Conference on Water Crisis: An Imminent Danger to Pakistan Stability

Pakistan House organized a one-day International Conference on 2nd December 2019 in Islamabad on Water Crisis: An Imminent Danger to Pakistan Stability. Ms Sana Maqbool, News Anchor at PTV World, was the Master of the Ceremony. Read More…



Conference on Strategic Environment: Role of Leadership (2050)

On 19th of April 2019,

Pakistan House organized a Round-Table Conference in Islamabad on ” Strategic Environment:  Role of Leadership (2050)”.

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Conference on Positive Propaganda vs. Rhetoric: Managing Policy Perception of Pakistan

On 29th of April 2019, Pakistan House organized a one-day International Conference in Islamabad on ”Positive Propaganda vs. Rhetoric: Managing Policy Perception of Pakistan.

Ms Sana Maqbool, News Anchor at PTV World, was the Master of the Ceremony.

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Conference on Actualization of national Narrative

Pakistan House organized a one-day International Conference on March 28, 2019 in Islamabad on

Actualization of national Narrative.

Ms Sana Maqbool, News Anchor at PTV World, was the Master of the Ceremony.

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Conference on Occupied Kashmir: The Victim of State and Societal Coercion

Pakistan House organized a one-day International Conference on 25 February in Islamabad on ”Occupied Kashmir: The Victim of State and Societal Coercion.

Ms Sana Maqbool, News Anchor at PTV World, was the Master of the Ceremony.

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Conference on Instruments of Strategic Coercion: Theories and Implications

On 23rd of January 2019, Pakistan House organized a one-day International Conference in Islamabad on ” Instruments of Strategic Coercion: Theories and Implications”.

Ms Sana Maqbool, News Anchor at PTV World, was the Master of the Ceremony.

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Conference on UN Report on Human Rights Violations in Indian Occupied Kashmir: Demographic Changes and Societal Implications

Pakistan House organized a one-day International Conference on 08th of December 2018 in Islamabad focusing on “UN Report on Human Rights Violations in Indian Occupied Kashmir: Demographic Changes and Societal Implications” and a Joint National Conference in collaboration with Mirpur University of Science and Technology (MUST), on the same topic on 9th of January 2019 in MUST, Mirpur, Azad Jammu and Kashmir.

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Conference on Pakistan Geo-Strategic Requirements: Strategic Alliances or Partnerships

On 05th September 2018, Pakistan House organized a one-day International Conference in Islamabad on the subject of “Pakistan Geo-Strategic Requirements: Strategic Alliances or Partnerships“.

Ms Sana Maqbool, News Anchor at PTV World, was the Master of the Ceremony.

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Conference on Kashmir: An Unfinished Agenda of Partition

On 7th May 2018, Pakistan House organised a one-day international conference in Islamabad on the subject of “Kashmir: An Unfinished Agenda of Partition”.

Ms Sana Maqbool, News Anchor at PTV World, was the Master of the Ceremony.

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