Economic Loss Caused By Floods In Pakistan20220921072918

Economic Loss Caused By Floods In Pakistan

Presidents Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdoan’s relationship dynamic, preference, and mutual trust are a major foundation for Russian-Turkis...
Impacts of Russia-Ukraine Conflict on Turkey20220921072337

Impacts of Russia-Ukraine Conflict on Turkey

Presidents Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdoan’s relationship dynamic, preference, and mutual trust are a major foundation for Russian-Turkis...
The SCO 2022 Follow Up20220921070945

The SCO 2022 Follow Up

It is the first face-to-face meeting of the SCO Council of Heads of State since 2019 and comes in the shadow of the Russia-Ukraine war and rising tens...
Floods And Water-Borne Diseases In Pakistan20220913121610

Floods And Water-Borne Diseases In Pakistan

Water borne diseases do occur during the times of flood. People who got affected by the flood had already been traumatized by the flooding but now the...
Pakistan At The Worst Climate Crisis20220913120612

Pakistan At The Worst Climate Crisis

Floods are indeed the worst kind of climate crisis. One third of Pakistan and more than 33 million of population have been affected by the floods in P...
Pakistan-Qatar Relations: A Way Forward20220913105019

Pakistan-Qatar Relations: A Way Forward

Women from rural areas have almost no access to participation and expression they may not use them through social media either. Apart from this cultur...


Media is a communication channel. The media allows each individual to be represent themselves. Media is a platform used by everyone where they can fre...
Role Of Media In Israel-Palestine Conflict20220820102259

Role Of Media In Israel-Palestine Conflict

Israel’s assaults on Gaza has been increasing day by day. The situation there has been worsening even more since May 2021. Protests took place nationw...
Afghanistan Back To The Gloomy Days20220820095247

Afghanistan Back To The Gloomy Days

Afghanistan is undergoing a major shift backward as basic human rights are restricted there, despite the fact that the war is over and there is relati...
How To Strengthen Food Security In Rural Areas Of Pakistan?20220820090136

How To Strengthen Food Security In Rural Areas Of Pakistan?

Definition of food security as per the United Nations’ Committee on World Food Security is: ‘’All people, at all times, have physical, social, and eco...