Israel’s Aggression On Palestine In The Holy Month Of Ramadan

The holy month of Ramadan is a time of reflection and spiritual renewal for Muslims around the world. Unfortunately, for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, it has become a time of fear and violence due to Israel’s aggression. Since the beginning of Ramadan, tensions between Israelis and Palestinians have been escalating. The Israeli has destroyed buildings and infrastructure, leaving many Palestinians homeless and without access to basic services like electricity and clean water. The attacks also damaged several hospitals, further straining an already overstretched healthcare system.

The violence is not limited to Gaza, however. In the West Bank, Israeli security forces used excessive force to quell protests by Palestinians demonstrating against the forced eviction of families from their homes in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of East Jerusalem. These evictions are part of a broader campaign by Israeli settlers to displace Palestinians from their homes and land. The use of force by Israeli security forces resulted in the deaths of many Palestinians, including children, and injured more. Israeli police also stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque, one of the holiest sites in Islam, during Ramadan, firing rubber bullets and tear gas at worshippers.

The aggression by Israel during Ramadan is just the latest chapter in a long history of violence against Palestinians. Israel has been occupying Palestinian territories for over 50 years and has built settlements on land that the international community considers to be Palestinian. These settlements are illegal under international law and are a major obstacle to peace in the region. The violence during Ramadan has drawn international condemnation, with many countries but no legal action against Israel has been ever taken.

In conclusion, Israel’s aggression during the holy month of Ramadan has caused immense suffering for Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. The international community must take action to hold Israel accountable for its actions and work towards a just and peaceful resolution to the conflict. As the world watches and waits for an end to this crisis, it is important to remember the innocent lives lost and the families left behind to pick up the pieces.

Ecuador in Crisis: A State of Emergency is Declared

Guillermo Lasso, the president of Ecuador, issued an emergency declaration for 14 of the provinces that were hardest hit by a massive earthquake of 6.8 magnitude and harsh weather conditions, a small city named Balao in the province of Guaynas served as the epicenter of earthquake. The emergency declared by President, will remain in effect for 60 days starting on March 20, 2023, which will assist authorities to mobilize financial resources, to support the population and rebuild infrastructure. Lasso spent the day after the earthquake touring the worst-hit regions, noting that El Oro, Guayas, and Azuay were particularly hard hit. In a statement, President of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso said, “We are carrying out an evaluation of the damage caused by the earthquake. The institutions were immediately activated, and contingency teams are mobilizing to provide full support to those who have been affected.”

Most of Ecuador is expected to experience severe weather through at least March 24. The National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology of Ecuador (INAMHI) has issued a weather warning for rain and thunderstorms in several parts of the country. Red alerts, the highest level on a three-tier scale, have also been issued in several areas. It was noted that about 16 people died and 460 suffered injuries due to the earthquake in the country. Initial reports indicated that the majority of the fatalities occurred in El Oro which also suffered 29 aftershocks, a southern province bordering Peru. As per authorities, at least 235 homes were affected in the wake of the earthquake which severely damaged the nation’s infrastructure. Furthermore, official sources also reported that 148 schools, 48 health facilities and 17 other public buildings felt damages in varying degrees, in addition to 90 houses that demolished completely.

According to a statement from the Ministry of Economics and Finance, financial aid would be provided to the government agencies so they can deal with the needs of earthquake-affected individuals more efficiently. Moreover, the most affected areas will be given access to the full network of disaster protection and bonds. The decision by the Ecuador’s Government to activate an emergency response plan is commendable, but its execution is more crucial to help the country’s citizens. Since the weather forecasts indicate worsening conditions which can have an impact on a significant number of people, therefore, immediate action is imperative to ensure the safety of lives and the provision of basic needs.

Strengthening Alliances: China’s President Xi Jinping’s Visit To Russia

On March 22, 2023, Chinese President Xi Jinping returned to China after his first trip to Russia since the start of the war in Ukraine last year. The two leaders of China and Russia, Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, have made announcement on a range of issues after their meeting. Moreover, they discussed the conflict in the Ukraine, the influence of the United States and NATO, economic cooperation and military cooperation. A deal was reached by the two nations, which marked the beginning of a new era of cooperation in ties between Russia and China. Furthermore, to end the Ukraine conflict, the two leaders urged for a “responsible dialogue.” In this regard, Russian President Putin hailed President Xi Jinping for a peace plan for Ukraine that he introduced last month.

Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, and Xi Jinping, the president of China, have signed several documents on strategic cooperation between Moscow and Beijing following what Putin referred to as successful and constructive meetings at the Kremlin. The discussions between the two counterparts were aimed to strengthen the no limits alliance that the two leaders had announced in February 2022, just before the Russia-Ukraine war started. “We signed an agreement on deepening the strategic partnership and bilateral ties, which are entering a new era.” Xi said after the discussions with Putin on March 21, 2023.

Xi appreciated constructive talks, pointing to an increase in trade and economic cooperation with Russia, which included the shipment of more Chinese electronic products. According to Putin, further gas shipments to China have been agreed upon, and the two nations intend to improve their transportation connections by constructing new highways and bridges. Putin also emphasized the importance of agricultural cooperation in particular and said that Russia was prepared to increase grain and meat exports to China. Additionally, he said that by working together, the two nations might overtake rivals in IT and AI. Media sources indicate that Xi and Putin agreed in a joint statement that Russia and China “will build a closer energy partnership, supporting companies from both countries in advancing cooperation projects in oil, gas, coal, electricity and nuclear energy.” The two leaders decided to “expand bilateral trade, cooperation in energy and food security and development of rail and other cross-border logistics infrastructure”. In their joint statement, Xi and Putin also decided to “further deepen military mutual trust” between the two countries.

China’s Warning: Potential for Conflict and Confrontation with the US over Taiwan is rising


The Taiwan issue has complicated the US-China relationship. By maintaining a robust arms sales program, the United States has consistently supported Taiwan diplomatically and militarily. The U.S. has recently approved a potential sale of $619 million for weapons to Taiwan which also includes missiles for F-16 fleet. As a response, on 3rd March, 2023, the Chinese military spokesperson said in a statement “We demand that the U.S. to stop selling arms to Taiwan, stop military contact with Taiwan, stop meddling in the Taiwan question and exacerbating tensions across the Taiwan Strait.” It is because the delivery of American weapons to Taiwan not only constitutes open interference in Chinese internal affairs but also is a serious violation of the one-China principle.


Taiwan, Ukraine-Russia war and technical dominance are just a few of the problems where the interests diverge between the two countries, the United States and China. However, tensions increased last month after an alleged Chinese spy balloon was shot down by American fighter jets while flying over North America, bringing relations between the two powerful economies in the world to a record low followed by the United States increased support for Taiwan’s military training. China announced that its military spending would increase at the quickest rate in four years because of escalating external threats.

China’s Foreign Minister warns of conflict with U.S.

On 7th March, 2023, China’s new Foreign Minister Qin Gang delivered a sweeping rebuke of American policies at his first news briefing in the new role, and made a warning that “conflict and confrontation” with the United States is inevitable if Washington does not change the direction. He added “The U.S. claims that it seeks to outcompete China but does not seek conflict. Yet in reality, its so-called competition aims to contain and suppress China in all respects and get the two countries locked in a zero-sum game.” He also said that “Washington’s approach toward Beijing is a reckless gamble with the stakes being the fundamental interests of the two peoples and even the future of humanity.”


To conclude, Taiwan is a crucial island but its future is uncertain. At the moment, China, Taiwan and the United States all have a very little margin for miscalculation as the smallest mishap by any country can lead to an instant escalation or serious armed confrontation. To avoid conflict, the three countries should maintain diplomatic connections, encourage communication and dialogue to achieve effective results. Also, the international community must play its role in maintaining the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.

Key Takeaways From the “Our Ocean Conference (OOC), 2023”


The Republic of Panama, the first Central American country, hosted the 8th edition of “Our Ocean Conference” in March 2023. The conference’s main theme was, “Our Ocean, Our Connection,” provided a forum for collaborative discourse between heads of state, the private sector, civil society and academia on marine resource conservation and sustainable usage, as well as ocean awareness among the general public. The core objective was to draw attention to the crucial significance of setting up interconnected networks of efficient area-based management practices, such as Marine Protected Areas, developing the global blue economy and suggesting creative solutions to the problem of marine pollution.

New Programs by United States

According to a press statement from the United States Department of State, the country highlighted fresh and recently initiated international projects totaling more than USD 800 million to protect ocean and assist developing countries during the Our Ocean Conference (OOC) in Panama. These programs included measures like encouraging the creation of marine protected areas, supporting partner nations in protecting and managing the marine resources, as well as boosting coastal areas overall ability in context with climate change. In addition, as part of the efforts to address the climate crises and safeguard ocean health and security, USAID is launching and expanding on twelve programs worth over $84 million, subject to funding availability and Congressional approvals.

Ocean Protection Commitments by the European Union

The European Union (EU) announced 39 commitments for the year 2023 during the Our Ocean Conference in Panama, reiterating its strong support for global ocean governance. The €816.5 million has been allocated for these initiatives. Since the beginning of the Our Ocean Conferences in 2014, this is one of the largest amounts the EU has ever committed. Moreover, EU also joined Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing Action Alliance.


Around 71% of the surface of the Earth is comprised of oceans and seas which are under high pressure due to global warming, unsustainable practices, illegal fishing, pollution and the loss of marine habitats, these are just a few of the issues that are disturbing the oceans. Till now, more than 1,800 commitments totaling around $108 billion have been made, protecting more than 5 million square miles of ocean, since the Our Ocean Conference started in 2014. But there are still many issues that need to be addressed. Globally, ocean conservation is essential for both economic and environmental reasons. Oceans are crucial for maintaining a stable climate, supporting the blue economy, lowering temperatures, absorbing carbon dioxide, and generating oxygen. Therefore, countries must collaborate to safeguard the oceans by enforcing regulations and formulating policies and strategies that support the sustainability and health of the oceans.

North Korea Shot Ballistic Missiles as South Korea-U.S. prepare for Joint Military Drills

Kim Jong Un, the leader of North Korea, supervised the fire drills in which his country’s military fired six alleged short-range ballistic missiles. In addition, he instructed the military to prepare for “real war” after the drills. Ahead of the missiles launch, North Korea issued a warning to the United States, claiming that joint military exercises between the U.S. and South Korea would cause tensions to rise and that any effort to shoot down one of its test missiles would be seen as a declaration of war. Prior to the tests, the United States and South Korea conducted combined air drill with a long range Bomber and fighter aircrafts in a show of force against the Pyonyang. According to the South Korean ministry of defense, the drill’s goals were to practice coordination and demonstrate Washington’s “extended deterrence” against North Korean threats. As a response, Kim Jong Un’s sister issued a warning that her country is prepared to take quick and overwhelming action against the United States and South Korea. North Korea strongly resists allied drills as an invasion practice and a direct threat.

North-Korea Urged UN to halt South Korea-U.S. Joint Military Drills

The most recent North-Korean missiles launch took place a week before the start of the Freedom Shield exercises, a major military exercises involving the U.S. and South Korea. The ten-days long “Freedom Shield” and the “Warrior Shield” joint exercises between South Korea and the UN will take place from March 13 to 23. The U.S.-South Korea exercises are going to be the largest drill the two allies have in recent years, since the two countries conducted a similar drill during Trump’s era in 2017. North Korea has requested the United Nations to immediately halt joint military drills between the U.S. and South Korea. North Korea’s vice Foreign Minister Kim claimed that the drills and the rhetoric from the allies have raised tensions to an “extremely dangerous level” in a statement on official media. It is disappointing that the United Nations has maintained its silence on the exercises, which have a clear aggressive element, he added. Moreover, he said that the United Nations and the international community “will have to strongly urge the United States and South Korea to immediately halt their provocative remarks and joint military exercises.”

A Joint Alert System: Colombia and Ecuador to work to Protect Indigenous People


A joint alarm system between Colombia and Ecuador has been established to safeguard indigenous people (Awa communities) from attacks by armed organizations that operate near their shared border. The new system, which is intended to notify government and military officials in each country of possible threats, was unveiled at a news conference in the Colombian capital Bogota by human rights ombudsmen of the two countries. The office of the Colombian ombudsman, Carlos Camargo said “the presence of illegal armed groups and organized crime in the cross border area of Ecuador and Colombia has caused humanitarian consequences, especially against the nearly 29,000 members of the great Awa family who live in the area.”


Prior to the “Joint Alert System” the two countries Ecuador and Colombia made an effort for the protection of hared border. There is approximately 586 kilometers of porous border between Colombia and Ecuador, which is used for drug trafficking and smuggling by criminal gangs and illegal armed groups. President Gustavo Petro’s administration in Colombia urged bordering nations to work together against illegal armed organizations in November 2022. Therefore, at the end of December 2022, the authorities of Ecuador and Colombia announced that the military forces of two countries signed a “Border Protection Plan” to stop drug trafficking and organized crime in the cross border area. The two countries decided that the plan activities will be implemented on different levels i.e. on an operational, tactical and strategic level. For that matter, the military’s general commander, General Helder Giraldo of Colombia said in a statement “Efforts currently under our responsibility to eliminate drug trafficking, environmental crimes, smuggling, and other areas will not decline.”

The Ongoing Challenge

One of the biggest challenges along the Colombia-Ecuador border is armed groups. Dissidents from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and National Liberation Army (ELN) rebels operating close to the Ecuadorian border are among these groups, along with drug trafficking gangs. Despite the 2016 peace accord between Colombia’s government and the major armed group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), violence has continued to wreak havoc in the countr. According to Colombian ombudsman, communities in the Awa region have reportedly experienced murders, evictions and the threat of landmines. Children are a target for recruitment by these armed groups. Additionally, 14 members of an indigenous village were murdered last year and 10,000 people were either displaced or imprisoned as a result of the violence.

In the conclusion, both the plan of action i.e. Joint Alert System and the Border Protection Plan are commendable to deal with the armed groups that are causing humanitarian consequences. These plans will help to protect the indigenous and local communities particularly. Therefore, effective implementation of these plans is crucial to attain the desired results.

A Bold New Agreement; Australia To Acquire American Nuclear Submarines

In an ambitious strategy to reinforce Western force throughout the Asia-Pacific in response to a growing China, Australia has announced intentions to purchase up to five nuclear-powered submarines from the US and then construct a new model using American and British technology. President Joe Biden made the announcement at a meeting with the prime ministers of Australia and the United Kingdom at a naval base in San Diego, California.

Australia, which joined the AUKUS alliance with Washington and London 18 months ago, won’t be receiving nuclear weapons, as Biden emphasized. Yet by procuring nuclear-powered stealth submarines, Australia joins an exclusive club and leads US-led efforts to counter China military growth. According to Albanese, the agreement is the largest single investment Australia has ever made in its defense capabilities. The submarines are anticipated to be outfitted with cruise missiles that may effectively discourage potential attackers by striking targets at a great distance. Albanese expected that the larger economic effects at home would be comparable to the country’s post-World War II introduction of the car sector.

The multi-decade project is expected to cost over $40 billion in the first 10 years and generate 20,000 jobs, according to the Australian government’s projections. Albanese emphasized that Australia had just surpassed Britain as the sole nation to have access to American naval nuclear secrets. The globe, he continued, “where peace, stability, and security promise greater wealth” is what binds us most. The sale of three nuclear-powered, conventionally armed Virginia class ships will take place “over the course of the 2030s,” with the “possibility of going up to five if that is needed,” according to Jake Sullivan, Biden’s national security adviser. Thereafter, Britain and Australia will start construction on a new design known as the SSN-AUKUS, which will also be nuclear-powered and carry conventional missiles. According to Sullivan, there would be “major investments in all three industrial bases” and this will be a British design using US technology.

While Australia has ruled out using nuclear weapons, the submarine proposal represents an important new development in the conflict with China, which has developed a highly advanced naval fleet and transformed man-made islands in the Pacific into offshore bases. Britain is also taking steps to strengthen its military capabilities in response to the Chinese challenge and Russia’s invasion of pro-Western Ukraine. Office of Sunak said. According to Downing Street, almost $6 billion in additional funds over the next two years will be used to restock and strengthen crucial ammunition stores, update the UK’s nuclear programme, and finance the AUKUS submarine program’s next stage. Australia had originally planned to purchase a $66 billion package of French warships with conventional engines to replace its outdated fleet of diesel-powered submarines.

Atmospheric Rivers in US

Atmospheric rivers are long, narrow regions in the atmosphere that transport large amounts of water vapor from the tropics to the mid-latitudes. These phenomena are often described as “rivers in the sky,” as they can bring enormous amounts of moisture to areas that are already prone to heavy precipitation.

In the United States, atmospheric rivers are a common weather pattern on the West Coast, particularly in California. These events can bring heavy rainfall and flooding, as well as snowfall in higher elevations. They can also contribute to the development of droughts by moving moisture away from other regions.In recent years, atmospheric rivers have become a more significant concern due to climate change, as warmer ocean temperatures can lead to more frequent and intense events. In early 2022, a series of atmospheric rivers hit the West Coast, causing severe flooding and mudslides in some areas.
With the most recent in a string of atmospheric river storms, California has been drenched, leading to floods and the forced evacuation of roughly 27,000 people in 10 counties. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) estimates that these columns may transport 7.5 to 15 times the typical water flow near the Mississippi River’s mouth.

Effects of the atmospheric river:

These columns of water vapor frequently fall as rain or snow when atmospheric rivers reach land. In most cases, atmospheric rivers are safe. Stronger storms provide the water supply favorable quantities of rain. Based on how much moisture they carry from the tropics to the mid-latitudes, atmospheric rivers are rated on a scale of 1 to 5. Nonetheless, category 4 or 5 atmospheric rivers that deliver a lot of rain can inflict catastrophic harm to people and property by causing major flooding and mudslides. In 2021, an atmospheric river flooded British Columbia with a month’s worth of rain in only two days, causing deadly floods and landslides, destroying entire villages, and cutting off access to the country’s major port.

Are atmospheric rivers widespread?

According to NASA, there are around 11 of these “rivers in the sky” existing on Earth at any given moment. The majority of atmospheric rivers are weak and unartful. In reality, they can deliver much-needed snow or rain. In California, which is suffering from a severe drought, one such storm last year caused mudslides, collapsed power poles, and blocked roads, but it also replenished depleted reservoirs and decreased the danger of wildfires by wetting the dry vegetation there. Studies have previously demonstrated that due to the overheated Earth, atmospheric rivers are bringing less snow in the northern Sierra Nevada, which is instead falling as rain. Flooding may result from some rain that runs off into rivers. Rain may occasionally fall on top of snow, hastening the melting process.

Importance Of Diplomacy: U.S China Recent Diplomatic Action

Diplomacy is one of the most powerful tools available to any nation in the modern world. It is the process of resolving disputes and promoting understanding and cooperation between different countries and groups. By using diplomacy, nations are able to maintain and improve relationships between them, while avoiding potential conflict. At its core, diplomacy is about communication and negotiation. Diplomats are responsible for representing their country’s interests abroad, and engaging in dialogue with representatives of other nations. Through this process, they aim to build trust and understanding, and to resolve disputes in a peaceful manner.

United States preserving the dialogue with China despite the balloon rift is one of the examples of Diplomatic action. While the U.S. Navy investigated the remains of a suspected Chinese surveillance balloon it shot down earlier this month, China and the United States’ diplomatic split widened. Beijing accused Washington of shooting down high-altitude balloons that entered its territory and those of other nations. Before President Biden gave the order to shoot the Chinese balloon on February 4, it had been flying above the United States and Canada for a week. China disputes that it was a surveillance craft. A civilian weather-monitoring aircraft, as per China, was what brought the balloon down on February 4. America is allegedly launching its own balloons into Chinese airspace, according to Beijing. Since May 2022, U.S. balloons “flew across the world and unlawfully violated the airspace of China and other relevant nations at least 10 times,” according to a spokeswoman for the Chinese foreign ministry, Wang Wenbin. However, Wang Wenbin provided no more information or proof. The U.S. military argues it frequently acts in accordance with international law in the East and South China Seas, Taiwan, and other areas where China has asserted disputed territorial claims. A senior US ambassador said on Wednesday that despite a disagreement over a purported surveillance balloon, the US will strive to have open channels of contact with China. Notwithstanding the postponement of Antony Blinken’s visit this month, his deputy, Wendy Sherman, stated that the US and China “never ceased speaking and attempting to understand each other.” Sherman, using the abbreviation for the People’s Republic of China, stated, “We have, we are, and we will keep open lines of communication with the PRC so we can appropriately manage the competition between our countries. “With the PRC, we do not perceive any conflict. We trust in the ability of diplomacy to avert errors that may result in conflict, she added.

President Joe Biden meets with President Xi Jinping of China ahead of the G20 meeting in Bali, Indonesia, Nov. 14, 2022. At the meeting, China and the United States showed how global summits are an arena for great powers to compete, with implications for the war in Ukraine and Asia’s future. (Doug Mills/The New York Times)

This shows that the power of diplomacy is undeniable. It has been used to successfully end conflicts and build bridges between nations. In addition to resolving conflicts, diplomacy can also be used to promote economic growth and development. By engaging in trade negotiations and other economic agreements, countries are able to open up new markets and expand their businesses. This helps to create jobs and boost economic growth in both countries.