The inclusion of the African Union in the G20: A step towards a more inclusive and equitable global order20231001191519

The inclusion of the African Union in the G20: A step towards a more inclusive and equitable global order

The 18th, G20 summit was hosted by “Bharat”, known as India this year. The summit was held on the 9th and 10th of September in New Delhi. During the i...
The Great Reset20231001185834

The Great Reset

Ms Zarka KhanOctober 1, 20230 comments
The Great Reset The year 2020 marked the start of a new decade with an ever-growing advancement in technology and the rapid rise in industry, the worl...
The Thar Coal Power Project: Balancing Environmental Sustainability and National Security20230926193523

The Thar Coal Power Project: Balancing Environmental Sustainability and National Security

Pakistan’s Thar coalfields cover an area of 9100 square kilometers and contain over 175 billion tons of lignite. These reserves are amongst the larges...
How Armed Combat Affects Mental Health of Former Child Soldiers in Africa20230904225440

How Armed Combat Affects Mental Health of Former Child Soldiers in Africa

Children recruited into armed groups are subjected to physical and psychological trauma. They may witness violence, death, and other horrors. They may...
The Resilience Of North Korea In The Face Of Sanctions20230826191641

The Resilience Of North Korea In The Face Of Sanctions

North Korea is one of the most sanctioned countries in the world. The United Nations Security Council has imposed sanctions on North Korea since 2006 ...
The US-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade: A Threat to China’s Interests in the South China Sea20230822061918

The US-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade: A Threat to China’s Interests in the South China Sea

On June 1, 2023, the United States and Taiwan signed a new trade deal called the US-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade. The deal is the first agr...
Niger’s Uranium Deal With Russia: A Major Boost For Moscow’s Nuclear Power Ambitions20230816105439

Niger’s Uranium Deal With Russia: A Major Boost For Moscow’s Nuclear Power Ambitions

Niger and Russia came closer as a recent coup d’et’at vouched for an end to the neocolonialist ventures of France. France has actively par...