The diplomatic relations between the United States and Mexico marks the 200th anniversary. Over the years, the two countries have experienced ups and downs in their relationship, apart from conflicts on issues like migration, trade and border confrontations, they have managed to develop strong cultural, political and economic ties. Considering the major obstacles, Mexico and the United States have worked together on important bilateral matters, such as supply chain flow and border management. Unlike Donald Trump, who frequently emphasized his ambitions to construct a border wall and threatened tariffs if Mexico did not make efforts to deter migrants from trying to cross. There are greater chances for economic integration and stronger political connections under the new Biden government.
President Biden’s Statement on Bicentennial Anniversary
The President Biden’s statement was released by White House on December 12, 2022 for the 200th anniversary of Mexico and United States diplomatic relations. It is said by the President “the United States and Mexico celebrate 200 years of bilateral relations. As the closest of neighbors and friends, we share a set of values that form the root of our strength. We share an enduring commitment to freedom, democracy, and rule of law. And we share a strong and deepening economic and security partnership that has made North America the most competitive and dynamic region in the world.” Additionally, he said “Over the course of our shared history, Mexico and the United States have demonstrated that we are stronger and safer when we stand together. Our futures are irrevocably connected. And today, as we embark on the next century of our partnership with mutual respect and commitment to our shared aspirations, we remember that nothing is beyond our reach if we continue to work together.”
Flashback of U.S. and Mexico Ties
The two countries have long-standing economic, cultural, and historical ties, but the bilateral relationship between the United States and Mexico is among the most complicated one. Mexico has a population of 110 million people and is the 15th largest economy in the world. Mexico is one of the main economic partners of the United States and a significant source of energy for the country, in addition to sharing a border with it that spans almost 2,000 miles. However, since 1830s, migration has remained the one of the major points of contention between the United States and Mexico.
Diplomatic Relations after Biden Administration
Building a stronger institutional foundation for the two-way partnership has been a priority for the Biden administration. Despite disagreements over topics including labour rights, the energy industry, climate change, and investor protections, collaboration between the U.S. and Mexican governments has increased in a variety of areas, including the economy, security, and migration. The beginning of 2021 saw a number of difficult problems between the Mexican and American governments on the economic front. The trade conflicts and the uncertainty in the energy sector appeared to result in a tense relationship between the two nations. However, the Biden Administration collaborated with its Mexican counterparts throughout the year to rebuild economic ties. The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) and the first North American Leaders Summit (NALS) in first in five years, both made headlines on both sides of the border. But during the first year of the Biden Administration, the High-Level Economic Dialogue (HLED) was revived, which has been considered a major accomplishment.
The Biden and Mexican administrations continue to encounter a number of difficulties as they manage the bilateral relationship after one year. Cross-border ties are on a trial because of number of complex issues including energy, the environment, investor relations, and the humane treatment of migrants. All of these topics are conflicting in both countries, but the Biden team has collaborated with its Mexican counterparts to design strategies and options that ties the two governments together and creates predictable patterns of interaction and areas for the discussion and negotiation on major conflicts. To improve the bilateral relations, there is need that both the countries make efforts to combat cross-border crime, improve law enforcement cooperation,, address human rights challenges, strengthen rule of law and implement the policies particularly for irregular immigration and border management in order to resolve major trans-boundary issues.

Research Associate, Pakistan House