Karachi: The City Being Affected By Floods Once Again

Karachi is a city that has always been affected by floods in every monsoon reason. There is no such crisis management in Karachi for this crisis. This issue needs to be taken into consideration since Karachi, the economic hub is deprived of basic disaster management leaving a city in a chaotic situation every monsoon season.

Since many of the roadways in Karachi’s residential and commercial sectors are now higher than the buildings’ grounds, water pours off them into the settlements, many of which lack drainage systems. Karachi has been continually warned that none until now is enough to prevent another disaster in Karachi, and that some recent road improvements will actually make the city more prone to flooding. Now there has been light rain again. However, the roads have been transformed into raging rivers, and low-lying regions next to the recently built roadways have turned into lakes without any means of disposal. Some of these low-lying places have water that cannot drain into the ocean. Karachi residents spend hours in rickshaws and vehicles waiting for the congestion to clear. Individuals and motorcycle riders must wade across the water to get where they are going. This water is frequently combined with the sewage that is building up in the sewer trunks.

Monitory and management institutions need to be effective. They should take steps prior to the monsoon season to prevent floods. Building storm-water drains on either side of highways is important to prevent them from flooding. Currently, storm water drainage relies on the sewerage system (where it exists). This is not enough to handle even a moderately heavy rainfall. The construction of the roads should be done accordingly to prevent the risk of flood. For example, the roads should not be constructed higher than the settlements. , Karachi needs to have collection points for low-lying areas from where water can be pumped into the sea. It is a very important matter since Karachi is the main economic hub of Pakistan and disasters like floods not only affects the living population there but, the whole economy gets disturbed by this.

Saudi Arab, Iraq And Iran: A Growing Relationship

All of the three states have a very complex relationship with each-other and it is evolving now. Iraqi president has recently visited Saudi Arab and Iran to discuss the regional stability. Iraq and Iran have recently agreed upon joining forces to promote peace and stability in the region. On the other hand, Iran and Saudi Arab, and Iraq and Saudi Arab, are restoring their relations too.

Saudi Arabia and Iran frequently highlight their political and religious conflicts rather than addressing their common regional interests. However, the example of Iraq, with which Iran fought a devastating war in the 1980s shows that differences, even a history of hostilities, can be transformed and set aside when it comes to shared geopolitical and economic interests between states. Iran and Iraq presently have some of the strongest political, social, and economic ties of any two Middle Eastern nations. Same is the case with Saudi Arab and Iran. Many analysts claim that religious differences between the two countries are the cause of the current “cold war.” They think Saudi Arabia and Iran are in competition for control of the Islamic world. These religious differences between the Sunnis ( Wahabism) and Shias ( Shiaism) become minor, when it comes to economic differences and competition for regional influence. Five rounds of negotiations between Riyadh and Tehran have taken place, which have been hosted by Iraq during the past year. According to the Iraqi president, “reconciliation is near between the rivals’’ and this is a sign of shifting political alignments across the region.

Improved ties between the three would benefit not only the Middle East but also North and East Africa, allowing Muslim nations to refocus on poverty eradication, intolerance of other religions, and terrorism as well as advancing democratic changes. Also, their evolving relationship can influence and help preventing the Israel’s control over Muslim holy sites, its expansion into the West Bank, as well as Israel’s covert nuclear weapons program. Normalization of relationship between Iran and Saudi Arab will also enhance closer ties with European Union. This triangle of Saudi Arab, Iraq and Iran will also facilitate economic stability in the region. It will also help them to seek stable oil prices knowing how important this market is to their economies.