How Armed Combat Affects Mental Health of Former Child Soldiers in Africa20230904225440

How Armed Combat Affects Mental Health of Former Child Soldiers in Africa

Children recruited into armed groups are subjected to physical and psychological trauma. They may witness violence, death, and other horrors. They may...
BRICS Countries Unite for Sustainable Development20230904110648

BRICS Countries Unite for Sustainable Development

The BRICS countries including Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa have expanded their partnership for sustainable development. They are all ...
China’s New Map Sparks Concerns and Heightened Tensions among Neighboring Countries20230904094303

China’s New Map Sparks Concerns and Heightened Tensions among Neighboring Countries

Introduction China has recently unveiled an updated version of its territorial map, encompassing its disputed claims in various regions. The release t...
The Resilience Of North Korea In The Face Of Sanctions20230826191641

The Resilience Of North Korea In The Face Of Sanctions

North Korea is one of the most sanctioned countries in the world. The United Nations Security Council has imposed sanctions on North Korea since 2006 ...
BRICS and Its Prospects for the Future20230826185103

BRICS and Its Prospects for the Future

The acronym BRICS refers to a grouping of five major economies that are still in the process of developing. These countries are Brazil, Russia, India,...
The Persistent Threat of Racial Discrimination in the United States20230826183551

The Persistent Threat of Racial Discrimination in the United States

Introduction Racial discrimination has been a persistent issue in the United States throughout its history. While progress has been made in the fight ...
Taiwan to Receive $500 Million Arms Deal as U.S.-China Tensions Rise20230826182038

Taiwan to Receive $500 Million Arms Deal as U.S.-China Tensions Rise

The United States has announced that it will sell $500 million worth of military equipment to Taiwan, including F-16 Infrared Search and Track (IRST) ...
The US-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade: A Threat to China’s Interests in the South China Sea20230822061918

The US-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade: A Threat to China’s Interests in the South China Sea

On June 1, 2023, the United States and Taiwan signed a new trade deal called the US-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade. The deal is the first agr...
From National to Global: Evaluating the Implications of Cyber-security in the Interconnected World20230821121029

From National to Global: Evaluating the Implications of Cyber-security in the Interconnected World

Introduction As the world becomes increasingly interconnected through digital technologies, the incidence of cyber threats continues to rise. With eac...
Circular Economy in Pakistan: Promoting Resource Efficiency and Waste Reduction20230821102548

Circular Economy in Pakistan: Promoting Resource Efficiency and Waste Reduction

Introduction In recent years, the concept of a circular economy has emerged as a viable solution to address the resource depletion and waste generatio...