Conference on Instruments of Strategic Coercion: Theories and Implications

On 23rd of January 2019, Pakistan House organized a one-day International Conference in Islamabad on ” Instruments of Strategic Coercion: Theories and Implications”.

Ms Sana Maqbool, News Anchor at PTV World, was the Master of the Ceremony.

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Conference on UN Report on Human Rights Violations in Indian Occupied Kashmir: Demographic Changes and Societal Implications

Pakistan House organized a one-day International Conference on 08th of December 2018 in Islamabad focusing on “UN Report on Human Rights Violations in Indian Occupied Kashmir: Demographic Changes and Societal Implications” and a Joint National Conference in collaboration with Mirpur University of Science and Technology (MUST), on the same topic on 9th of January 2019 in MUST, Mirpur, Azad Jammu and Kashmir.

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One Day International Conference on “Kashmir: An Unfinished Agenda of Partition”

One-day international conference on “Kashmir: An Unfinished Agenda of Partition” was organized by Pakistan House on Monday 7 May 2018 at a local hotel in Islamabad. The conference mainly focused to assess the failure of International organizations and community to protect Kashmiris from continuous brutalities at the hands of more than 7, 00 000.00 heavily armed security forces in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK). The purpose of the conference is to explore “new channels of communications” between Pakistan, India and Kashmiri people so that a dialogue on peaceful resolution on Kashmir can be initiated.

The dignitaries of the conference included Sardar Masood Khan, President of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Gen Ehsan ul Haq (Retd.) NI (M), HI (M), former Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee & Chairman Board of Governors, Pakistan House, Lt Gen Khalid Rabbani (Retd.) HI (M), Mr. Chris Leslie, MP & Chair All-Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs) on Kashmir, Ms Julie Ward, MEP, Vice President Kashmir Group in the European Parliament, Mohammed Afzal Khan, MP, Shadow Minister for Immigration, British Parliament, Dr Nazir Gillani, President, Jammu and Kashmir Human Rights Commission (JKHRC), Raja Najabat Hussain, Chairman, Jammu Kashmir Self-Determination Movement International, Ms Yasmine Dar, Member of the Labour Party’s National, Executive Committee and Manchester Cr, Ghulam Muhammad Safi, Convener of All Parties Hurriyat Conference, (APHC) Azad Jammu and Kashmir Chapter, Mr. Tony Lloyd, Shadow Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Ms. Anthea Mclnytre, MEP, Chairperson Friends of Kashmir in the European Parliament, Sardar Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi, MP, British Parliament, Ms Mushaal Hussein Mullik, Chairperson Peace & Culture Organization, Ms Naz Shah, MP, British Parliament, Dr. Ishtiaq Ahmad, Vice Chancellor, University of Sargodha.

Gen Ehsan ul Haq (Retd.) NI (M) stated that the focus on the Kashmir dispute has acquired a sense of urgency in recent times on two counts: massive violations of Kashmiri people are being perpetrated and the unfolding of geopolitical and geostrategic paradigm on both regional and global security calculus. He reiterated that we should ask the question that would this create a rethink in Delhi and could stand as an opportunity for peace? Kashmir dispute cannot be wished away and it will keep on recurring. Status quo is not a solution. The added that he Kashmiri struggle has shifted to the new generation. After many years Pakistan has regained centrality and Indian attempts have not been successful to pacify the issue. He stressed that it is a daunting humanitarian challenge. It warrants urgent attention to resolve through multi track dialogue and solution centric deliberations for resumption of indo-Pakistan dialogue and there are three parties to the conflict India Pakistan and People of Kashmir and it is essential to address varying levels of dispute. War is no more an option, we should restructure a detente and a structured mechanism for resolving is needed to be evolved. The immediate priority should be to provide relief to Kashmiri Population. Kashmir issue cannot be wished away and cannot be put on the back burner it yearns for a just and equitable solution. Kashmir solution is a win win for all that would lead towards inducing stability in the region.

Mohammed Afzal Khan, MP, Shadow Minister for Immigration, British Parliament, stated that Occupied Kashmir is also an area where human rights abuses have taken place, which are well documented by international organizations such as Amnesty International. The over bearing military presence has exerted its strength by violating the rights of women and children in particular, where the most vulnerable have no protection as the male members of the family lie in mass graves and /or are have disappeared. The truth is, the stubbornness of the Indian government is resulting in the South Asia continent paying the price with growing instability. The development of CPEC is a good opportunity for the region to work together for the benefit of all, yet again India appears to be quite happy to play a negative role for the geo political benefit of outside players. The UN is not speaking out to say who is violating the LOC, so that the world knows who is the aggressor? It would not be an unfair statement to say that UN does not have any legs nor any teeth!

While addressing the Conference via video from London, Mr. Chris Leslie, MP & Chair All-Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs) on Kashmir said that one of the biggest challenge is that International media failed to highlight the plight of Kashmiri people that it deserves. Mr Leslie shown great concern over the ongoing human rights violation in IOK and is of the view that the situation in IOK in not only bad for Kashmiris but also for the wider region as both India and Pakistan are nuclear powers. This year the priority of All Parties Parliamentary Group on Kashmir (APPG) to carry out our own inquiry on Human Rights violation in IOK. He empathized on initiating Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) between Pakistan and India, in order to find pathways to peace including demilitarization of Kashmir. He also stressed the need for fulfilling the historic responsibilities of Britain to help resolving the Kashmir issue.

Addressing the Conference via video, Julie Ward, MEP, Vice President Kashmir Group in the European Parliament, said that she is very much concerned about women rights in Kashmir as well as Human Rights violation in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK). She stated that violation of women rights are rising in IOK and they are being sexually assaulted by police and security forces. As a result in several cases, miscarriages of pregnant women occurs during assault.  She further said that widely reported incidents of braid chopping is appalling, a practice that denies women’s dignity.  She condemns the abuse against women and stressed for a peaceful resolution of Kashmir.

Addressing the Conference via video, Tony Lloyd, Shadow Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, stated that thousands of lives lost due to unresolved issue of Kashmir since partition. He said that atleast 10,000 people have disappeared, and people are victim of rape and torture. The use of pallet guns is ruining the lives of many people. The major countries need to pay attention to resolve the Kashmir issue because it is the oldest conflict. Comparing current situation in Northern Ireland, he said that peace can bring economic prosperity and job to people and there is a need to resolve the Kashmir issue peacefully so that people of the region can enjoy the benefit of peace.

Addressing the Conference via video, Ms. Anthea Mclnytre, MEP, Chairperson Friends of Kashmir in the European Parliament, validated Kashmiri’s right for self-determination and emphasized the need to continuously raise the issue of Kashmir in the European Parliament so that we don’t have another seventy years of terrible state that we are facing in IOK Kashmir. “My heart bleeds when I see the terrible stories of children being blinded by pallet guns and the heart wrenching incident of little girl who was repeatedly raped and then murdered”.  We cannot allow these things to go on without adding our voice. In the name of humanity, I hope that this conference will be able to find ways to promote peace in the region and towards a proper stabilization and means to have self-determination for all the people of Kashmir. Let’s hope that in coming time we will see peace in the region and we will see democracy prevail

Sardar Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi, while addressing the Conference via video from London, said that the people in UK should support the dialogue and negotiation between India and Pakistan in order to resolve the Kashmir conflict. The Kashmir which was known to be such a beautiful, peaceful and paradise on earth that we try to ensure that human rights are safeguarded and that we work towards the prosperity.

The Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) President strongly condemned massive human rights violations being committed by brutal Indian forces, besides killings of innocent people, demolition of houses in the name of ‘cordon of and search operations,’ women molestations and illegal detention of Kashmiri leadership. He said Pakistan and AJK government always effectively highlighted the issue on all international forums, extended all political, moral and diplomatic support to IOK people in resolving the issue as per their wishes. He said indigenous movement of Kashmiri people for their right to self-determination would continue till getting rid of Indian subjugation, adding that lasting peace in South Asian region could not be achieved without resolving the issue.

Rana Athar Javed, DG Pakistan House while concluding the session remarked that the international community must take the responsibility to address the massive human rights violations in IOK. The dehumanization of Kashmiri people severely challenges the international standard of human rights. Thus, there is a need for the UN, Britain and other countries to convince India to initiate a peaceful dialogue to resolve the core issue of Jammu & Kashmir, he said.

Conference on Pakistan Geo-Strategic Requirements: Strategic Alliances or Partnerships

On 05th September 2018, Pakistan House organized a one-day International Conference in Islamabad on the subject of “Pakistan Geo-Strategic Requirements: Strategic Alliances or Partnerships“.

Ms Sana Maqbool, News Anchor at PTV World, was the Master of the Ceremony.

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If you are applying for a job abroad (particularly in Europe or South America), a Motivation Letter For Work Abroad takes the place of a Cover Letter. Both resumes and Motivation Letters are much less formal than their United States equivalents. The Motivation Letter, as its name implies, tells your prospective employers why you are motivated to work for their companies. It gives you a chance to describe your personality, the languages you speak, any awards you may have won, and what motivates you to work abroad.

The Motivation Letter is constructed like a formal business letter, with your name and address in the top right corner. Beneath this and against the left margin should be the name, job title, company and address of the recipient. (It is worth doing a little digging to find out the name, if you don’t know it.) European countries don’t put a period after title abbreviations, so remember to leave them off ; i.e., “Mr” instead of “Mr.” and “Dr” rather than “Dr.”. Spell out the name of the month and use the order “day-month-year.”

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You can customize anything you see directly from the front-end, see the changes you make live and you don’t need to code anything to do it.

If you are applying for a job abroad (particularly in Europe or South America), a Motivation Letter For Work Abroad takes the place of a Cover Letter. Both resumes and Motivation Letters are much less formal than their United States equivalents. The Motivation Letter, as its name implies, tells your prospective employers why you are motivated to work for their companies. It gives you a chance to describe your personality, the languages you speak, any awards you may have won, and what motivates you to work abroad.Some days a motivational quote can provide a quick pick-me-up for employees and even management. They can be a breath of fresh air when it comes to a drab afternoon. These are also a great way to jazz up a newsletter or a memo or even to simply print and attach to a bulletin board.

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The main reason our customers love us is because the theme has been built with them in mind. Cesis had been made by professional but can be used by anyone even if you don’t have any knowledge of coding. This is the theme you want if you are looking for unlimited possibilities.If you are applying for a job abroad (particularly in Europe or South America), a Motivation Letter For Work Abroad takes the place of a Cover Letter. Both resumes and Motivation Letters are much less formal than their United States equivalents. The Motivation Letter, as its name implies, tells your prospective employers why you are motivated to work for their companies. It gives you a chance to describe your personality, the languages you speak, any awards you may have won, and what motivates you to work abroad.

The Motivation Letter is constructed like a formal business letter, with your name and address in the top right corner. Beneath this and against the left margin should be the name, job title, company and address of the recipient. (It is worth doing a little digging to find out the name, if you don’t know it.) European countries don’t put a period after title abbreviations, so remember to leave them off ; i.e., “Mr” instead of “Mr.” and “Dr” rather than “Dr.”. Spell out the name of the month and use the order “day-month-year.”

You can customize anything you see directly from the front-end, see the changes you make live and you don’t need to code anything to do it.

If you are applying for a job abroad (particularly in Europe or South America), a Motivation Letter For Work Abroad takes the place of a Cover Letter. Both resumes and Motivation Letters are much less formal than their United States equivalents. The Motivation Letter, as its name implies, tells your prospective employers why you are motivated to work for their companies. It gives you a chance to describe your personality, the languages you speak, any awards you may have won, and what motivates you to work abroad.

The Motivation Letter is constructed like a formal business letter, with your name and address in the top right corner. Beneath this and against the left margin should be the name, job title, company and address of the recipient. (It is worth doing a little digging to find out the name, if you don’t know it.) European countries don’t put a period after title abbreviations, so remember to leave them off ; i.e., “Mr” instead of “Mr.” and “Dr” rather than “Dr.”. Spell out the name of the month and use the order “day-month-year.”

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You can customize anything you see directly from the front-end, see the changes you make live and you don’t need to code anything to do it.

If you are applying for a job abroad (particularly in Europe or South America), a Motivation Letter For Work Abroad takes the place of a Cover Letter. Both resumes and Motivation Letters are much less formal than their United States equivalents. The Motivation Letter, as its name implies, tells your prospective employers why you are motivated to work for their companies. It gives you a chance to describe your personality, the languages you speak, any awards you may have won, and what motivates you to work abroad.Some days a motivational quote can provide a quick pick-me-up for employees and even management. They can be a breath of fresh air when it comes to a drab afternoon. These are also a great way to jazz up a newsletter or a memo or even to simply print and attach to a bulletin board.

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Our theme is the most advanced and user-friendly theme you will find on the market, we have documentation and video to help set your site really easily, pre-installed demos you can import in one click and everything from the theme options to page content can be edited from the front-end. This is the theme you are looking for.

The main reason our customers love us is because the theme has been built with them in mind. Cesis had been made by professional but can be used by anyone even if you don’t have any knowledge of coding. This is the theme you want if you are looking for unlimited possibilities.If you are applying for a job abroad (particularly in Europe or South America), a Motivation Letter For Work Abroad takes the place of a Cover Letter. Both resumes and Motivation Letters are much less formal than their United States equivalents. The Motivation Letter, as its name implies, tells your prospective employers why you are motivated to work for their companies. It gives you a chance to describe your personality, the languages you speak, any awards you may have won, and what motivates you to work abroad.

The Motivation Letter is constructed like a formal business letter, with your name and address in the top right corner. Beneath this and against the left margin should be the name, job title, company and address of the recipient. (It is worth doing a little digging to find out the name, if you don’t know it.) European countries don’t put a period after title abbreviations, so remember to leave them off ; i.e., “Mr” instead of “Mr.” and “Dr” rather than “Dr.”. Spell out the name of the month and use the order “day-month-year.”

You can customize anything you see directly from the front-end, see the changes you make live and you don’t need to code anything to do it.

If you are applying for a job abroad (particularly in Europe or South America), a Motivation Letter For Work Abroad takes the place of a Cover Letter. Both resumes and Motivation Letters are much less formal than their United States equivalents. The Motivation Letter, as its name implies, tells your prospective employers why you are motivated to work for their companies. It gives you a chance to describe your personality, the languages you speak, any awards you may have won, and what motivates you to work abroad.

The Motivation Letter is constructed like a formal business letter, with your name and address in the top right corner. Beneath this and against the left margin should be the name, job title, company and address of the recipient. (It is worth doing a little digging to find out the name, if you don’t know it.) European countries don’t put a period after title abbreviations, so remember to leave them off ; i.e., “Mr” instead of “Mr.” and “Dr” rather than “Dr.”. Spell out the name of the month and use the order “day-month-year.”

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You can customize anything you see directly from the front-end, see the changes you make live and you don’t need to code anything to do it.

If you are applying for a job abroad (particularly in Europe or South America), a Motivation Letter For Work Abroad takes the place of a Cover Letter. Both resumes and Motivation Letters are much less formal than their United States equivalents. The Motivation Letter, as its name implies, tells your prospective employers why you are motivated to work for their companies. It gives you a chance to describe your personality, the languages you speak, any awards you may have won, and what motivates you to work abroad.Some days a motivational quote can provide a quick pick-me-up for employees and even management. They can be a breath of fresh air when it comes to a drab afternoon. These are also a great way to jazz up a newsletter or a memo or even to simply print and attach to a bulletin board.

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Our theme is the most advanced and user-friendly theme you will find on the market, we have documentation and video to help set your site really easily, pre-installed demos you can import in one click and everything from the theme options to page content can be edited from the front-end. This is the theme you are looking for.

The main reason our customers love us is because the theme has been built with them in mind. Cesis had been made by professional but can be used by anyone even if you don’t have any knowledge of coding. This is the theme you want if you are looking for unlimited possibilities.If you are applying for a job abroad (particularly in Europe or South America), a Motivation Letter For Work Abroad takes the place of a Cover Letter. Both resumes and Motivation Letters are much less formal than their United States equivalents. The Motivation Letter, as its name implies, tells your prospective employers why you are motivated to work for their companies. It gives you a chance to describe your personality, the languages you speak, any awards you may have won, and what motivates you to work abroad.

The Motivation Letter is constructed like a formal business letter, with your name and address in the top right corner. Beneath this and against the left margin should be the name, job title, company and address of the recipient. (It is worth doing a little digging to find out the name, if you don’t know it.) European countries don’t put a period after title abbreviations, so remember to leave them off ; i.e., “Mr” instead of “Mr.” and “Dr” rather than “Dr.”. Spell out the name of the month and use the order “day-month-year.”

You can customize anything you see directly from the front-end, see the changes you make live and you don’t need to code anything to do it.

If you are applying for a job abroad (particularly in Europe or South America), a Motivation Letter For Work Abroad takes the place of a Cover Letter. Both resumes and Motivation Letters are much less formal than their United States equivalents. The Motivation Letter, as its name implies, tells your prospective employers why you are motivated to work for their companies. It gives you a chance to describe your personality, the languages you speak, any awards you may have won, and what motivates you to work abroad.

The Motivation Letter is constructed like a formal business letter, with your name and address in the top right corner. Beneath this and against the left margin should be the name, job title, company and address of the recipient. (It is worth doing a little digging to find out the name, if you don’t know it.) European countries don’t put a period after title abbreviations, so remember to leave them off ; i.e., “Mr” instead of “Mr.” and “Dr” rather than “Dr.”. Spell out the name of the month and use the order “day-month-year.”

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You can customize anything you see directly from the front-end, see the changes you make live and you don’t need to code anything to do it.

If you are applying for a job abroad (particularly in Europe or South America), a Motivation Letter For Work Abroad takes the place of a Cover Letter. Both resumes and Motivation Letters are much less formal than their United States equivalents. The Motivation Letter, as its name implies, tells your prospective employers why you are motivated to work for their companies. It gives you a chance to describe your personality, the languages you speak, any awards you may have won, and what motivates you to work abroad.Some days a motivational quote can provide a quick pick-me-up for employees and even management. They can be a breath of fresh air when it comes to a drab afternoon. These are also a great way to jazz up a newsletter or a memo or even to simply print and attach to a bulletin board.

Conference on Kashmir: An Unfinished Agenda of Partition

On 7th May 2018, Pakistan House organised a one-day international conference in Islamabad on the subject of “Kashmir: An Unfinished Agenda of Partition”.

Ms Sana Maqbool, News Anchor at PTV World, was the Master of the Ceremony.

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E.U. Pledges to Fight Back on Trump Tariffs as Trade War Looms


European Union officials unveiled an array of tariffs on Wednesday that they would place on American-made goods if the United States followed through on President Trump’s plan to impose penalties on imported steel and aluminum, raising the specter of a trade war.

The announcement in Brussels was the latest rebuke to Mr. Trump’s proposed tariffs, which have met with consternation domestically and with threats of retaliation abroad. The president’s top economic adviser, Gary D. Cohn, said on Tuesday that he was resigning, a move widely believed to be linked to the trade plan, which he had lobbied against. Republican leaders, including Paul D. Ryan, the House speaker, have also railed against the tariffs.

Internationally, the plan for the new American tariffs — blanket penalties of 25 percent on imported steel and of 10 percent on aluminum — have drawn concern from allies including Britain and Canada, as well as from rivals like China. The European Union had warned of retaliatory charges last week, and outlined those plans on Wednesday.

Such a move by the United States would “put thousands of European jobs in jeopardy, and it has to be met by a firm and proportionate response,” Cecilia Malmstrom, the European Union commissioner for trade, said at a news conference in Brussels. European officials have been meeting with their counterparts in Washington, urging them to revisit the plans, she added.

If the American tariffs are put in place, Ms. Malmstrom said, Brussels could take three steps: It could take the case to the World Trade Organization, add safeguards to protect the European Union against steel diverted from the United States, and impose tariffs on a series of American-made goods.

A provisional list of items being targeted ranges from steel to T-shirts, also including bed linen, chewing tobacco, cranberries and orange juice, among other products. The overall size of the business affected is relatively small, worth about 2.8 billion euros, or $3.5 billion, in imports, paling in comparison with the nearly €250 billion of goods the 28-nation bloc bought from the United States in 2016.

European leaders were quick to stress that they did not want to trigger a wider trade dispute, with Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council, saying in a tweet that trade wars were “bad and easy to lose,” a reference to an earlier tweet by Mr. Trump in which he claimed they were “good and easy to win.”

Officials elsewhere have also tried to cool tensions. Christine Lagarde, the head of the International Monetary Fund, warned in an interview on French radio that in a trade war, “nobody wins, one generally finds losers on both sides.”

But it reflects concern in Europe over the possible impact of new American tariffs, notably on steel. The United States is the world’s largest importer of steel, and while many of Mr. Trump’s arguments have focused on cheap steel from countries like China, the European Union as a whole is the single biggest exporter of steel to the United States. At the same time, the region is concerned that cheap steel that had been destined for the United States could now flood the Continent, putting significant pressure on European producers.

President Trump’s push for tariffs is driven by his fixation on trade deficits. But most economists do not worry about trade deficits, and disagree with the president’s characterization of them.

While retaliation from Brussels appears limited for now, it could have an impact on American domestic politics. Bourbon, one of the products that European officials have targeted, is made in Kentucky, the home state of Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader. Other items that could face tariffs are motorcycles, and the corporate headquarters of Harley-Davidson are in Wisconsin, Mr. Ryan’s state.

“The Europeans have rights, too, to retaliate,” said Peter Chase, a former American diplomat who is now a senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund in Brussels focusing on trade. “The E.U. is concerned that behind it all, there are people in the U.S. administration that don’t care that there might be damage to the international system of rule of law that we have created.”

The list, which was leaked on Monday and has been referred to by the European Commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, is subject to the agreement of the bloc’s 28 member states.

It highlights how sharply the outlook on trade between the United States and Europe has shifted. Since 2013, Washington and Brussels have been negotiating a vast trade deal, known as the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.

By late 2016, however, those talks appeared to have reached a stalemate, and Mr. Trump’s withdrawal from a similar pact with Pacific Rim countries early in his presidency signaled the death of the European agreement, as well.

The steel and aluminum tariffs have triggered a strong reaction, with business executives and political leaders voicing opposition.

The strong negative reaction to Mr. Trump’s planned tariffs appears to have had little impact on the president, who insisted this week that he would not back down.

On Tuesday, Mr. Trump singled out the European Union, which he said had “not treated us very well, and it’s been a very, very unfair trade situation.” The president warnedthat the United States would also consider raising its tariffs on cars made within the bloc if the European Union were to retaliate.

While he left the door open for compromise with allies, tensions are rising in Europe.

“We’ve loaded the guns,” said Charles de Lusignan, a spokesman for the European Steel Association, a lobbying group, “and we’re ready to use them in case the aggression comes.”

Courtesy: The New York Times