The UN’s Reckless And Inefficient Record In Case Of Israel Palestine Conflict20221014112307

The UN’s Reckless And Inefficient Record In Case Of Israel Palestine Conflict

United Nations, in general, and its Security Council, in particular, lack the motivation and legitimacy to counter the Israeli- Palestinian crisis. Is...
SCO: Strengths For Pakistan20221013193523

SCO: Strengths For Pakistan

The SCO Charter strengthens regional peace and stability and regional ties in the economic, infrastructural, trade and cultural arenas, aligning neatl...
Intelligence And International Security20221013190905

Intelligence And International Security

Since, it is known that International Security is in one of the grand strategies of foreign policy of every state. The role of intelligence in the pol...
Disaster Management And Mitigation: A Case Of Pakistan’s Floods20221013185913

Disaster Management And Mitigation: A Case Of Pakistan’s Floods

To avoid disasters is not completely in our control, but their preparedness and addressing is. Disasters can be prevented and their effects on communi...
Sanctions On Iran Once Again; The Consequences Of Violation Of Women Rights20221005190405

Sanctions On Iran Once Again; The Consequences Of Violation Of Women Rights

In a statement Monday night, Biden said he was “deeply concerned by reports of escalating violent repression against peaceful protesters in Iran...
Social Contract Theories: An Analysis20221005185046

Social Contract Theories: An Analysis

These three philosophers Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau were the main thinkers of philosophy. They helped men evolve this social contract theory to what i...
Afghanistan and Ethnic Conflict20221005181638

Afghanistan and Ethnic Conflict

Afghanistan has different ethnic groups resulting in the major struggles between them, which lead towards violence, and hatred. Even to this day, Afgh...
International Body United Nations Emphasis On International Aid For Pakistanis Flood Victims20220928061731

International Body United Nations Emphasis On International Aid For Pakistanis Flood Victims

A number of UN human rights experts have encouraged nations to aid Pakistan after the country was struck by floods, referring to it as an “inter...
Japan Intends To Re-Open Mass Tourism20220928060504

Japan Intends To Re-Open Mass Tourism

In October, Japan will relax strict border controls related to the pandemic, allowing for mass tourism for the first time in 2.5 years. Japanese Prime...
Floods And Climate Induced Migration20220928055031

Floods And Climate Induced Migration

The geological record clearly demonstrates the fact that the climate has undergone great variation throughout the planet’s history. The process ...