Outbreak Of Another Disease20230118111723

Outbreak Of Another Disease

After the COVID, followed by the dieseases caused by flood Pakistan is again facing an outbreak of a disease diphtheria. The dangerous bacterial strai...
Israel Palestine Conflict Or The Israel’s ‘’Illegal Occupation And Violence Against Palestinians’’?20230118083745

Israel Palestine Conflict Or The Israel’s ‘’Illegal Occupation And Violence Against Palestinians’’?

International law is crystal clear: annexation and territorial conquest are prohibited by the Charter of the United Nations. Since 1967, Israeli force...
Tougher Year Ahead?20230109084541

Tougher Year Ahead?

According to the chief of IMF, 2023 is going to be a tough one. He says 2023 to be tougher for global economy than 2022. The International Monetary Fu...
Global Warming Prevention As A New Year Resolution20230109083503

Global Warming Prevention As A New Year Resolution

Global warming prevention should be a New Year resolution for every country around the world. Global warming is one of the most pressing issues of our...
Global Economic Instability20230109081434

Global Economic Instability

Global economic instability refers to a situation where there are significant fluctuations or disruptions in the global economy, which can have negati...
Energy Crisis In Europe: Impact Of Russia-Ukraine Conflict20230109074207

Energy Crisis In Europe: Impact Of Russia-Ukraine Conflict

The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has had a significant impact on the energy crisis in Europe. The crisis has been caused by a combinati...
Uk, Italy And Japan’s Joint Venture On Fighter Jets: Global Combat Air Programme (GCAP)20221223105155

Uk, Italy And Japan’s Joint Venture On Fighter Jets: Global Combat Air Programme (GCAP)

Japan, Britain, and Italy said that they will work together to create a next-generation fighter jet, opening the door for potential future collaborati...
2023: Will The Inflation End20221223103425

2023: Will The Inflation End

As we all know that 2022 has been a period of instability and insecurity, It is an unfavorable combination that perfectly captures the state of the gl...
Hungary’s Rising Play On Russian Nuclear Energy20221223101536

Hungary’s Rising Play On Russian Nuclear Energy

Regardless of the Hungarian government’s unswerving obligation to the Paks 2 venture, in spite of the Russian obligation to supply the money and...
Disaster Management And Mitigation: Pakistan’s Floods As A Case Study20221208110013

Disaster Management And Mitigation: Pakistan’s Floods As A Case Study

To avoid disasters is not completely in our control, but their preparedness and addressing is. Disasters can be prevented and their effects on communi...