The Elevating Role of SCO: Opportunities and Challenges for Pakistan20240326011450

The Elevating Role of SCO: Opportunities and Challenges for Pakistan

Introduction The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) has become a strategically important organization in the ever-changing world of international...
Climate Crisis: Impacts of Irregular Monsoon in Pakistan20240326005726

Climate Crisis: Impacts of Irregular Monsoon in Pakistan

Introduction Pakistan, which is ranked as the fifth most vulnerable country to climate change on the Global Climate Risk Index, has numerous pressing ...
Catastrophic Flooding in Gwadar20240313075359

Catastrophic Flooding in Gwadar

Ms Zarka KhanMarch 13, 20240 comments
The history of flooding in Gwadar, as for many coastal cities, intertwines closely with its geographical and climatic conditions. Gwadar, located on t...
Australia-ASEAN Summit and the South China Sea Dispute20240313062650

Australia-ASEAN Summit and the South China Sea Dispute

Introduction ASEAN-Australia Joint Maritime Cooperation On the first day of the summit, Australia’s Foreign Minister Penny Wong announced funding of 6...
Shell’s Nigeria20240305072937

Shell’s Nigeria

Ms Zarka KhanMarch 5, 20240 comments
On February 23, 2024, the European Union released its 13th package of sanctions against Russia, which amended and expanded existing targeted and trade...
European Union’s 13th Package of Sanctions against Russia20240304125605

European Union’s 13th Package of Sanctions against Russia

Introduction On February 23, 2024, the European Union released its 13th package of sanctions against Russia, which amended and expanded existing targe...
Amidst Regional Turmoil, Iran Unveils New Air Defense Systems20240226191046

Amidst Regional Turmoil, Iran Unveils New Air Defense Systems

Introduction On February 17th, 2024, amidst simmering tensions in the Middle East, Iran unveiled two new missile systems during a ceremony attended by...
Balancing Act of the U.S. Foreign Policy and Human Rights in the Israel-Palestine Conflict20240226185951

Balancing Act of the U.S. Foreign Policy and Human Rights in the Israel-Palestine Conflict

On the 20th of February, a resolution advocating for a ceasefire, supported by Algeria, was submitted for voting to the United Nations Security Counci...
Green Economies for Sustainable Development: A Pathway for Developing Countries20240220083513

Green Economies for Sustainable Development: A Pathway for Developing Countries

Introduction The call for a global shift towards a green economy has gained momentum in recent years, highlighting the unsustainable trajectory of our...
Africa’s weak states are being hit the hardest by climate change20240220073950

Africa’s weak states are being hit the hardest by climate change

The article talks about two ways that climate change has hurt Africa: (1) it has hurt countries that are already having problems like poverty and war;...