visits Paris, the Indian government announced that it would purchase from France’s Dassault and Naval Group 26 Rafale Marine fighter jets and three Scorpene military submarines. The military deal comes at a time when the two countries are looking for partners in the Indo-Pacific region. Also, France is stepping up its diplomatic and business connections with India in an effort to win the Asian powerhouse away from Russia, which is now its major arms supplier. In addition, India and France agreed to increase collaboration in key sectors such as sustainable development, space, science, and cooperation at institutional level. Total Energies and Indian Oil Corporation Limited have signed a long-term LNG Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA). For joint research initiatives and the exchange of technological and scientific expertise, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in the field of scientific collaboration was also signed. The India-France relationship is a vital partnership for both countries, the relationship is poised to grow even stronger in the years to come. The two countries have a number of shared interests, and they are committed to working together to address future challenges,

India, France agree to enhance cooperation in strategic areas, space, science, sustainable development
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Turkey’s EU Accession at Stake: Erdogan Raises Concerns Over Sweden’s NATO Membership

In an astonishing proclamation, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan recommended recently that the European Association ought to permit Turkey’s promotion to the coalition before Turkiye’s parliament endorses Sweden’s offered to enlist in the NATO military partnership. Turkey’s endeavors to join the EU have been waiting for quite a long time since participation exchanges started in 2005 during Erdogan’s initial term as top state leader. Relations among Ankara and EU part states disintegrated, especially after the bombed overthrow endeavor in Turkiye in 2016, yet have since improved, with the alliance depending on Turkey’s help, especially on movement issues.

Erdogan’s startling change in procedure included connecting Turkiye’s endorsement of Sweden’s NATO bid to Turkey’s hotly anticipated EU enrollment. Preceding withdrawing for the NATO highest point in Vilnius, Erdogan approached nations that have kept Turkey trusting that more than 50 years will open the entryway for Turkey’s entrance into the European Association, and afterward Turkey would uphold Sweden, similarly as for Finland. He expressed that he would emphasize this interest during the culmination.

Nonetheless, a representative for the European Commission stressed that NATO and EU expansion are independent cycles and that every up-and-comer nation’s increase interaction depends on its singular benefits. The representative added that the two cycles can’t be connected. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg communicated help for Turkey’s EU enrollment yet expressed that, in his view, Sweden had previously satisfied the fundamental circumstances for joining NATO. He likewise referenced the chance of a positive choice with respect to Sweden at the Vilnius highest point.

Meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (President of Türkiye), Magdalena Andersson (Prime Minister of Sweden) and Sauli Niinistö (President of Finland)

Sweden and Finland presented their applications for NATO enrollment last year, leaving their approaches of military non-arrangement that had been set up during the Virus Battle because of Russia’s intrusion of Ukraine. While Finland’s NATO enrollment was supported in April, Turkey and Hungary still can’t seem to endorse Sweden’s offered. Sweden has been effectively pursuing joining the partnership at the Vilnius highest point.

Erdogan expressed that Sweden’s promotion relied upon the execution of an arrangement settled after during the previous summer’s NATO culmination in Madrid and stressed that Ankara wouldn’t make splits the difference in such manner. Turkey claims that Sweden has not made an adequate move against people it thinks about fear mongers, especially individuals from the banned Kurdistan Laborers Party (PKK), which is named a psychological militant association by Turkey, the EU, and the US.

Sinan Ulgen, a previous representative and head of the Istanbul-based Community for Monetary and International strategy Studies, communicated question that Erdogan’s move would reinforce Turkey’s situation at the Vilnius culmination. He recognized that the astounding declaration showed Turkey’s proceeded with point of view on EU enrollment yet proposed working with progress in Turkey’s offered for EU membership was far-fetched.

Erdogan likewise referenced that settling the contention among Ukraine and Russia would work with Kyiv’s NATO enrollment process.

Global Energy Security: Insights from the 8th OPEC International Seminar

The 8th OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) International Seminar, which was held in Vienna, Austria on 5-6 July, 2023, it focused on the theme of “Towards a Sustainable and Inclusive Energy Transition.” A wide range of topics related to the energy transition i.e. development of energy sector, stability of energy markets and financing problems, the energy trends and diversification of the economies considering climate change. The 8th OPEC International seminar was attended by a large number of participants including, ministers from OPEC member countries, the countries participating in the Declaration of Cooperation as well as other oil-producing and energy consuming nations. In addition, heads of international organizations, chief executives of national and international oil companies, energy policy makers, analysts, and energy experts also attended the event.

One of the key topics of discussion at the seminar was global energy security. The participants at the seminar agreed that global energy security is essential for the world economy and for the well-being of the people around the globe. All the stakeholders acknowledged that the energy transition must be managed in a way that ensures that global energy security is not compromised. There was a consensus among the participants that oil and gas will continue to play an important role in the global energy mix for many years to come. However, the world needs to invest in renewable energy and other clean technologies in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change.

The participants at the seminar discussed a number of ways to ensure global energy security in the context of the energy transition such as investing in new technologies that can help to reduce emissions from fossil fuels. There is a need to diversify energy supplies by developing new sources of oil and gas, as well as renewable energy. Moreover, building strong international cooperation on energy policy can play a significant role in this regard. The member countries were agreed on the fact that global energy security is a complex issue, but it is an issue that must be addressed to ensure a sustainable future for the world. The seminar highlighted the importance of oil and gas to the global economy and the need for a smooth and orderly energy transition. The seminar concluded with a call for international cooperation on energy policy in order to ensure global energy security which is the need of rapidly changing global energy landscape. To conclude, the 8th OPEC seminar was an important opportunity to discuss the challenges and opportunities of energy transition and to reaffirm the importance of global energy security.

The Maritime Cooperation between European Union and Philippines

The EU-Philippines subcommittee on maritime cooperation was established on June 30, 2023, during the third EU-Philippines Joint Committee meeting in Brussels. Mr. Gunnar Wiegand, the Managing Director for Asia and the Pacific at the EEAS, was the leader of the EU delegation. Hon. Ma. Theresa P. Lazaro, the Department of Foreign Affairs Acting Undersecretary for Bilateral Relations and ASEAN Affairs, served as the delegation’s head. The European Commission, EU Member States, and representatives from Philippine government agencies also joined them. The EU-Philippines subcommittee is tasked with strengthening cooperation between the two countries on maritime matters, including maritime security, and ocean governance. Apart from that, they emphasized the need for more cooperation in the areas of cyber-security, trade, multilateralism, and the rules-based international order. According to post-meeting report it is stated that, “The EU and the Philippines agreed to continue to work together closely and stand up for the rules-based international order, the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity and non-aggression.” The EU’s strategy for cooperation in the Indo-Pacific and the ASEAN outlook on the region were also assessed by two countries. Before that, Richard Tibbels, the EU’s special representative to the Indo-Pacific, said during a trip to Philippines that the EU has “a strong interest in making sure that freedom of navigation and over flight continue and that the global trading system is not affected by increasing tensions in the region.”

Due to the strategic location of Philippines in the Indo-Pacific region, the country is being considered as an Asian security anchor not only by EU but also by the United States. The EU is interested in working with the Philippines to counter China’s growing influence in the region. On the other side, the United States is also interested to enhance ties with Philippines. For that reason, the two countries successfully revived Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (ECDA) in February 2023. The United States was also in negotiations with Manila in March 2023 to conduct joint patrols in the South China Sea with the Philippines, Australia, and Japan. Nine military bases in the Philippines are now accessible to the U.S. under the ECDA, including four new bases that have been identified in April 2023. Additionally, a number of European fleets have participated in freedom of navigation drills in the South China Sea, and Germany announced in May that it will send a two-ship task force to the region in the coming year.

UN To Change Family Courts To Safeguard Women And Children

A UN rights expert has urged urgent changes to family court systems around the world to protect women and children from the damaging impacts of abuse and violence during custody disputes. Reem Alsalem, the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, brought attention to the serious problem by highlighting how the pervasive gender bias in family courts is resulting in extremely harsh and upsetting circumstances for women and children. In a report submitted to the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Alsalem stated that it is unacceptable for family courts to ignore the history of domestic violence and abuse in cases involving custody, especially when mothers and/or children make credible claims of domestic abuse, such as coercive control, physical or sexual abuse. She criticised the prevalent inclination to ignore such evidence and brought attention to the fact that joint custody or parental power is frequently granted as the default decision, regardless of the child’s point of view.The Special Rapporteur also expressed concern about the failure of child custody processes to adopt child-sensitive approaches that prioritize the best interests of children. Alsalem emphasized that making custody decisions based on claims of parental alienation without adequately considering the child’s views could undermine the child’s resilience and expose them to lasting harm.

Alsalem stated in a report to the Human Rights Council in Geneva that it is unacceptable for family courts to disregard the history of domestic violence and abuse in custody cases, particularly when credible allegations of domestic abuse, including coercive control, physical or sexual abuse, are brought forward by mothers and/or children. She criticized the prevailing tendency to dismiss such evidence and highlighted that shared custody or parental authority is often granted as the default ruling, regardless of the child’s perspective. The Special Rapporteur also expressed concern about the failure of child custody processes to adopt child-sensitive approaches that prioritize the best interests of children. Alsalem emphasized that making custody decisions based on claims of parental alienation without adequately considering the child’s views could undermine the child’s resilience and expose them to lasting harm. The report further pointed out that minority women face additional obstacles when accused of using “parental alienation,” including limited access to justice and negative stereotypes.

According to the expert, the effects of unfair custody decisions can be severe and lasting for those affected, resulting in a cycle of violence before and after separation. In addition, despite being false and unscientific, the idea of parental alienation is nevertheless accepted and established in legal systems in many different countries, especially among those who are tasked with informing family courts on what is in the best interests of the kid.The research by Alsalem included suggestions for how states and other interested parties might deal with the long-term damage done to people, families, and society. She emphasised the requirement for the international community to strengthen its “collective conscience” in light of the multifaceted forms of violence that many mothers and children encounter inside family court systems. safeguarding women’s and children’s rights

Saudi-France Partnership: Accelerating the Digital Economy

Saudi Arabia and France have discussed ways to boost the growth of their digital economies. On 21st June 2023, the Saudi Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Eng. Abdullah bin Amer Al-Swaha, met with the French Minister for Digital Transition and Telecommunications Jean-Noel Barrot in Paris to discuss the areas of expanding Saudi-French partnership and cooperation in the digital economy that support growth through technology, innovation, and digital entrepreneurship. Al-Swaha emphasized that with over 340,000 human technology skills, the Kingdom is the most attractive location for digital talent. He also looked at entrepreneurship support programs like the Garage and the National Technology Development Program (NTDP). There are a number of reasons which have enhanced the importance of digital economy most recently, it is a major driver of economic growth. The digital economy is estimated to account for about 10% of global GDP, and it is growing at a rate of about 7% per year. This is faster than the growth of the overall economy.

The ministers of Saudi Arabia and France discussed a number of areas of cooperation, including the development of digital skills. Both countries agreed to work together to develop digital skills in their respective countries. This includes training people in the latest digital technologies and providing them with the skills they need to succeed in the digital economy. In addition, the two countries will work together to promote innovation in the digital economy i.e. supporting start-ups and small businesses, and creating a favorable environment for innovation. The two countries also discussed the development of digital infrastructure such as building high-speed internet networks and ensuring that everyone has access to digital services. The meeting between the two ministers was seen as a positive step towards boosting the growth of the digital economies of Saudi Arabia and France. The two countries have a number of shared interests in the digital economy, and they are motivated to work together to achieve their goals.

The cooperation between Saudi Arabia and France in the digital economy will help to increase investments because cooperation between the two countries will attract investment in the digital economy which will help to create jobs and boost economic growth. The two countries will share knowledge and expertise in the digital economy, this would help to accelerate innovation and improve the quality of digital services. The cooperation between Saudi Arabia and France in the digital economy is in its early stages, but it has the huge potential to be very beneficial for both economies.

China Imports More Oil From Russia Than At Any Time Since 2022

The importance of oil imports cannot be overstated, as it plays a crucial role in shaping the global economy and powering various sectors of industry. Oil is a vital energy source, serving as the lifeblood of transportation, manufacturing, and electricity generation. Countries that heavily rely on oil imports recognize its significance in ensuring their economic stability and growth. Access to affordable and reliable oil supplies is essential for maintaining industrial productivity, facilitating international trade, and meeting the energy demands of growing populations. However, it is important to note that the over-reliance on oil imports can also pose challenges, such as vulnerability to price fluctuations and geopolitical tensions. Therefore, it is crucial for nations to pursue diversified and sustainable energy strategies to reduce dependence on oil and promote the development of alternative energy sources for a more secure and resilient future.

At the Priobskoye field in the Khanty-Mansi autonomous region of Siberia, crude oil is kept in storage. Chinese imports of Russian oil in the previous month reached their greatest level since the Russian special military operation began in Ukraine in February 2022, according to Beijing’s customs data, which showed that their annual commerce was $190 billion. They are consistent with trade statistics that were made public this month and indicated a sharp increase in China’s trade with Russia to levels not seen since February 2022. 5 billion, with imports from Russia totaling $11 billion, according to figures from the Chinese capital.

At a summit in March, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin announced their “no limits” alliance and committed to increasing commerce to $200 billion by 2023. Beijing claims to be a neutral party in the Ukraine war, but Western nations have attacked Beijing for failing to denounce Moscow and for maintaining a close strategic alliance with Russia. Analysts pointed out that China had the upper hand in its interactions with Russia and that as Moscow’s international isolation widens, China’s influence is expanding. The two leaders announced that relations were “entering a new era” during their summit in Moscow in March, during which Xi invited Putin to visit Beijing. Additionally, during the highest-level visit by a Russian official to China since the Ukraine War, the Chinese leader gave Moscow’s prime minister, Mikhail Mishustin, his “firm support” on Moscow’s “core interests” last month.

NATO’s Largest-Ever Air Force Drills in Europe

NATO began its largest ever air force deployment exercise in Europe on June 12, 2023. The exercise, called “Air Defender 23,” involves over 250 aircrafts from 25 NATO and partner countries, with around 10,000 personnel taking part in it. The exercise is being held in Germany, Poland, Romania, and the Baltic states. The goal of the exercise is to test NATO’s ability to respond to a wide range of air threats, including air attacks, ballistic missile attacks, as well as cyber-attacks. The exercise will also test NATO’s ability to coordinate air operations with its partner countries. The exercise comes at a time of heightened tensions between NATO and Russia. Russia has been amassing troops on its border with Ukraine, and NATO has been strengthening its presence in Eastern Europe in response. The exercise is seen as a way for NATO to demonstrate its readiness to defend its members against any threat. An attack on one member of NATO is considered an attack on all members, and all members must consent to membership applications under NATO’s Article Five.

The exercise is being conducted in three phases. The first phase, which began on June 12, was focused on training and familiarization. The second phase will begin on June 19 and will focus on air defense and air interdiction. The third and final phase will begin on June 26, and focus will remain on large-scale air operations. The exercise is a significant show of force by NATO, and it is a clear message to Russia that NATO is prepared to defend its members against any threat. The exercise is being led by the German Air Force, and it is the largest air force exercise that NATO has conducted since the Cold War. Lieutenant General Ingo Gerhartz, Chief of the German Air Force said in a statement “The significant message we are sending is that we can defend ourselves.”

According to Germany’s Defence Minister Boris Pistorius, the NATO air forces are “of central importance in the event of an attack because they are first responders to secure the population and also their own armed forces.” According to Pistorius, the goal of the drill is to make it clear that NATO and the German Air Force are ready to defend themselves. Additionally, he said, this applied to Russian President Vladimir Putin and to anyone “who threatens our freedom and our security.”

World Bank Provides $200 Million Aid to Support Flood-Damaged Pakistan

The World Bank approved $200 million in aid for Pakistan on June 15, 2023, to help the country recover from the devastating floods that have affected millions of people. In coming days, the amount would be deposited into the State Bank of Pakistan’s account. The aid will be used to provide food, water, shelter, and medical care to those who have been affected by the floods. The World Bank’s assistance is a vital lifeline for the people of Pakistan, and it will help them to rebuild their lives and their country. The floods, which began in July 2022, have affected more than 14 million people in Pakistan. The floods have destroyed homes, businesses, and infrastructure, and have left millions of people without food, water, or shelter. The World Bank’s aid will help to provide these essential services to those who have been affected by the floods.

The World Bank’s assistance is part of a broader international effort to help Pakistan recover from the floods. Following the severe floods of the previous year, Pakistan made request for financial aid from international lenders such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank (WB), Asian Development Bank (ADB), and others. The global financial institutions received a joint report from the NDMA, finance, and planning and development ministries regarding damages due to the floods, according to the sources. The country is about to enter monsoon season again, therefore, the importance of the recent aid is particularly acute considering the ongoing weather and infrastructure conditions in Pakistan. According to a United Nations report, Pakistan is one of 20 nations that could experience excessive rainfall. In Pakistan, there is a chance of heavy rain and flooding this year as well, according to a report by the Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) Global Information and Early Warning System (GIEWS).

In addition, the country’s infrastructure is already in poor condition, which will make it more vulnerable to damage from flooding. For that reason, the World Bank’s aid is a critical part of the international effort, and it will help to ensure that the people of Pakistan are able to rebuild their lives and their country. The role of the Government of Pakistan is crucial here to provide relief to the victims and effectively use the aid to prepare for the upcoming weather conditions. The aid can be used to provide food, shelter, medical services, sanitation services, capacity building, and investments can be made to rebuild infrastructure. The aid is being considered as a positive step for the people of Pakistan, as it will boost the relief efforts in flood-affected areas. To conclude, the assistance from the World Bank will not only help to provide essential services, and the reconstruction of damaged infrastructure but will also support economic development in the country.

The China, US progress according to Xi

“I hope that Secretary Blinken can make useful contributions through this visit to stabilizing China-US relations,” says Xi. On June 19, 2023, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Chinese President Xi Jinping shake hands in Beijing’s Great Hall of the People. While hosting US Secretary of State Antony Blinken for meetings in Beijing, President Xi Jinping said that the two countries had “made progress” on a number of subjects. According to Chinese state media and US officials, Xi, China’s most powerful leader in decades, met Blinken at the capital’s Great Hall of the People.

The Chinese side has made our position clear, and the top US official and I have decided to carry out the consensus President Biden and I established in Bali. Without going into further detail, he added, “Two sides have also made progress and established agreement on several specific topics. “I hope that Secretary Blinken can make useful contributions through this visit to stabilizing China-US relations,” he continued. A decision must be made between cooperation and conflict, or between conversation and confrontation, he stated. We need to find a proper way for China and the United States to get along, Wang continued. “We must reverse the downward spiral of China-US relations, push for a return to a healthy and stable track, and work together to achieve this.” Miller, alluding to the People’s Republic of China, said Blinken “underscored the importance of responsibly managing the competition between the United States and the PRC through open channels of communication to ensure competition does not veer into conflict”. ‘’’Quarrelling lovers’ US officials have expressed concerns that China will attempt to annex Taiwan in the upcoming years and argue that Washington’s arms deliveries to the island are simply intended to maintain the status quo.

In conclusion, the tensions between China and the United States have escalated significantly, driven by contentious matters including trade, technology, and Taiwan. Presidents Joe Biden and Donald Trump have both recognized Beijing as a major threat to the long-term global dominance of the United States. The cancellation of Blinken’s planned trip following the detection and elimination of a Chinese spy balloon hovering over the US mainland further intensified the strained relationship. Under President Biden’s administration, the tough stance on China inherited from his predecessor has persisted, with additional measures such as the ban on exporting advanced semiconductors to China. The future trajectory of this complex and challenging relationship remains uncertain, requiring continued diplomatic efforts to address the underlying issues and find common ground for cooperation.