Combating Inactive Participation for National Growth: Unleashing the Potential of Youth20230609061455

Combating Inactive Participation for National Growth: Unleashing the Potential of Youth

A nation’s most vital and dynamic resource is its youth population. Young people’s active involvement is essential for national progress a...
Cyclones and Ensuring Safety Measures20230608122232

Cyclones and Ensuring Safety Measures

As PMD has issued alert of tropical cyclone forming near Karachi so ensuring safety measures timely are important. Cyclones, also known as hurricanes ...
AI and Security Breaches20230608112652

AI and Security Breaches

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful technology with the potential to transform various aspects of our lives. However, alongside its...
The Era Of Digital Diplomacy20230414182733

The Era Of Digital Diplomacy

In the modern age, diplomacy has undergone a significant transformation. With the advent of technology, diplomacy has been taken to a whole new level,...
Owing To The Sikh Separatist Group, Trade Negotiations Between India And Britain Have Halted20230414182043

Owing To The Sikh Separatist Group, Trade Negotiations Between India And Britain Have Halted

India has withdrawn from trade talks with Britain, claiming that Britain has failed to condemn the Sikh separatist group responsible for attacking the...
Food Security And Its Importance In Context Of Pakistan20230414181333

Food Security And Its Importance In Context Of Pakistan

Food security refers to the availability, accessibility, and affordability of food for all individuals in a given country or region. It is a critical ...
Turkey Towards European State’s Ratification Of Becoming NATO Members20230411065044

Turkey Towards European State’s Ratification Of Becoming NATO Members

Turkey and Hungary were the only states that had not yet confirmed the Nordic nations’ bids for membership in NATO, which needed the unanimous s...
“The Dangers Of Abandoned US Arms In Afghanistan: How They Have Fallen Into The Hands Of TTP”20230411063402

“The Dangers Of Abandoned US Arms In Afghanistan: How They Have Fallen Into The Hands Of TTP”

Radio Liberty’s most recent report claims that terrorists behind assaults within Pakistan have apparently received US weaponry that were left be...
Student Exchange Programs; Economy and Culture20230411062320

Student Exchange Programs; Economy and Culture

Student exchange programs are not only beneficial for students in terms of educational and cultural experiences, but they also play a vital role in co...
How Artificial Intelligence Can Be Utilized In Diplomacy?20230411055709

How Artificial Intelligence Can Be Utilized In Diplomacy?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field that has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our society, including diplomacy. Dipl...