Rising Death Tolls In Turkey And Syria Due To Earthquake


41,000 dead in Turkey and Syria, as the UN calls for earthquake relief. As the United Nations made a $1 billion plea to confront a worsening humanitarian catastrophe, the dead toll from the earthquake that has ravaged sections of Turkey and Syria surpassed 41,000 on Friday. A 17-year-old girl and a lady in her 20s were rescued from the wreckage by Turkish rescuers eleven days after the earthquake, which is now one of the ten worst in the previous 100 years. Many people in the impacted areas are in a desperate situation as they attempt to pick up the pieces in frigid weather, without access to food, water, or toilets—raising the possibility of a double calamity brought on by illnesses. There is no time to waste because of the overwhelming demands and suffering of the people, according to the UN secretary-general. Now among the ten worst earthquakes in the previous 100 years, according to AFP

The United Nations made a $1 billion appeal on Friday as the dead toll from the earthquake that has ravaged areas of Turkey and Syria reached 41,000. Yet the likelihood of discovering survivors has virtually diminished. Authorities and medical personnel said that a total of 41,732 fatalities from the tremor on February 6 were confirmed, including 38,044 fatalities in Turkey and 3,688 in Syria. In one of the seismically active regions of the world, the quake struck when many people were sleeping in homes that were not designed to withstand such strong ground vibrations. Tayyip Erdogan, the president of Turkey, has vehemently denied claims that his administration made mistakes in handling the nation’s biggest natural disaster in modern times.

There are stories of disappointed dreams of rescue loved ones who slowly perished amid the debris for every amazing account of survival. Rescue efforts have been put on hold in certain locations by Turkey and the government of war-torn Syria in its held territory. Particularly grave conditions exist in the rebel-held northwest of Syria, where help is sluggish to reach the area that has been devastated by years of fighting.



Hamna Seyyed

Research Associate, Pakistan House

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