Pathway to Peace: Colombia Reaches Ceasefire Agreement with ELN Rebels20230616110057

Pathway to Peace: Colombia Reaches Ceasefire Agreement with ELN Rebels

After countless efforts, Colombia and the ELN rebels have finally signed a ceasefire agreement on 9th June, 2023. The ceasefire agreement calls for an...
Unveiling The Devastating Effects Of Wildfires; Canada Braces For Its Worst-Ever Wildfire Season20230609065345

Unveiling The Devastating Effects Of Wildfires; Canada Braces For Its Worst-Ever Wildfire Season

Officials in Canada have issued a warning, predicting that this summer would likely be the most catastrophic wildfire season in the history of the nat...
Cyclones and Ensuring Safety Measures20230608122232

Cyclones and Ensuring Safety Measures

As PMD has issued alert of tropical cyclone forming near Karachi so ensuring safety measures timely are important. Cyclones, also known as hurricanes ...
The Era Of Digital Diplomacy20230414182733

The Era Of Digital Diplomacy

In the modern age, diplomacy has undergone a significant transformation. With the advent of technology, diplomacy has been taken to a whole new level,...
Owing To The Sikh Separatist Group, Trade Negotiations Between India And Britain Have Halted20230414182043

Owing To The Sikh Separatist Group, Trade Negotiations Between India And Britain Have Halted

India has withdrawn from trade talks with Britain, claiming that Britain has failed to condemn the Sikh separatist group responsible for attacking the...
Climate Change: A Threat to Global Food Security20230414180148

Climate Change: A Threat to Global Food Security

Introduction Climate change poses a serious danger to the global food security, due to its direct and indirect effects on food availability and produc...
Turkey Towards European State’s Ratification Of Becoming NATO Members20230411065044

Turkey Towards European State’s Ratification Of Becoming NATO Members

Turkey and Hungary were the only states that had not yet confirmed the Nordic nations’ bids for membership in NATO, which needed the unanimous s...
“The Dangers Of Abandoned US Arms In Afghanistan: How They Have Fallen Into The Hands Of TTP”20230411063402

“The Dangers Of Abandoned US Arms In Afghanistan: How They Have Fallen Into The Hands Of TTP”

Radio Liberty’s most recent report claims that terrorists behind assaults within Pakistan have apparently received US weaponry that were left be...
China Warns of Consequences as Taiwan’s President Visits the United States20230411061246

China Warns of Consequences as Taiwan’s President Visits the United States

Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen set out on a 10-day trip to Central America on March 29, 2023, passing through the United States twice. Tsai’s visit ...
Violent Clashes Break Out At A Protest Over Water In France20230403085724

Violent Clashes Break Out At A Protest Over Water In France

On March 25, 2023, a demonstration against the creation of a new water reserve for agricultural irrigation in Sainte-Soline, central-western France, w...